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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. I dont mind assisting her to get it set up just pm me

    For ease of use and to ensure it don't cost them a fortune in changes I would probably go with a worrdpress site so she can pass it over and he can make changes himself.


  2. Good gawd - I didn't realize it would be so complicated? I've been out all day and haven't had a chance to thoroughly read all the notes, but I will tomorrow. Thanks you guys - this is great, but as I said, complicated for me to comprehend so will take some time to digest.


    HI PG

    Its actually a very simple process although the terminology will be new to you but it is a simple process here is a simple step by step

    1.) Think of a good domain name that is what the name of the site will be such as www.MyNewSite.com

    2.) Go to Hosting and click sign up which will take you to a page where you can check if your chosen name is available do a check and if it is continue with the sign up if its not available choose another name.

    3.) Once you have your domain name and are set up for hosting you are ready for the next step which is actually designing and developing the website. The simplest process for this since you dont know much about it is to put your ideas in an email or post it and then contact a web design firm to develop it all you have to do is give them an idea of what you want to include in the site and they will make it happen. the min you would want is

    1.) Homepage

    2.) Who we are

    2.) Contact us

    Thats basically the steps you need to do.

    Hope it helps


  3. Nandachart Pre-School and Grade School is probably the worst place to send a child. None of the Native English Speaking staff have university degrees or any other training at the Hang Dong campus and very few of the Thai teachers are qualified either. They accept children with special needs, such as autism and ADD, and then place them in a class with the other students. There is no curriculum in place. No real lessons are taught; simply occupying the children is the main focus. The management doesn't seem to have any knowledge about running the school except to gather fees. Every few weeks or so, they try to come up with a new methodology to teach the children but little thought and no expertize goes into it. Trial and error seem to be their approach. The lunches provided are sub-standard and contain MSG to reduce costs. Children are allowed to run amok as there is absolutely no discipline or rules of conduct at the school. Many students are allowed to wander the campus unsupervised rather than attend classes. Some of the Thai kindergarten teachers have been known to victimize some of the children, even as young as two years old. The turn around of staff is in the order of six per semester. Need I go on? I wouldn't send my children there if you paid me (any amount).

    May I ask how you know all this also the fact that you accuse the teachers of victimization I would think are along the lines of lieblous statement

    Are you a disgruntled employee ??

    The reason I say that is my daughter along with another friends son both attend this pre school and both of us are in agreement the kids LOVE IT there I have personally met the teachers whom the kids seem to really like and were excited to see them, does not seem an action of a child that is being victimized.

    My daughter who is almost 3 I have noticed many positive things since she has attended that school and the first school she went to she hated and did not want to go, now she is excited to go to school.

    Your description is far from the truth coming from actual parents who have children enrolled there and who are very happy with the school.

    I will be sure to alert the school to your libelous accusations about victimization of 2 year olds .


  4. $5,95 not expensive ? Agree it's not much money, but with the much rewarded http://one.com you get the full package and even more for only $1,45 per month and over the full year the difference is big enough..

    I believe the $5.95 is for multiple websites?

    Your exactly right I UNLIMITED DOMAIN HOSTING I have 6 websites and 35 domains all hosted for $5.95 a month which i think is a kick ass deal


    Interesting and will check it out, thanks. ;)

    (35 domains ? i dont believe it, do you mean subdomains ?)

    NO I mean I have 35 domain names listed with them and 6 of them are active live sites each with a seperate domain hosted under one hosting account for $5.95 Hostmonster.com

    For example not my sites just as an example



    each domain is unique etc

    They are however attached to the main account name, but if I want to develop the other 29 sites i dont have to pay for additional hosting Its covered in my hosting fee of $5.95 a month


  5. $5,95 not expensive ? Agree it's not much money, but with the much rewarded http://one.com you get the full package and even more for only $1,45 per month and over the full year the difference is big enough..

    I believe the $5.95 is for multiple websites?

    Your exactly right I UNLIMITED DOMAIN HOSTING I have 6 websites and 35 domains all hosted for $5.95 a month which i think is a kick ass deal


  6. Anytime you want to have a business website you should NOT go with free hosting it does not give a good impression to visitors and when hosting is so inexpensive theres no reason.

    I use www.Hostmonster.com and have more than 35 website urls I have been with these guys for a very long time and only have good things to say they are also very inexpensive and and you can host as many sites as you want using the same hosting account and all it costs is $5.95 per month you also get your first website address Free included when you sign up.

    My suggestion to you is to sign up with Hostmonster and choose an appropiate name make sure if you can its relevant to his business and is easy to remember if you not sure post what his business is about here and we can make some suggestions.

    The if all you want is a simple website you could set up a Word press site which is very easy and could be done for you for a few dollars that way he can grow his website as he needs.

