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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Can anyone please shed some light on what the BBC says in its final paragraph of this article?

    But a more likely scenario would be a fresh general election - and the governing party, which has won the last five, would probably win again, our correspondent adds.

    Is the BBC saying if there was a new general election the governing party would get back in again?

    I don't understand where they say they won the last five?


    Maybe not 5 but YES they will win again CONVINCINGLY

    • Like 1
  2. Did you register for the card at Hang Dong Hospital ??? ie do the test and pay the money and get the card from there ??

    yes and in the afternoon they have a farang to help you thro the paperwork etc when I did mine it took just over 1 hours remember 2 photo and copy of your main page of passport /house book and copy of thai ID card

    Thai ID card ??? you mean the wifes ??? I don't have a Thai ID card nor would any other foreigner

    Also if I dont have a housebook (the wife has one) anything else I need ot take like copy of visa


  3. This is not a "Ghandi" like protest, these are the same thugs who took over the airport a few years ago sad.png They have already taken over government buildings, assulted foreign journalists who tried to report on their actions, and are in the process of taking control of the Thai television network. Ms. Shinawatra has been very patient with these hooligans thus far, with the feeling that if you give a rabid dog enough rope they will eventually hang themself, and Mr. Suthep is currently wrapping that rope around his neck. These infantile yellow shirt radicals have been allowed the right to assemble and protest for 2 days now and they have finally crossed the line like we all knew they would, it is now time to end this situation before Thailand gets another black eye like the airport debaclewai.gif

    VERY WELL SAID clap2.gif

    • Like 1
  4. Welll, if majority want the government out, do you not think it is democratic for people to take control? Government offices do not belong to Shinawatra family, it belongs to the people.

    So even assuming this government was democratically elected, it would seem it is now democratically removed.

    The Majority DONT WANT THEM OUT

    If you want to remove a government then the normal procedure it to have an election but just like last time when the yellows cant get their own way and win an election BY VOTES they just try to overthrow a legally ELECTED government by force. AGAIN

    Both parties buy votes by bribing people for their votes so that argument dont wash, the reds won and should be allowed to serve their term until the next election, then the yellows can try to win, BUT WE ALL KNOW they will never win which is why they are trying to take it by FORCE AGAIN.

    We all know? Who are you referring to?

    If majority do not support it, why are they silent?

    You keep on using big words, without any merit

    And you keep talking out ya Butt

    • Like 1
  5. Funny how the figure get twisted and lied about to suit the slant, only 90,000 anti-government last night and only 30,000 protesters marched today, whereas there were 50,000 pro-government out last night.

    Looking at the TV last night easy to see far more than 90,000 anti-government at the rally and the only shot I saw of the pro-government at the stadium appeared - not to put too finer point on it, next to no one.

    No more talk... action speaks louder than words. It's long overdue to take the country back.

    ILLEGALLY AGAIN so you are supporting removal of a legally elected government

    The people spoke and the only way to legally remove a governmnet is to have a vote but we all know the exact same thing will happen again which is why the elite want to do it illegally yet again

    • Like 1
  6. Well Yesterday was the first day that BITCOIN did more dollar volume than PAYPAL. if that does not wake people up then nothing will.

    admittingly one of those bitcoin transactions was for 145 Million dollars which of course you could never do on paypal (without government interferance) which is why paypal and all others will be left behind as Bitcoin takes over and allows people to transfer their money peer to peer for basically free of transaction fees

    And also free of bank security and they can only spend those bitcoins without transaction fees if they are purchasing things not priced in "fiat". And if your argument is that one day Amazon will start accepting Bitcoin all the governments of the world have to do is make that illegal which they would obviously do. So its ceiling is that of a black market currency.

    What should it be worth? Basically impossible to theorize as it is just supply and demand and it will trade very very heavily on momentum. That is why you have seen it lose 90% a couple of times and then come roaring back.

    Well my friend BAIDU which is China's version of Amazon has already started to accept Bitcoin and as for Governments banning it that based on last weeks US senate panel hearing on Bitcoin did not indicate it would even consider banning digital currency, in fact it was a very positive hearing where the Governement agencies saw the value in the digital currencies. They agreed no regulation would be immediately implemented but they would keep on monitoring bitcoin but overall it was very very positive coming out of Washington.

