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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. I cant see the bubble bursting

    over the past few years CM has grown tremendously and continues to grow and now with the Chinese coming in droves do you guys really think the bubble will pop.

    When I was searching late last year there were already TONS of bank forclosures that we saw that were reasonable prices but needed renovating but bare land was 12k almost everywhere we called or enquired, there are some places that are 10K near me now, but we all know thais never reduce their prices so I am unsure if there is going to be a bubble when CM looks like it is growing steadily.

    It makes no difference to me cos Im not selling anyways but I still question if there is a going to be a bubble

  2. There are still some around. One Australian guy comes to mind. I think Rob of SK is involved with one of the branches of Foreign Police as well. You could ask him.

    The Australian guy`s name that I knew was, Laurie. Nice bloke, used to run a guesthouse. But that was yonks ago and haven`t seen him for many years.

    Laurie is part of the new Foreign Police

    Thanks for that.

    Old Laurie is still at it. He must have served at least 10 years by now. He has to be about 60 now.

    He looks exactly the same and yes been around for ever and a real nice guy with it.

  3. There are still some around. One Australian guy comes to mind. I think Rob of SK is involved with one of the branches of Foreign Police as well. You could ask him.

    The Australian guy`s name that I knew was, Laurie. Nice bloke, used to run a guesthouse. But that was yonks ago and haven`t seen him for many years.

    That's the guy I'm thinking of. He is still around.

    I somehow doubt it, if it`s the same guy I`m thinking of. Was he about 5 10 tall, thin build, dark hair around 50ish?

    Sometime ago they changed the rules that the voluntary farang police had a serve a minimum of 20 hours per week duty, then after that many dropped out or lost interest, didn`t want to take on that commitment.

    Its the same Laurie he owns a guesthouse near walking street and was in the TPD for many years and moved over to the foreign police so it is definately the same guy you are reffering.

    With regards to the TPD Voluntary police its a much longer story than that and thats not the reason it fell apart but I cant be bothered to type out the whole thing that happened and why its no longer operating but that its not it.

  4. Why do they need to wear a uniform to 'help out'?

    I guess to show people they are part of the police and there to help and yes there are also undercover guys who dont wear uniforms both farang and many thai and you would never know they were cops looking at them

    Yes, that`s true.

    Many of the farang so-called police these days are used as snitches and even the regular Thai police hate their guts. I heard that a couple of them are involved with the music license farces that have been hitting the town in the last couple of years.

    There are a few that can speak fluent Thai on the police books that are used as translators, called in if and when their services are required.

    I have not heard of ANY farang undercover being involved in the music scam if I did I would out them cos that BS

    the ones I know are drugs and looking for pedophiles and connected to UK police and follow up on any UK criminals that may be In CM

    the thais are mainly drug undercover guys

  5. There are still some around. One Australian guy comes to mind. I think Rob of SK is involved with one of the branches of Foreign Police as well. You could ask him.

    The Australian guy`s name that I knew was, Laurie. Nice bloke, used to run a guesthouse. But that was yonks ago and haven`t seen him for many years.

    Laurie is part of the new Foreign Police

  6. Why do they need to wear a uniform to 'help out'?

    I guess to show people they are part of the police and there to help and yes there are also undercover guys who dont wear uniforms both farang and many thai and you would never know they were cops looking at them

  7. They are defunct and now called the Foreign Police and can be found in the Station at the bottom of walking street where they are set up with their own desks and area in the MAIN police station.

    They now wear a brown uniform with Foreign Police on it its a new unit that is much more involved in Police activities and missions.

  8. Haha lots of cynical peeps here while you cannot buy a house legally in Thailand you can buy one for your LONG TERM partner and protect yourself 100% its just takes a bit of research but I personally know many guys here that live happily in their houses with their wives and kids without even an iota of fear they will be homeless any time soon or lose their home even if they were to split up.

    99% of the posters here have no clue and are just spouting regurgitated crap and it just takes a little proper research to show you can control a property 100%

    You can not control property 100% legally unless you invest 30-40 million THB and have the Chanote in your name. Besides the OP as I understand it does not have "a long-term partner".

    You are incorrect I understand what you are saying, but using an insfruct gives you 100% control of the property for as long as that agreement is in place which can be from anywhere from 10 years to your lifetime and for your information my name IS ON THE CHANOTE smile.png

    There are legal things that are determined if or if you are not married etc but I wont go into that for anyone that is truly interested they can research it themselves

    PS yeah I could never spell that dam_n word correct

    I understand what you are saying and I am not trying to pick an argument with you. I think your name is on the back of the Chanote but that is besides the point.

    All I am saying is that people who are new here, don't have long-term Thai friends, and who believe what a lawyer tells them are setting themselves up for a disaster. There have been countless cases of properties which have been fraudulently sold behind the backs of others with forged signatures, only photocopies in lieu of original documents, help from a lawyers friend at the Land Office, etc., etc., etc.


    I just edited my last post to say similar to you unless you have lived here A LONG TIME it is not recommended you purchase a house with a partner you need to ensure you are in a solid relationship and even then should NEVER EVER spend your lifes savings on a house in thailand when basically its not yours legally once you purchase.

