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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Anybody can sue you for what ever they want, it doesn't mean they're going to win, far from it

    But if you help them by pleading guilty ...

    I've friends who have been sued for the most frivolous reasons, refused any settlement, and won at the end.

    But I've never heard about people suing back for frivolous lawsuit. I'm curious to know if it ever happen and what was the result

    Im not being sued its a criminal case.

  2. Update:

    Had another summons come thru to go to the Police station today which I did and was duly told the bar girl has the right to press charges and thats what is going to happen and I was asked what I wish to plead now I know what some of you are going to say, but the truth is i did call her a bitch so I said I confess to calling her that and they said great you can go to court tommorow and face the judge.

    It came out when doing it that I reffered to her as a Protitute which I immediately said I did not call her a protitute I called her a F Bitch so then for the next 40 minutes we discussed what that meant they had printed out a GOOGLE translation which apparently F bitch mean Prostitute and that is what they have to go by, I still persisted it does not mean that so they called a few english people and one came to the station and told them in english it s not a big deal really and means nothing more than reffering to a girl that is not a nice person and that may be causing trouble.

    Anyway cut a long silly story short I confessed signed a Statement that i am guilty got arrested had my finger prints taken and I appear in court tommorow at 9am I guess for sentencing which is up to 1 year in Prison and up to a 20,000 baht fine

    I asked if I could write my own statement and get it translated into thai and they said fine but I ran out of time today so I have my half page statement but could not get it translated in time so if anyone out there can write thai would appreciate it if you could translate into thai about a half page statement at least the judge will know the real deal then as when the translater translated she said when you were in the restaurant :blink: I said NOT restaurant I was in a Beer Bar so who knows what the statement said..

  3. Might be a mistake, but it also depends on your nationality. Some nationalities get 30 days when entering at a land border because they have a mutual agreement with Thailand.

    If it is a mistake, best is to have it corrected. Despite being it a mistake from immigration, they can fine you for overstay if you stay longer than 15 days.

    Im from the UK

    Just wondering if anyone else has got a 30 day but since no replies I will make a trip to CM immigration and check with them if its a mistake or not.

  4. Went to Mai Sai for a 15 days stamp the other day as I am leaving to renew visa soon and I was expecting a 15 day stamp however I got a stamp by the looks of it for 30 days I went on the 13th so the stamp should of been for depature on 27th of March however I got a stamp what looks like the 11th April or the 1st April either way its not 15 days

    Anyone else getting 30 day stamps from Mai Sai or other offices.


  5. I can’t name the Bar as that really might then become defamation LOL but I will update this thread as and when anything happens hopefully it will fade away but this girl looked pretty determined and was really adamant that she was not accepting apologies.

    I found 2 cases similar and one was the Burrowes case which he was fined 500 baht for saying the exact same thing except his was a bit worse based on the statements of his comment to a female immigration officer, the other was an old thread where a guy pleaded guilty again and paid a 1000 baht fine, apparently he worked in Thailand had a thai wife 2 small children and on his next trip out of the country he was told he could never return to Thailand because of the criminal prosecution, that a tough pill to swallow.

    Let’s see how this plays out hopefully it will blow over but she was demanding a copy of my passport in the police station which she was told she had no right to (she said for her lawyer)she did not like that either and eventually stormed out.

    Lets See

  6. I suggest you engage brain before attitude next time. You are lucky that you did not utter that kind of language to more intolerant locals with a shorter fuse. Calling someone a bitch is not going to win you any friends in Thailand even if it's acceptable at home. They already put up with a lot of rude and disrespectful farangs; don't add yourself to the blacklist. Just because you spend money in Thailand does not mean you are entitled to behave like a jerk. When in dispute with the locals, try to be diplomatic. Being aggressive is not going to help your situation. On the contrary, it might lead to more serious consequences. It never ceases to amaze me how some people simply don't know how to behave in a foreign country.

    I guess you would of just paid the 5000 baht to be polite while she was slinging insults at you

    Your right though next time I will keep my mouth shut but stil wont pay 5000 baht for a broken glass

  7. Do not lay any counter charges against the bar girl and save yourself a truck full of cash in lawyers fees. The lawyer is looking for an earner playing on your fears.