  7. quote name="DiamondKing" post="7074961" timestamp="1385272483"]

    All these issues will be obsolete in the next few years as digital currency gains ground specifically Bitcoin.

    No longer will you be held hostage by banks an not being able to transfer YOUR OWN MONEY freely and without hinderance and with tiny fees or even fee free.

    The digital currency BITCOIN is growing in popularity and this past week US senate hearings on regulation were heard and it was all positive in addition to that you can now buy subway sandwiches. coffee, airline tickets, book hotels, buy a condo in the Trump Tower in NY and even a ticket to space with Richard Bransons spaceship.

    There are also new bitcoin ATM's that are just being distributed and TOS terminals to make it easier for merchants to accept bitcoin, all you will need s your smart phone and you willbe able to do the hell what you want and transfer it anywhere in the world without any government telling you you cannot transfer your OWN MONEY.

    Some of the worlds most susccessful business men are believers and the price of a bitcoin has gone from just $13 in january 2013 to $783.00 which is todays price.

    Many Millionaires made just from the speculation of Bitcoin since its very volatile until it becomes more popular adn mainstream but all indications are that it will do just that.

    There are many UNEDUCATED people that post complete BS on bitcoin in threads and they know absolutely nothing about it but still post complete crap so I suggest you do yor own research on Bitcoin and if you are smart you will see the potential of this and where it is going, which is to the moon. (1 bitcoin is expected to go to $1000 a coin, $3500 a coin to $30,000 a coin and then up from there to expected $700,000 to 1 Million a coin as it becomes mainstream.

    Its already started

    From 13 usd to 783 usd, no wonder there are many believers as they are the ones making the serious money from it.

    I could be wrong and this could be the way ahead, but it sounds like a bubble that's going to burst. I doubt there are many people that have more than a small fraction of their assets in bitcoin.

    Well no smart person would have all their eggs in one basket

    As for the future there is a very slight chance it could turn to shit but NOTHING INDICATES THAT RIGHT NOW, in fact it is the opposite and estimates are that that $753 today will be worth $3000 then $30,000 then $700,000 then A Million PER COIN as the mainstream catches on.

    Do your research and you will see why the early gamblers will clean up with this just like domains names way back when. I personally know guys that were not wealthy at all just a few months ago and today they are Millionaires because of Bitcoin and there will be many more Millionaires to come.

    BILLIONAIRE Richard Branson is an investor and he gave Bitcoin his nod of approval yesterday and another BILLIONAIRE Donald Trump will allow you to buy a condo in his Trump Towers in NY with Bitcoin.

    Should make you start thinking about it when you consider these are very smart businessmen and investors.

    • Like 1
  8. All these issues will be obsolete in the next few years as digital currency gains ground specifically Bitcoin.

    No longer will you be held hostage by banks an not being able to transfer YOUR OWN MONEY freely and without hinderance and with tiny fees or even fee free.

    The digital currency BITCOIN is growing in popularity and this past week US senate hearings on regulation were heard and it was all positive in addition to that you can now buy subway sandwiches. coffee, airline tickets, book hotels, buy a condo in the Trump Tower in NY and even a ticket to space with Richard Bransons spaceship.

    There are also new bitcoin ATM's that are just being distributed and TOS terminals to make it easier for merchants to accept bitcoin, all you will need s your smart phone and you willbe able to do the hell what you want and transfer it anywhere in the world without any government telling you you cannot transfer your OWN MONEY.

    Some of the worlds most susccessful business men are believers and the price of a bitcoin has gone from just $13 in january 2013 to $783.00 which is todays price.

    Many Millionaires made just from the speculation of Bitcoin since its very volatile until it becomes more popular adn mainstream but all indications are that it will do just that.

    There are many UNEDUCATED people that post complete BS on bitcoin in threads and they know absolutely nothing about it but still post complete crap so I suggest you do yor own research on Bitcoin and if you are smart you will see the potential of this and where it is going, which is to the moon. (1 bitcoin is expected to go to $1000 a coin, $3500 a coin to $30,000 a coin and then up from there to expected $700,000 to 1 Million a coin as it becomes mainstream.