    If you are in a good relationship then this is not an issue and I purchased my house from another farang whose wife happily signed everything over and passed the signnificant funds over to her husband upon completion of the sale.

    There are many couples just like that but it certainly is a minefield for those that are Green to thailand and may not have a sincere partner who may only be looking for a quick payday.

    Caveat Emptor

    • Like 1
  9. Haha lots of cynical peeps here while you cannot buy a house legally in Thailand you can buy one for your LONG TERM partner and protect yourself 100% its just takes a bit of research but I personally know many guys here that live happily in their houses with their wives and kids without even an iota of fear they will be homeless any time soon or lose their home even if they were to split up.

    99% of the posters here have no clue and are just spouting regurgitated crap and it just takes a little proper research to show you can control a property 100%

    You can not control property 100% legally unless you invest 30-40 million THB and have the Chanote in your name. Besides the OP as I understand it does not have "a long-term partner".

    I understand what you are saying, but using an usufruct gives you 100% control of the property for as long as that agreement is in place which can be from anywhere from 30 years to your lifetime and my name IS ON THE CHANOT of my home smile.png

    You of course cannot sell the property since it would belong to your partner/wife but it is clear to them that if they split with you they do not immediatley get the house and they would be the one that has to leave since you are the one with legal right to occupance.

    If you have spent your life saving on a house (not recommended) you are not the one that needs to leave, so it might remove the chance that your partner is in it for the money and

    There are legal things that are determined if or if you are not married etc but I wont go into that for anyone that is truly interested they can research it themselves

    Nobody should buy a house in Thailand unless you are in a solid relationship I purchased just last year after being with my wife for more than 7 years renting and we have a solid relationship with multiple kids so for me the house is for them and I wrote the money off either way.

    PS yeah I could never spell that dam_n word correct

    • Like 2
  10. I saw a VIP cavalcade last night, figured it was a pollie. Perhaps not...He

    Heck when Rambo finished filming Stallone took over Foxy Lady for the night. You should of seen the security on

    Soi 1/Thaphae rd. Un real..

    Yep I was at Foxy :) great night free drinks and almost got thrown out LOL had to prove I was actually invited since I was not part of the crew LOL

  11. You create your own job

    With the internet these days there IS SO MANY WAYS to make a serious income online, but you have to learn its like anything else it takes time and money to learn a new trade and most are not prepared to take the action and commitment required.

    I did it took me 12 months of learning and educating myself but now its money on tap.

    • Like 1
  12. We live in a small village and its a community in fact one family seems to own most of the propertys in the village and everyone looks out for everyone. I dont have any bars and it would be easy to break in but if that happened we would have an armed response within seconds which is the head of the village who is also government and he lives right next door we get on great not only with him but everyone in the village.

    We are part of the community and treated as such.

  13. WAKE UP PEOPLE Duhhhhh there is also MASSIVE GAMBLING in this country already I was absolutely astonished to find out there were more than 100 Gambling dens in the area I live and even more so when I found out the top cop got nothing from it since his allottment was the chicken and bull fights

    Its already RAMPANT here so who cares if they open legal ones at least the poor sods have an option to play in a casino that is legal.

  14. "Outside the rainforest hotel on soi 5 beware of the karaoke bar across the street".

    I would have thought that anyone who has been on this forum as long as you have, would give anything with the name karaoke bar a very wide berth. Maybe you don't believe all the other horror stories?

    Hahaha.... I am not from this area so I was on my way home and wanted one last beer. This place was near my hotel and looked friendly enough. I know to avoid these places but perhaps the beer was doing my thinking. I did ask prior to going in how much the beer, lady drink and room cost was to avoid any later problems.... I thought ... Hahaha. I think I was in there for about 45 minutes, two beers 300 baht and two lady drinks 400 and room 200 my figure based on what i was told. Ended up they said I was there for over an hour, bull sh-t, my drinks ok and lady drinks ok but then they said hostess drinks were 3 at 250b each ... <deleted> what were they talking about... The lady who came to bring us a drink and two other ladies who stopped in for a second I guess .... I never said yes to any drinks or even knew anything about. They wanted 1850 baht. I let they know they were a bunch of wanke_rs and dropped the money on the floor and walked out.... I was a little pissed but my own fault for thinking that there was even a chance of not getting ripped off. Liars every last one of them .... Gives a bad reflection on the entire country as the government lets it happen... Same like the jetski scams. Low life's !

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Did they stop you from leaving? I would be interested in what may happen if you simply walked out (covert exit) of these joints when overcharged. I guess the police could be called, but I can't imagine them having the time for these types of things.

    Nope they dont call the cops they take you over to a vacant lot and beat the living shit out of you as happened to a farang not so long ago who was seen by a tuk tuk driver and taken to hospital.

    Once you get the bill there will be a bunch of them waiting to see if you have a problem.

  15. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MAD as an Englishman who was married to a dutch lady for many years I have attended many Sinterclaus in Holland and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING RACIST ABOUT THIS AT ALL in any way shape or form it has always been my understanding after asking about Piet that they are black because they come down the chimney and are black because of the soot but even if that was not the case I still have never ever seen it portrayed as racist only thousands of kids smiling faces as they see sinterclaus .and his helpers appear by boat or whatever other means he arrives by.

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