    As I said; offer to pay for the glass, say nothing, admit to nothing, do not make any signed statements, except that you accidentaly broke a glass. And make sure you understand anything fully whatever you sign.

    That`s my advice for what it`s worth.

    I was trying to find similar cases and came across the Simon Burrowes case where he swore at Immigration officials using the F word and once he got to court he got fined 500 baht so I guess you do go to court for calling someone names and get fined and after reading his case it almost seem the correct thing to do is just admit it say sorry and pay the fine the court imposes rather than fight something that seems like it would be a way more costlier thing to do.


  8. It`s all a big bluff. They are playing on your fears.

    The nice policeman is probably her pimp or a relative.

    You actually put yourself on the hook by admitting that you swore at the bargirl. Your best defence is to not admit or say anything.

    I would just offer to pay for the broken glass and if they are not content with that, tell them to do they`re worst. Believe me this will never go to court.

    My first thought was the bar is owned or co owned by a BiB.

    If they come up with '' witnesses '' that you were throwing chairs around then a problem. ;)

    Nope no chairs were thrown LOL and she bought the whole bargirls with her to the Police station must of been 10 of them there as her witnesses that I called her a name the glass really is not the problem she is more pissed that I called her a bitch

  9. It`s all a big bluff. They are playing on your fears.

    The nice policeman is probably her pimp or a relative.

    You actually put yourself on the hook by admitting that you swore at the bargirl. Your best defence is to not admit or say anything.

    I would like to add that if you haven't already made some kind of official statement then make no admission at all apart from breaking the glass.

    No have not put anything in writing as yet the lady lawyer there advised me to file charges against her for calling me a Kwai to even the score but have not done anything official as yet but I guess they will want a statement at some point.

    I cant really see it going far but who knows this is Thailand and strange things have happened LOL

    Have to say the Police and Lady Lawyer were on my side as they saw I apologized 3 times to her but she was having none of it and after she left they said she is not being reasonable, at no time was the cops asking me to pay anything she told the lawyer she wanted 15000 the lawyer told me I said no way for what a glass Im willing to pay for the glass but not 5000 or 15000.

  10. Firstly, there is no way the police would file criminal charges against anyone for calling someone a name, especially if not in the public domain.

    Second, if I had been the OP, I would have offered to pay 50 baht for the broken glass and denied calling the Bargirl a bitch or any other names.

    As one poster has already suggested, there probably more to this than the OP is letting on.

    Ok lets clear some things up

    1.) I offered to pay for the broken glass but anything less than 5000 baht was not accpetable to her which is why the argument ensued and got to the point of me calling her a name.after she was demanding 5000 baht for a 20 baht glass even the Lawyer today told her that was not a reasonable request.

    2.) I spent this afternoon in the Police station and the charges I am told are already filed by HER, (not the Police) I received a registered summons to the Police station and the meeting today was to try and clear it however my apologies were not accepted and she refused to withdraw the charge and it will now proceed to the next step whatever that is. I specifically asked what is it for and was told for calling her a F bitch and the lady lawyer that works at the Police station told me the charges are already laid and will now go forward to be processed since she did not accept my apolgies.

    3.) there is more to the story but nothing juicy or anything that I did other than I break a glass and then after her calling me a Kwai and demanding 5000 baht that is when I called her a Bitch nothing else to it although I realize it sounds strange LOL the whole thing is strange to me lol

    I also cant beleive that charges would be filed just for calling her a name but I was not imagining being in the Police station several time and being specifically told its for calling her a Bitch


  11. Well just a quick bit of advice to watch what you say to anyone here in Thailand as I am currently being charged with calling a Bargirl/owner a Bitch after I broke a glass and she demanded 5000 baht and called me a Kwai she filed a charge against me for calling her a Bitch and I could file a charge back for her calling me a Kwau but it all seems so petty, I apologized in the Police station 3 times but she was not having any of it and insited the police contnue with the charge and take it to court after I refused to pay 15000 baht 5000 for the glass and 10,000 for defamation or calling her a F Bitch

    All the police and even the lady thai lawyer said she was totally unreasonable in her insistment of pressing the charge even after I apologized so just be careful what you say even when being abused yourself best keep ya mouth shut. I guess now I just wait for the court date and see what happens anyone else had any similar experiences.