    Its already started

    Not according to many financial commentators. Just another bubble that will burst . Any currency is just a promise to pay.Usually the Government of whatever country issues the currency. Who promises to pay for Bitcoins? Some anonymous non entity on the internet? Good luck...keep buying them...someone will end up rich!!

    TYPICAL uneducated comment by someone that has no clue what they are talking about. :)

    time will tell then you or I can come back and say I told you so.

  9. Well Yesterday was the first day that BITCOIN did more dollar volume than PAYPAL. if that does not wake people up then nothing will.

    admittingly one of those bitcoin transactions was for 145 Million dollars which of course you could never do on paypal (without government interferance) which is why paypal and all others will be left behind as Bitcoin takes over and allows people to transfer their money peer to peer for basically free of transaction fees

  10. All these issues will be obsolete in the next few years as digital currency gains ground specifically Bitcoin.

    No longer will you be held hostage by banks an not being able to transfer YOUR OWN MONEY freely and without hinderance and with tiny fees or even fee free.

    The digital currency BITCOIN is growing in popularity and this past week US senate hearings on regulation were heard and it was all positive in addition to that you can now buy subway sandwiches. coffee, airline tickets, book hotels, buy a condo in the Trump Tower in NY and even a ticket to space with Richard Bransons spaceship.

    There are also new bitcoin ATM's that are just being distributed and TOS terminals to make it easier for merchants to accept bitcoin, all you will need s your smart phone and you willbe able to do the hell what you want and transfer it anywhere in the world without any government telling you you cannot transfer your OWN MONEY.

    Some of the worlds most susccessful business men are believers and the price of a bitcoin has gone from just $13 in january 2013 to $783.00 which is todays price.

    Many Millionaires made just from the speculation of Bitcoin since its very volatile until it becomes more popular adn mainstream but all indications are that it will do just that.

    There are many UNEDUCATED people that post complete BS on bitcoin in threads and they know absolutely nothing about it but still post complete crap so I suggest you do yor own research on Bitcoin and if you are smart you will see the potential of this and where it is going, which is to the moon. (1 bitcoin is expected to go to $1000 a coin, $3500 a coin to $30,000 a coin and then up from there to expected $700,000 to 1 Million a coin as it becomes mainstream.

    Its already started

    • Like 1
  11. This is all wrong trust me. They have had my passport and 60k bail now for 6 months. The police is the one holding it all. You are getting wrong information somewhere. Here is how it works:

    1) The Plaintiff files a complaint with the police

    2) The police do an investigation on your history etc. to see if you have any similar charges etc.

    3) If they feel the case should go to court, the police present the case to the prosicutor

    4) The prosecutor reads it and decides if it should go to court or not.

    5) The prosecutor makes his decission then sends it to the Board of Prosecutors along with his advice

    6) If the board agrees with the main prosecutor that it should be dismised then they dismiss the case and do not allow it into court.

    7) The prosecutor then makes a letter saying all charges are dropped and sends it to City Hall to be signed.

    8) They order the police to give back your bail and passport (if it was taken)

    Now the only way they can take your passport is if you were given a "Promise to appear" at the police station and you did not show up. Then they would arrest you, bail and keep your passport.

    It is a very long drawn out process here so better if you can just pay 10,000 baht to the police and/or Plaintiff and have it dropped now. In my case the Plaintiff wanted 100,000 baht so I said NO WAY.

    My case never even made it to court and the prosecutor had dropped all charges 2 months ago but then the Plaintif (in my case a foreigner) appealed it and they get only 1 appeal so now I'm hoping I get everything back on Dec. 4th.

    This has been going on for almost 3 years now but this last time I was re-arrested as the foreigner re-charged me and I was arrested in June so this last time has been 6 months and has cost me a total of 6,000,000 baht in lost wages, lawyers, bail etc.

    PS: This all started in 2011 with a "defamation" charge when I replied to a rude German man trying to talk my down when I had a comuter for sale in the internet. I swore at him and told him to $%^& off and he has been trying to ruin my life ever since. Emails are private and a defamation charge is a public defame so even though I am not wrong, the legal system in Thailand is NOT a good one so PAY NOW if you can and move ahead

    Sorry Gone, but i do not buy it even a tiny bit.

    No police or courts would accept a case of libel or defamation because of an email, unless you somehow made that email public through facebook or something like that.