    If you want it set up it will normally be charged by the number of pages in the website so you will need to think about that

    Please feel free to om me as I can put you in touch with my developer in India and they do very good work and very inexpensive.



    $5,95 not expensive ? Agree it's not much money, but with the much rewarded http://one.com you get the full package and even more for only $1,45 per month and over the full year the difference is big enough..

    they are a bit deceiving in there marketing here is what the real cost is for the smallest account the $1.45 once they tack everything on

    The domain tredfgt.com is available

    Web Space Small - 12 months USD 17.40 Annual domain fee (.com) USD 13.80 Setup fee USD 13.80

    Total excl. VAT. USD 45.00

    So its just a different way of marketing as hostmonster throws the domain in for free where as one you have to pay Hostmonster has no set up fee where as one does ultimately by using one you save a few dollars but my reccmoendation was from years of being a happy customer with Hostmonster I have never used one so could not reccomend it and to save a few bucks i would rather pay a little and stay with a company that has provided me excellent service.


  7. Anytime you want to have a business website you should NOT go with free hosting it does not give a good impression to visitors and when hosting is so inexpensive theres no reason.

    I use www.Hostmonster.com and have more than 35 website urls I have been with these guys for a very long time and only have good things to say they are also very inexpensive and and you can host as many sites as you want using the same hosting account and all it costs is $5.95 per month you also get your first website address Free included when you sign up.

    My suggestion to you is to sign up with Hostmonster and choose an appropiate name make sure if you can its relevant to his business and is easy to remember if you not sure post what his business is about here and we can make some suggestions.

    The if all you want is a simple website you could set up a Word press site which is very easy and could be done for you for a few dollars that way he can grow his website as he needs.

    If you want it set up it will normally be charged by the number of pages in the website so you will need to think about that

    Please feel free to om me as I can put you in touch with my developer in India and they do very good work and very inexpensive.



  8. "It's clear that the bombers are Red Shirt people," Defence Minister General Prawit Wongsuwon told AFP.

    And how on earth does he come to that conclusion? very irresponsible statement, when its far to early to to know exactly what happened, it could of easily been a gas explosion but until an investigation is conducted he really should be proffessional in his position and refrain from making inaccurate statements until the proper information is made available to him.


    How do you know that proper information hasn't been made available to him?


    Its does not take a rocket scientist to realize that a few days is not long enough to conduct a proper investigation and determine the exact cause of a building being blown up not even the FBI could conduct an investigation that fast .

    His comment was pure speculation and irresponsible


  9. They have promised the check within 2 months. I am not holding my breath!

    Sir why did you give them the box and dish back prior to receiving your deposit ? the deposit was for safe return of the box and dish and they would not of given you those items without you giving them the money upfront, so why do they expect you not to do the same.

    I am also thinking of giving it up however I will advise them to call me when my deposit is ready and at that time they can have the equipment back .


  10. Obviously we can never know what really happened however as there are reports out there that the dane threw the first punch, if so then surely its not murder, also the fact that the report states he was also attacked and robbed would negate any earlier attack as the possible blow that killed this chap.

    Also why would both the English guys be arrested if one was the original victim who was hit first.

    Very scatty story with unreliable fact and just goads speculation.


  11. I think that site will do very well when it opens in Thailand a site where you can rent a friend and she adds what price she wants per hour its the perfect site, looks legit on the outside but we all know what we will be renting


  12. "It's clear that the bombers are Red Shirt people," Defence Minister General Prawit Wongsuwon told AFP.

    And how on earth does he come to that conclusion? very irresponsible statement, when its far to early to to know exactly what happened, it could of easily been a gas explosion but until an investigation is conducted he really should be proffessional in his position and refrain from making inaccurate statements until the proper information is made available to him.


  13. Yes its Mai Sai

    A crisp $10.00 US note is required but have heard they now want the 500baht but I would take both and offer the $10 first.

    Simple easy visa run can be over in less than 15 minutes just check out of Thailand walk over the bridge check in with Mayanmar they take your passport off you and give you a entry permit if you want to go into Tachilek if you are going to go right back just tell them and they will stamp your passport and you can walk right back to Thailand.


  14. Hmmm Annabel

    Well this is Thailand and its does not surprise me the lack of help you received today.

    It is true than the majority of Diamonds are imported into Thailand and this is because they imported in there rough state and are cut and Polished in Bangkok and then sold on to jewelers across Thailand and Abroad.

    As for no one certifying a Diamond in a setting I would say that is fairly accurate as most stones would need to be loose to give a proper valuation and estimate, however I was a little taken aback that they send their stones to CMU for classification and this is again in my opinion simply because of the cost of getting them certificates from a recognized agency such as GIA (Gemological Institute of America) or AIGS Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences) both located in Bangkok.