    Good job I have given up going to bars on a regular basis lol


  12. I am almost positive an airline wont let you take a cylinder on board as hand baggage but also may not even let you check it in unless the valve is removed completely as it is a high pressure cylinder best is put it on a bus from BKK ot CM

    Where you thinking of diving in CM ?? I know there are a few massive old Quarrys close to Cm deserted

    I was thinking of opening a dive school up here but not sure people would be interested in diving in Quarrys and Resevoirs or if there would be enough interest in classes to learn to dive.

    Might still be an idea as a hobby and part time pass time

    Might be a nice change from the clear waters of the South LOL

    How many divers we got in CM

    thats 2 of us


  13. I didn't realise things were so bad. Saw a lot of bleaching last year near Phi Phi, but nowhere near 90%. Unfortunately closing the parks to the public will more likely than not be an open invitation to illegal fishing boats to plunder the area. If there are no boats around to keep an eye open, that is what will happen. Corals are pretty resilient though so growth to current levels will probably take no more than 15-20 years for most species, though for some slow growing types it will be a lot longer. Very sad anyway.

    WOW thats a lot, but closling the parks and in any way blaming divers is typical thai and ridiculous the only thing closing will do is cause many business's to suffer massive additional loss of business.

    Years back in Belize we had the same problem water temepratures were very high and the corals were bleaching for those that dont know what that means its when live coral releases its algae as it starts to die due to the excessive warm water.

    The problem was solved by a natural occurance, that was Hurricance Mitch which cuased massive damage but cooled the seas down and the corals recovered ove the next year and were bigger an better than they ever were.

    Since Thailand does not have Hurricanes, not sure how nature will take care of this but it surely will in due course


  14. Hey JayJay

    I may be a newbie but I do know other things. To my way of thinking taz is suggesting that there can be ulterior motives.

    That was being honest. He does not say there is just that there can be. I appreciate his concern.

    I agree with you to a point JayJay however if you re read the thread he accuses both myself and Roger of more than that, of course yuo have to keep your guard up but there is a way of putting that froward without throwing around baseless accusations.

    I also get real suspicious when every thing is put forth in a sure fire can't fail format.

    Not sure where you have picked that up from Jayjay, please point out where in the thread anyone has said Sure fire cant fail ???

    I get real uneasy when some one sets them self in a position where they can say who can come and who can not come.

    It would be best for a group meeting to decide things like that.

    Well I understand that also and its a good point, I put this together with vacationman as a way of meeting like minded individuals however it has turned out to be a negative thing which I really dont have time for so I feel the best thing in my interest is for me to bow out at this point and focus my energys on positive things rather than being dragged into something which was supposed to be positive and freely giving of my time energy and resources.

    I am happy to direct and help anyone that contacts me via PM or email but at this point will bow out of this meeting and allow TA22 to take over and organize this and share his expert skills with everyone



  15. Ok one last time I dont have to do this but I will correct you on a few of your points

    Dk . we met before and i wanna say that if you had put your attention on your Dive which you hardly update in the 10 + years and also your knowledge of spider . can alreayd make you good income online .

    :DYes I did actually focus on my diving but ONLY for 16 years, where I built up a business with 3 dive shops a Hotel right on the beach in the Caribbean that I sold for well over $1 Million Dollars 5 years ago and then moved to Thailand so Im not really focusing on diving at the moment but thanks for the advice.

    You may of noticed however my site DOMINATES the search terms for its keywords and even without my interest is still one of the best ranked dive business sites for its country. (but of course I dont really know anything :D

    why are you going into this MLM style marketing which i had seen many people Lose friends and without success for many years

    I have no idea what you are talking about .as I am not involved with any MLM whatsoever

    there is really a niche market for spider lover already , and if yo had dedicate your time on a better build website with REAL SEO . you would had easily made at least a few hundred who know thousand . i believe you are a person who love diving . and is one knowledge that can be put to very good use .

