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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. A lot of rubbish written by a man with no what so ever understanding of how a democracy is functioning, fully in line with Mr Suthep. And a totally disregard and contempt for the 60 or so millions of voters sitting at home, people who have elected the present goverment in to office. We can all have conspiracy teories, but i think we should be careful to voice them so clearly. When the law is broken time and time again i think any elected government has the right under its constitution to defend itself, king and people. The people on the streets now and their leaders have by now broken all rules in the book, and have already given up their right in my opinion to be heard. And when i hear the proclamation of peoples committes to run the country, what comes to mind is Pol Pot, North Korea and the old Soviet Union, they all had and have people committes and we all know the result of that.

    First SENSIBLE post I have read in this thread of complete sickos who are supporting criminals that are nothing more than thugs that are breaking every law in the book.

    The only way to remove a LEGALLY elected government is to have elections but that know they cannot will just like the past several of them, so the only other way is to take control by force.

    I hope Suthep gets whats coming to him.

    • Like 2
  2. Strange, the Red Shirts loosing their taste for violence,something they

    always seem to be really good at.not getting paid enough?

    regards Worgeordie

    They didn't have to contend with a faction of society against them last time, so they could run rampant against the system with the full backing of their leader in exile.

    This time, it is clear that the people are against them, in much larger numbers than they can amass, such that a yellow streak has now appeared on the back of Jatuporn's red shirt.

    They can now all go back north with their tails between their legs, and the government can pack their bags and leave.

    This is the beginning of the end of the Thaksin regime.

    YOUR DREAMING rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

  3. Here is a video with a lot more credibility than half of the jumped up idiot red ass kisser BS on here at the moment.


    0.20 in the video man/woman or whatever it is... clearly heard shouting, get your red shirts off and put your black shirts on.

    approx 1.40 can clearly be heard saying they have guns, don't bother with it. Intimating to the red shirts.

    The video clearly starts with the red terrorists retreating to the safety of their police protectors towards the stadium, followed by students. Then shots are heard from the stadium end and the students flee back towards their end pursued by the gun wielding red maniacs.

    In my mind it is clear. These reds are being paid to do this, the police will in the end conclude that the shots were fired by students.... blah blah blah.

    Welcome to Thai visa

    great first post LOLcheesy.gif

  4. DK since the first reports were of 2 RU students assaulted by the reds, you may have things back asswards!

    Sadly the students did not stay by their stage and they retaliated against the attacks by the reds. If you have issues with my timeline read all the way through the Jatuporn thread. The rector of RU called for justice for the 2 students assaulted by the reds before the violence escalated by the students.

    Well I guess the rector of the RU should be the one held responsible for the person killed then since he incited the students to seek justice either way someone is dead because of all this BS and it wont be the last THATS FOR SURE

  5. RED SHIRTS WERE ON A BUS rolleyes.gif that was attacked by demonstrators

    sheesh you people are dumb as rocks

    And the day before it was a red mob pulling 3 people out of a pick up and giving them a flogging...

    What's your f***ing point numb nuts?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Now Now calm your noise down, didn't ya mommy tell you its not polite to swear

    probably not

  6. I copied the thread title for you , where does it say that the aniti government protesters are the violent ones ? There are pictures on the forum from red shirts carrying a load of weapons, haven't seen one from an opposition protester holding a weapon.

    Thai political protests turn violent, one dead

    Try watching the NEWS worldwide (BBC CNN) ALL REPORTING Anto government demonstrators ATTACK RED SHIRT BUS

    .....................because they ( the red shirts) assaulted a female student which was wearing a whistle around her neck.

    RED SHIRTS WERE ON A BUS rolleyes.gif that was attacked by demonstrators

    sheesh you people are dumb as rocks

  7. She wont order the army to open fire on unarmed civilians killing 90 of them that is why Abhisit is seeing the courtrooms nothing more.

    Really?? Do you think it might be because the protesters are not burning down the city and not occupying hospitals? You right, it might be hard to order to shoot at peaceful protesters . Though might be easier if say someone created some mess . Say-....... Gun shots, dead person

    PEACEFUL ? try reading the title of this thread and try to keep up they are not peaceful but she still wont be giving the order to open fire.

    Lol, sorry but the more you post the funnier it gets

    Many other gov supporters on here at least try to put up a decent argument , yours are just tragically funny

    Glad I am entertaining you

    I just feel pity and sorrow for you

  8. She wont order the army to open fire on unarmed civilians killing 90 of them that is why Abhisit is seeing the courtrooms nothing more.

    Really?? Do you think it might be because the protesters are not burning down the city and not occupying hospitals? You right, it might be hard to order to shoot at peaceful protesters . Though might be easier if say someone created some mess . Say-....... Gun shots, dead person

    PEACEFUL ? try reading the title of this thread and try to keep up they are not peaceful but she still wont be giving the order to open fire.

    I copied the thread title for you , where does it say that the aniti government protesters are the violent ones ? There are pictures on the forum from red shirts carrying a load of weapons, haven't seen one from an opposition protester holding a weapon.

    Thai political protests turn violent, one dead

    Try watching the NEWS worldwide (BBC CNN) ALL REPORTING Anto government demonstrators ATTACK RED SHIRT BUS

  9. YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

    figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


    Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

    Really? Obviously self defence? Pray tell how you know this?