    If you dont beleive it then thats UP TO YOU

    His case is real and a nightmare I have read about it several times

    • Like 1
  12. A Bitcoin will be worth $500 USD after the next Cyprus.

    As I said, "a lot of hype but not too much in the way of facts".

    Love reading all these know all know nothing posters LOL

    Bitcoin is now at $853.00 USD per Bitcoin and some of the smartest and biggest names in business accept it such as Donald Trump if you would like to buy a condo in Trump Towers NY or Richard Branson if you want to buy a ticket to space plus even Subway is now starting to accept it as is a college out of Cyprus where you can pay your tuition fees with Bitcoin.

    ATM's are now being distributed and POS systems installed in Merchants shops so you can pay with your smart phone.

    Digital Currency is here and congrats to those of us who have some because $855.00 per bitcoin is peanuts to where this is going.

    All those uninformed posters that are talking out of their asses why not take a few hours and research it and then you will see that this is an excellent time to get in ESPECIALLY when on moday the US senate hearings on Bitcoin were very positive and the outlook from the government is very promising.

    I personally know Bitcoin Millionaires who just a few months ago were no wealthy and now they are Millionaires in just a few months, in May Bitcoin was $13 it has been as high as $900 per coin you do the math.

    Bitcoin I project will hit $1000 per coin before Christmas and from there its just going to go from strength to Strengh as more and more people start buying it and merchants and business's accepting it.

    Dont put your life savings in it but if you have some spare coin to invest on a very volatile investment I suggest you do it because even at todays price of over $800 its still a good buy for where it is predicted to be in a few years.

    • Like 1
  13. NeverSure:

    I also simply can't get a clue as to why the value is skyrocketing. Is

    it all speculation, or is there really that much demand for money

    laundering and drugs and other illicit things, and are people like

    Cypriots really wanting it for savings?

    the skyrocketing value without the slightest tangible basis should

    be reason enough to create a strong caveat. add to this the possibility

    of "mining" bitcoins and the gadgets sold for this purpose.

    but then... a fool and his money bitcoins tongue.png

    Naam you just dont understand it which is why you are making uninformed statements.

    The senate hearings which were held in Washington this past monday was very positive for bitcoin and other digital currencies, the government were open to bitcoins and are working with the Bitcoin foundation to regulate certain parts of it to make all parties happy.

    You mention a fool and his money biggrin.png and that made me smile because Richard Branson A BILLIONAIRE just announced he will accept bitcoins for tickets to space, Another Billionaire Donald Trump now allows you to buy a condo in New York at the Trump Towers, Subway have just started accepting Bitcoin (certain stores) A Cypriot college has just announced you can pay your tuition with Bitcoins.

    Bitcoin ATM machines are now available and just starting to be distributed and POS systems which you will use your smartphone to make purchases using your bitcoins.

    If someone cannot see where this is going you must be blind, now I admit its still a big risk but the potential return is MASSIVE and I already know Bitcoin Millionares (unfortunately not me yet but I do have a healthy bitcoin account) and just a few short months ago they were just like you and me but they saw the vision and invested very early.

    Its still not too late currently its $855 per coin but there are reports out there estimating a bitcoin being valued at $700,000 to a Million Dollars per coin (google it)

    Im in for the long haul and enjoy roller coasters

    These are all signs that Bitcoin is growingin popularity and almost everyone has a smart phone and this is will be the future of payments just as you use your debit cards now.

  14. = 8.71% spread = cheesy.gif

    Still laughing are you LOL I think we bitcoin holders are the ones laughing now whistling.gif all the way to the bank

    Current Bitcoin price $855 per coin

    Lots of Millionaire bitcoiners in the past few months if you have not bought yet get in now while you can afford it, next market $3500 per coin then $10,000 then $30,000 and will continue to grow in value as it becomes more popular

    You can now buy a Subway with bitcoins to a coffee to air tickets and hotel and everything inbetween right up to a ticket to space from Richard Branson

    The smart ones already have money invested in bitcoin but it is a wild ride biggrin.png

  15. They are NUTS had 2 slowly strolling across the road staring at something so I blew my horn since they were in the ,middle of a busy road


    NOTHING did not even look up just continued at their snail pace, there will be lots of deaths when they ignore the warning of a horn

    They should not be allowed on the roads

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