    Again your about 21 years late with your advice for the divng as I am aout already for 5 years although Mysite still gives me a nice yearly income from commsions but your right on one thing I do need to update it for 2011 thanks for the reminder.

    As for the spider website you are reffering to, that was just a practice site that I built when I was learning to build websites but the Book I wrote about the same subject I am currently having it put on Amazon books and having it published

    alot of new diver out there is looking for diving info . and you are sure one person who can write very well and think fast .

    Well thank you for that one compliment and yes I get diving leads every day and forward them to my friends who pay me a nice commission each time people book a diving vacation

    .i don;t se eyou as a Foe or a bad person . non do i want to judge you . even when you pretent to me that you know alot about jewelry when you do not know even the price of silver when i ask you 3 time . your body languages give you away that you are un easy when i ask you some of the question . but i might be all wrong and you are really some guru and pro . and i would for sure hope to learn from you .

    LOL your very sarcastic in your demeanor in almost everything you say and I am very confident in everything that I do, I never said I was a guru or anyhing like that those are your words

    like i said i like your spirit and fast action . maybe you can call me or pm me or email me and we can have a serious talk on how to make money .

    I'll pass thanks

    DK you seem to be like a smart person . so let not waste time like you said negative energy.

    Your exactly right you may post the next post to have the last word I will no longer respond :D no matter what you say or what bait you put out :D

    what kinda diamond do you sell ? i am looking for a 1 carat VS1 maybe F color . give me a quote if you do have one . and let compare .

    Im sure you cannot afford a diamond of that quality (P.S you forgot to metion the cut ) a little search on my post on TV just might show your wrong yet again where this subject is concerned :D

    wnana work on a dive site that teaches all the info people need to know about diving . i would be happy to help you .

    :cheesy: Sorry but i have to laught at this one as I have been a Proffesional Diving Instructor for 25 years have taught thousands of divers to dive and certified them

    and that was my business and I am sure you can teach me absolutely nothing on this subject

    wanna start a spider page which provide spider info ? i am sure you can get good traffic from it .

    I already have a Spider site, I thought you had seen it, I also wrote book on it also

    i do know good supply of snake and spider in thailand . and if you can do it in multi languages you get a huge traffic that can round you up good profit from google adsense . but of cos you better not have any MLM or IM style website link to you cos your Account would be Ban .

    Hmmm good job I dont have MLM them

    google is very Strict with Spam sites . and some of the IM style ranking site . cos the new Ranking system had change and exclude many of the so called top site which use long words which user almost never use to search anything .

    So your an SEO expert as well


    maybe you should join me and my wife for dinner again .

    No thank you I will pass and I really have no more time for this ridiculous back and forth and the buck stops here feel free to have the last word.


  16. Hey Gaz,

    thanks for the report. Seems really interesting :-)

    If I have some spare money I'll try your method with low-price items I think. Would you be ready to answer possible questions if any should arise?

    Haven't heard anyone talk about that method of making money yet, so I'm rather curious ;)

    Oh and good move with your last post.

    Sebastian (with his amazing new haircut!)

    Hey Bashy

    Glad you found it interesting please feel free to email me personaly with any questions you have I will be happy to answer them for you


  17. so now you are so worry that , i am there to expose you or you just can;t proof me wrong . :)


    proof me wrong .

    i would be happy to help you get mor euser if your intention us Pure and i relaly hope to help people who is newbie and is really sad to see one get misleaded . especially when some claim to be pro but is trying to hard to open up for comment .

    if you guys are so True and so positive like you said .

    we will find out on Tue :

    or you just too worry that you get expose


    There you go again insulting and accusing me of being dishonest and out to mislead people and that I have to prove TO YOU something different :blink: and that I might be scared you will expose me :D (listen to yourself.)

    Sorry Max I want nothing more to do with you, please arrange your own Marketing group.



  18. Being a newbie I am interested in learning. Can there not be many different sources and ways of doing business. Or is it going to be my way or the highway?:(

    forgot to spell check hope no one saw that one.