    The report states the red shirts but was ATTACKED BY THE DEMONSTRATORS duhhhh that means if a red shirt on that bus was the shooter it was in self defense of course its all speculation right now since nobody knows exactly what happened.

    The truth is though the demonstrators have started TROUBLE AND GOT VIOLENT time to send the Army in with water cannons and tear Gas and deal with them as any other Government would.

    Why are the red shits bringing guns to peaceful demonstrations? :-)

    Nobody said it was a red shirt doing the shooting but it is VERY CLEAR who are now the violent ones which are the ant government demonstrators.

  10. She wont order the army to open fire on unarmed civilians killing 90 of them that is why Abhisit is seeing the courtrooms nothing more.

    Really?? Do you think it might be because the protesters are not burning down the city and not occupying hospitals? You right, it might be hard to order to shoot at peaceful protesters . Though might be easier if say someone created some mess . Say-....... Gun shots, dead person

    PEACEFUL ? try reading the title of this thread and try to keep up they are not peaceful but she still wont be giving the order to open fire.

  11. YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

    figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


    Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

    Lol, some one shot at red shirt camp and you instantly blame the opposition?

    May be it was the red shirts who shot opposition member, ever thought of that?

    I hope and looking forward to Yingluck being charged after army enters the city

    I guess you cant read too well can you

    I said IF it turns out to be a red shirt so I had considered it rolleyes.gif

    Why would she get charged she has been EXTREMLY PATIENT up to now allowing them to break the law THEY ARE NOW BECOMING VIOLENT and need to be stopped, I doubt she will goe as far as the yellows did by killing 90 people, she has way more sense than that.

    Lol, because if Abihist can be charged after putting up with city being held hostage for a month, she most certainly should be charged after 1 week wait

    She wont order the army to open fire on unarmed civilians killing 90 of them that is why Abhisit is seeing the courtrooms nothing more.

  12. The report states the red shirts but was ATTACKED BY THE DEMONSTRATORS duhhhh that means if a red shirt on that bus was the shooter it was in self defense of course its all speculation right now since nobody knows exactly what happened.

    The truth is though the demonstrators have started TROUBLE AND GOT VIOLENT time to send the Army in with water cannons and tear Gas and deal with them as any other Government would.

    What, if 1 of the 70,000+ red shirts happened to be on the bus and then return to shoot somebody hours later, it was self defence? Clutching at straws here aren't you?

    I think you are LOL

  13. YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

    figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


    Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

    Lol, some one shot at red shirt camp and you instantly blame the opposition?

    May be it was the red shirts who shot opposition member, ever thought of that?

    I hope and looking forward to Yingluck being charged after army enters the city

    I guess you cant read too well can you

    I said IF it turns out to be a red shirt so I had considered it rolleyes.gif

    Why would she get charged she has been EXTREMLY PATIENT up to now allowing them to break the law THEY ARE NOW BECOMING VIOLENT and need to be stopped, I doubt she will goe as far as the yellows did by killing 90 people, she has way more sense than that.


    Ya your post really said nothing except that you are a Thaksin fan and there was some shooting could have been done by either side.

    I find it amusing that such an obvious red shirt fan does not come right out and say poor misunderstood peace loving red shirt patriot devoted servant of Thaksin Shinawatra shot dead on order given by Suthep

    Starting to get a little unsure of your self.

    Im actually Neutral if truth be known

  14. YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

    figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


    Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

    Really? Obviously self defence? Pray tell how you know this?

    The report states the red shirts but was ATTACKED BY THE DEMONSTRATORS duhhhh that means if a red shirt on that bus was the shooter it was in self defense of course its all speculation right now since nobody knows exactly what happened.

    The truth is though the demonstrators have started TROUBLE AND GOT VIOLENT time to send the Army in with water cannons and tear Gas and deal with them as any other Government would.

    If its all speculation then, duhhh, nothing is obvious, especially when the red stormtroopers are involved.

    Try and engage your brain before posting smile.png THERE IS NO QUESTION the red shirts bus was ATTACKED BY THE PROTESTERS the red shirts were on a bus that was attacked therefore were the innocent party.

    What part of that dont you understand.

    • Like 2
  15. YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

    figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


    Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

    Shall we compare track records of the reds and yellows re: mindless violence, chucking buckets of human blood over buildings ( that was soooo gross ) inciting crowds to burn Bangkok, invading hospitals...... you feel ok with that?

    Just cant admit they are wrong can you


    Since those actions aN elEction was held where the people of Thailand VOTED and voted in the current government of which these people are trying to topple BECAUSE THEY CANNOT WIN THEIR OWN ELECTION what part of that don't you understand.

    The PEOPLE OF THAILAND want this Government which the election showed, and would show again should it go to another election.

    THAT IS THE THING you guys and the demonstrators just cant take LOL

    • Like 1
  16. YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

    figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


    Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

    Really? Obviously self defence? Pray tell how you know this?

    The report states the red shirts but was ATTACKED BY THE DEMONSTRATORS duhhhh that means if a red shirt on that bus was the shooter it was in self defense of course its all speculation right now since nobody knows exactly what happened.

    The truth is though the demonstrators have started TROUBLE AND GOT VIOLENT time to send the Army in with water cannons and tear Gas and deal with them as any other Government would.

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