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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. It is of course a status symbol here as in anywhere else in the world, used mostly by people from a previous poor background enforcing their rise of position by visual means.

    Real in-your-face show of wealth, or perceived wealth. You can almost relate it to the earlier rappers coming out of the ghettos in the States and the invention of bling..........wink.png

    Interesting question and responses. I tend to agree that those who feel they need to display wealth, are the ones who wear lots of Gold. Let's not forget also, that for many Thais it's effectively a savings account too, to be cashed in when times are hard.

    Recently my wife and I had a look at a few Gold shops in Bangkok. I wanted a Gold Chain to hang some lucky charms on. But............

    I could not find one long enough anywhere, that would be well out of sight when worn. i.e. In our own country I didn't want to look like a Chav, Bogan or whatever. They don't make them long enough to be out of sight :-)

    And second, I really wanted 18 ct Gold not 24. The 24 ct just looks too yellow and 'over the top'. Again, not available :-)

    It seems the only bling you can buy is for show. Looks like I'll buy a long 18 ct chain online :-)

    Your not looking hard enough I have a 22 inch chain and its perfect size and can be easily hidden wearing a shirt with collar they are out there you just have to look it was not hard to to find it but of course it cant be a 1baht or 2baht chain cos it will be weak as shit and will break, (unless its really thin) also be sure to go for a solid linkage for strength because its soft gold if its hollow linkage,

    You ought to sell one of your chains and treat yourself to some punctuation mate. Sheesh that was hard work reading that! biggrin.png

    biggrin.png My punctuation does not seem to affect my income thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  2. Settle I was on a wind up, his pic has nothing to do with the OP, to be fair if it was me I'd not be best pleased my pic was posted unless of course you or the guy who posted it is him.

    I never posted it and yeah I would not be happy having a picture of me posted without my permission which i thought was against TV rules because the guy who posted it aint him

  3. It is of course a status symbol here as in anywhere else in the world, used mostly by people from a previous poor background enforcing their rise of position by visual means.

    Real in-your-face show of wealth, or perceived wealth. You can almost relate it to the earlier rappers coming out of the ghettos in the States and the invention of bling..........wink.png

    Interesting question and responses. I tend to agree that those who feel they need to display wealth, are the ones who wear lots of Gold. Let's not forget also, that for many Thais it's effectively a savings account too, to be cashed in when times are hard.

    Recently my wife and I had a look at a few Gold shops in Bangkok. I wanted a Gold Chain to hang some lucky charms on. But............

    I could not find one long enough anywhere, that would be well out of sight when worn. i.e. In our own country I didn't want to look like a Chav, Bogan or whatever. They don't make them long enough to be out of sight :-)

    And second, I really wanted 18 ct Gold not 24. The 24 ct just looks too yellow and 'over the top'. Again, not available :-)

    It seems the only bling you can buy is for show. Looks like I'll buy a long 18 ct chain online :-)

    Your not looking hard enough I have a 22 inch chain and its perfect size and can be easily hidden wearing a shirt with collar they are out there you just have to look it was not hard to to find it but of course it cant be a 1baht or 2baht chain cos it will be weak as shit and will break, (unless its really thin) also be sure to go for a solid linkage for strength because its soft gold if its hollow linkage,

  4. Thai chavs, the poorer they are the more gold they wear.

    Haha at 20,000 for 1 baht of Gold at the moment your post kinda makes you look a little silly LOL so if they are wearing 100 baht of Gold just like the Chav farang in this thread they are poor LOL. I think there might be a little jelously there chappie

    The guy in the picture has 4 kilos of Gold in his collection and is a multi millionaire (you do the math, and anyone who can wear that kind of money aint broke neither are the thais that wear it, its a sign of wealth and face just like those driving Mercs etc even hi so thais wear lots of jewelry, only thing is they wear farang jewelry which is worth less than the 96% stuff that the low so's wear.

    the only people saying what you are saying is those that cant afford to wear it LOL

    In reality its a form of security for some of the villagers and that is where they keep the majority of their wealth (they wear it) it can instantly be cashed in and many in the provinces prefer it to banks.

    To think that everyone that wears gold is a chav is a bit ignorant I know many thais that are minted and wear lots of gold and i know some that only have what they are wearing.

    ITS THAI and most thais DONT LOOK DOWN on someone wearing lots of gold they look up to them

    Now come on the guy in the picture has a chain and bracelet bought from the Sunday market "2 for a pearl diver" his spinner has more real gold than him

    LOL just goes to show you dont know who the guy is very well known in Pattaya and has several chains that weigh a total of 4 kilos, now I dont care either way but at least know what you are talking about.

  5. I too have recently divorced from a very bad girl named Vee Vee from just outside Udon Thani.

    When we met I thought she was the perfect girl, but over time I discovered the drug and alcohol abuse and of course the thai bf's.

    Anyhow following an argument over me supporting her family, she left our home and filed for divorce.