    So it sounds like the certificate they issue is basically something they come up with themselves and really does not help the purchaser as you have to take their word for it.

    As for testing the metal, this is really a simple process that most any decent jeweler can conduct and would have a chemical test kits and a simple test would easily determine the metal content.

    I may just get a test kit for any future requests as it is so simple.

    Thailand is a great place to buy a Diamond at a great price (with the right help) but for selling not so good, especially if you are trying to get retail price or close to it.

    Good luck with selling


  15. I would like to see the tough gentleman visit the bar in this clip:

    I am sure a lot of people have seen this video before.

    Please reserve the ICU at a hospital in your area.

    Typical Cowardly SUCKER PUNCH and typical of a Thai to do that and then just like he did leg it. seen it too many times


  16. I have purchased a few Cubans from the Old Bell but it was quite a while ago not sure if they still offer them, there is also a place in Shangri la hotel


  17. Your sh!ttin me.

    Aren't you a tough guy then.

    What a nobbish thing to post.

    PM me , I'll discus it with you in real life.


    Most SMART PEOPLE usually avoid thai confrontation not because they are pussies as you say, but usually because it ends up with multiple thais joining in and beating the living shiite out of you.


    Oh really, I was the only Farang in the Soi, and nothing happened to me.

    Try it in a bar area or a busy area not in a little quiet soi where everyone considers you a nutter.

    You sound like a real tough guy and I'm just a pussy :jap: so I will bow out at this point cause your scaring me

    have a nice evening.


  18. Your sh!ttin me.

    Aren't you a tough guy then.

    What a nobbish thing to post.

    PM me , I'll discus it with you in real life.


    Most SMART PEOPLE usually avoid thai confrontation not because they are pussies as you say, but usually because it ends up with multiple thais joining in and beating the living shiit out of you, and it don't matter how tough you think you are you will lose with a gang of thais beating on ya.

    Seen it too many times even thai on thai, thai on farang it turns into a free for all when all thais join in and some poor sod gets to visit the hospital.


    • Like 1
  19. a lot of thai drivers pay little attention to traffic lights, asking them to stop at Pedestrian Crossings could be a big ask !

    In Chiang Mai we have Pedestrian crossings and i would never trust them I have seen people almost get killed several times where the car on the inside stops but the pedestrian cant see the second lane and if its a tourist from the Uk lets say they know cars have to stop in the UK so mosie across not really concentrating only to have a car or tuk tuk whiz past almost killing them.

    I have seen this happen several times thankfully no one was hit yet.


  20. The original story is here: Man posed as Ferrari-driving playboy to get son back from runaway wife

    Sean, 43, who runs a decorating firm, met Kim while on holiday with a pal.

    He says: The last thing I was looking for was love.

    But he fell for Kim, 30, after she approached him in a bar and offered to show himaround.

    After two weeks we were {inseparable, he says.

    Sean who had been divorced for 10 years flew home a week later but could notstop thinking about her.

    A month later he went back to see his beautiful Thai girlfriend and proposed after three weeks.

    They wed on New Years Day 2006 in a Buddhist ceremony then came to England to start their life together.

    Pretty well sums it up. Just another of the same old, same old.

    And not a single word from the mothers side. Very typical Mirror reporting.

    White man comes to Thailand, get laid, falls in love/lust, takes woman back home away from family, friends, relatives and wants he to live in a foreign country. Very Cave Manish.

    Looks like another case of money talking to get the locla police to do what they are not empowered to do and there is nothing here to substantiate any claims the kid was abused.

    Just lots of emotive accusations without a single shred of proof of anything apart from the mother fleeing her husband for whatever reasons. Certainly no balance to this story.

    Not sure that is a very fair assumption Sir as most Thai ladies I have met and many of my friends ladies wish to move to England or America and while I can understand this, just the fact that the tight knit familly life in thailand indicates that most would quickly become unhappy and long to return home.

    In the case on money talking, the truth of the situation is she was living in the UK legally we presume with a UK born child and therefore, unlike in Thailand where the law is flounted at every turn, in the UK you actually have to follow the law, instead of just leaving she should of sought help in the UK, lets face it it is heavily in favor of women where splits are concerned, additionally getting divorced she would of got custody and support for her and her child if she wanted it, however she decided to skip the country with her child which broke the law in the UK and in many cases especially in the USA they refer to this as Kidnapping which the penalty is many years in jail.

    He followed the letter of the law and went to a High court and was given an order of custody for a UK citizen his son.

    It is unfortunate for the child as I am sure he loves his Mom just as much as he loves his Dad but i do believe that the child is better of with his father in this case as it seems the mother was already working on finding another farang and lets face with we know the child would of remained in the village with grandparents while she would be off on her next adventure and while that is understandable if the father is a deadbeat and does not provide support it is not acceptable when there is a loving father out there that wants to provide a better life and take care of his son but is not allowed to because his son was taken from him.


    • Like 2
  21. Hi Annabel

    Let me start by clearing up the Platinum white gold question, Platinum and White Gold are 2 different metals, I believe that the use of the word Platinum is misleading since the content of Platinum in a white gold ring is normally very small if any at all.

    Platinum used to be up to 5-6 times more valuable than gold however with the high price of gold these days it is only a couple of hundred dollars difference at this time.

    Many people assume white gold is mined WHITE, however Gold is Gold and all other gold colors are produced by mixing Gold with other metals to produce different colors of Gold, the latest craze is PURPLE Gold which has recently been invented by a Singaporian. White gold is produced by mixing different metals with natural Gold like copper, silver, Palladium, platinum, Nickel and zinc . Generally Copper and Silver are the most popular to make white gold.

    In general white gold is not more expensive than yellow gold, value is simply the weight of the percentage of real gold in the mixture ie 14/24, 18/24, 22/24

    The first and obvious way of having an indication of the metal is the stamp if it is Platinum it will be stamped PT950 or PT850 or PT if it has no stamp the next way for an indication is the scratch test. If your ring is easily scratched then it is white gold (be sure to scratch in a place not visable) if it does not scratch it is most likely platinum. Another more risky way is the heat test. (I am not saying to do this) Carefully heat the ring until its red hot, then let it cool and you will be able tell by the way it looks what metal it is. If it is dirty and dark then it is White Gold (the dirt easily cleans off) if however it is still bright and shiny then it is Platinum.

    The Best way to tell the difference is by a chemical test or an electronic tester which a jeweler can do.


    The truth is when buying a Diamond it is very rarely an investment unless you are buying a truly rare Diamond in the Millions of dollars. Diamonds do not generally appreciate in value (unless it is very rare) although when someone is selling you a Diamond they play on the mistruth that it is indeed an investment that will grow over time and this is just not true.

    This may surprise people, but Diamonds are not rare the market is carefully controlled to only release enough Diamonds each year to carefully ensure that the market is not flooded hense keeping the value of Diamonds constant. The hoard of 99% of the worlds Diamonds and Diamond Mines are held by De Beers and their monopoly strictly controls the market and they only have 3 or so Auctions a year when they release Diamond lots to the market.

    There are of course RARE Diamonds but these are exactly that rare and cost Millions.

    When I meet with a couple or a Guy wanting to buy his intended a Diamond ring I tell him plain and straight this is NOT an investment it is an emotional RETAIL purchase only, I ask, what is your budget and encourage him to go shopping in the stores to look for a comparable ring and note the prices and stone quality I then work to find him the largest best value stone for his money and generally save him up to 30% to 50% off while providing him with a much larger stone, it really does not matter as long as the Diamond looks beautiful and there are no easy visable inclusions to the naked eye. Let’s face it have you EVER looked at your Diamond under a Loupe? I am sure you have not

    Your diamond looks beautiful and shiny to the naked eye etc, but under a loupe it has a chip and also a crack in it, if you look at your estimate you will see it says it has a slight feather this is a term used by the industry to refer to a crack, it also says it has a slight cloud, what that means is you have a few crystals close together that can’t be seen through.

    As you can see it really does not matter to the Lay person because I am sure your ring looks great in reality but within the industry all those indicate the real value of the Diamond.

    With regards to your second ring it is very difficult to say as you have made this yourself with lots of different Diamonds collected over time, the 2 which came from the old ring I was able to comment since you had some information on the stones on your original appraisal.

    What I can say to you is those 2 diamonds add up to .35 points and go toward the total carat weight of the ring with 13 additional stones even if those are only .10 points each stone that is still a 1.45 Ct ring, again to the lay person this sounds great a 1.5 carat Diamond ring but the reality is a 1 carat single stone is worth many times more than 10 x .10 carat stones.

    Without being able to see the ring first hand and measure each diamond and study it under a loupe it is hard for me to comment on it.

    As you can see the Diamond business is a very complex industry and the best thing to do when planning to buy a Diamond ring is to do a little research and then find someone who knows the industry and is prepared to educate you and get you the best Diamond for your money.

    As for it being an investment, not true unless you have a few million to spend for a truly rare stone.


  22. Cannock Chase is not Cannock.

    The town used to be a real dump.

    RAF Cannock was an induction camp for new intakes (a boot camp) and all the old boots used to congregate outside the gates every evening.

    I served there, went back in the 1990's for a construction job and the place was more dowdy and run down than I remembered it from the late 50's.

    You may be correct Sir


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