    I already had a good lawyer, but I went to Court expecting the worst, as all my mates had told me she would get "everything" and I would be stupid to fight her in court.

    Well the surprise was was solely for her, the Judge was extremely fair to me, would not listen to her Thai ways arguments,nor her family witnesses.

    The Judge explained Thai Law to me, especially the 50/50 split situation,I told the Judge that I welcomed my day in court to vindicate myself. The Judge explained to both of us any appeal process, and the likely time frame, any appeals could take at least 10 years to complete.

    In front of the Judge, I told him that I would not accept a 50/50 split as I had done nothing to cause the divorce. If you cannot reach an agreement for Divorce in Thailand, then you need a reason to divorce in court, such as adultery or serious bodily harm.

    All through the process the Judge agreed with me on every count, he told me numerous times the "he knew all about Thai bargirls ".

    The Judge told me he was not allowing her claim for divorce, nor would he rule for her to get a 50/50 split of our assets, he told her in no uncertain terms to reach a settlement with me.

    Both of us were sent to another judge to broker a settlement, that Judge told her if she did not agree to a settlement she would get nothing from the marriage.

    Anyway the bottom line is the Judge forced a settlement in my favour, I got the house, land and car, I have to pay a smalll settlement to her, nothing like the value of our assets.

    I suppose my story line is that the farlang can win, I had a good Thai Lawyer who did not cost me much and a Thai Judge who told me he had 180 cases just like mine to rule upon of Thai bargirls trying to rip off farlangs.

    In Udon Thani, it seems it has become an "urban myth" amongst bargirls as to how to cheat farlangs, by building homes on "her land" and then she mortgages the house and land or sells the property. They always think they own everything.

    Lastly, you may all wonder about what happens to the land my house is built on, the Judge in all his wisdom put a clause in the settlement stating that the land remains in her name, but upon my selling the house (and land), she must sign the land over to the new Thai owner, a very wise man!!!

    So depending on the situation you will get at least 50%, or if it is another scam, then standing up for your rights will get you a better deal.

    For her the bottom line is she will get nothing from the marriage and has returned to her bargirl profession, making her money in the worlds oldest "trade".

    Well done, she was a bargirl and low class girl from the esaan, "easy" case, it will not be same story with a well educated girl from an upper class, believe my experience...

    In a case like that you will still get 50% that is the law

    • Like 2
  6. I live in the muak lek area saraburee province.Maybe she will get the lot, but she also has a lot of debt from the farm,That's not a big problem i am just wandering about the visa situation and living in the same house.We have no children to-gether so i can not do anything that way i.e leaving everything to the kid's.It is me that want's the divorce.

    Once you get a divorce mate if you are on an extension of stay based on marriage to a thai you will need to leave Thailand and redo your visa since you are no longer married to a thai and the extension will be voided (I think you have 7 days to leave once divorce is final although not sure) if you jsut have an O visa then its good until it expires.

    If the farm has tons of debt then its really up to you if its worth fighting for it than just leaving it to her as your part of the debt and just move on.

    As for still living with her after you are divorced,blink.png now that is a bit whacky, and I would advise moving on and finding your own place.

  7. And you believe them blink.png

    My thought on it is lets get to the next step by getting to the point of having Nuclear Energy once we have that we are a BIG STEP CLOSER to developing a Nuclear Weapon or at least way ahead than they are now, once they have it they can just refuse to let inspectors but now the enrichment process is not too difficult to bring it up to weapons grade according to a Nuclear experts.

    World War 3 is coming and best not give them any advantage

    • Like 2
  8. Just in the Process now and since mine was damaged it cant just go to Hong Kong first it has to be sent to Bangkok then onto Hong Kong who then sends it to London who then sends it back to me

    What s stupid fkin system and EXPENSIVE.

    • Like 1
  9. My passport got washed not really bad but bad enough not to be able to travel on it so had to order a new one the old one does not expire for till 2021 I just got a new Multiple O 1 year Visa which is not damaged at all although the other pages some of the ink stamps are washed out either way I had to get a new one.

    Most of you here are talking about a retirement visa or an extension visa so my question is I have an O VISA from Savahanett (just got it) do still go to Immigration once I have my new passport and have them transfer it ??? since the visa is not expiring for a year nor is my old passport although it will be obsolete once I get my new one.

    I was under the impression I just use the old passport for visa and new passport fro travelling a sort of combo thing


  10. It's free. Same desk as 90 day reporting.

    Do you have to do it or can you just enter with your old passport with the visa in it ????

    Im in the same position but thought they did not transfer O visas anymore you just use the old passport am I mistaken ???

  11. The Cobra still gets style points

    So the Banded Krait looks like this? Good info to have. Run like hell !!


    During the Vietnam war we referred to it as the 'Two-Stepper'. A bit of an exaggeration of course but implied after getting bit you will die after taking two steps.

    The Banded Krait is active at NIGHT and very aggressive, however in daytime it is very docile which explains why the guy above can handle them

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