    There are thousands of ways and all can be discussed but sorry, as you can see TA22 is negative and disrupting what is supposed to be an open friendly get togehter of like minded people to share many ways of marketing online.

    I am however taking a stand with TA22 simply because of his negativity and accusations.

    Try to stay positive and I am sure after the meeting you will see that we are the good guys :D



  19. i am really looking forward to meeting on Tue really . and might have a few Pm already to meet there . but of cos . i am open for all kinda new marketing tactic and would love to see what you guys have to teach and share .

    i really do not have that much tie to start my group at the moment , but i just might when i find more time .

    seem like there is a SUbway Sandwich outlet miss the great food there also .

    correct me if i am wrong but make me a believer proof me wrong . i am sure we are all reasonable grown up . see you there on Tue .

    It seems that your only intent is to disrupt the group and be negative

    You accuse people of disceiving and misleading people, questioning peoples credability without basis and that is before the group has had its first meeting.:blink:

    Do you really believe that is someone I wish to invite to something I am spending time and expense putting together ? well it is not my friend

    The only negative posts are yours my friend and I dont see any reason for it

    I am a very positive person that never judges someone until it is clear what there intent is, and you have shown yours and it seems your intent is to discredit and insult people you do not know

    I personally am offended by your negative attitude and insinuations and the general negative direction you have led this thread and I do not wish you to infect the group with your negativity and therefore have to say you are not welcome to attend on tuesday, and feel it best that you organize your own group where you can teach them and ensure that they are safe from all the predators out there.

    I really have spent enough negative energry with you and at this point I bow out ,and will re focus on positive people that are interested in sharing what they know with the group.

    Again I wish you every success in your ongoing IM business TA22



    P.S I took the liberty of removing you from the list

  20. if you do need to learn about online income i will be mor ethen ahppy to share what i know and teach what i know . to anyone who want to learn .

    i am still on a learning process.

    so if you do not Mind you can PM me your Link and who know i can help you improve them .

    Thats a great idea TA22

    It is best you run your seperate group and teach them what you know, as I dont feel you would fit in with what roger and I have in mind, which is a positive Internet Marketing Group where we all share our knowledge and share ideas freely in a friendly enviroment where everyone is positive and open minded.

    So anyone who wishes to join TA22 in his own seperate group please go ahead and PM TA22 and he will organize his own group

    get togehter

    For the rest we will see you on tuesday as planned

    I wish you best TA22 with your planned group



  21. Hey Guys.. think we need to make ONE POINT Clear.

    When I first posted this about looking for an Internet Marketing Group I was looking for people who are EXPERIENCED in Internet Marketing.

    It has grown into something BIGGER perhaps.

    But one thing we need to make clear.

    What is Internet Marketing?

    It is a way to PROMOTE your business or service.

    It is about HOW TO MAKE MONEY on-line using the Internet.

    Therefore, if you think it is WRONG for people to earn a LIVING or to earn money using the Internet as a means to do so....

    this type Meeting - Internet Marketing Mastermind Group.... IS NOT FOR YOU.

    It would be like someone going to the Travel Club that HATES to TRAVEL.

    Or going to the Monthly EXPATS meeting BUT they HATE EXPATS.

    Or... going to the Quiz Night every Week But HATE Quizes...

    Or... going to the Hash Run But you HATE RUNNING...

    Or going to the CHESS CLUB but think everyone that plays CHESS are SCAMMERS and OUT to GET YOU and to destroy the WORLD as we know it...

    Soooo... if you have NO DESIRE to learn Internet Marketing from a Standpoint of how to LEGALLY and HONESTLY Market your Current or Future Business in reference to earning a PROFIT... this GROUP is NOT FOR YOU.

    If you are interested in coming to the meeting... BUT...you have NO CLUE about what Internet Marketing is... please spend the next TWO DAYS and NIGHTS learning everything you can.

    Then... if you decide that it's not something you would be interested in doing, then you don't have to waste your time coming to the meeting on Tuesday.

    Hope that makes Sense.

    An Internet Marketing Mastermind Group is about learning how to earn a PROFIT from your Business, Product or Service.

    HONESTLY on-line

    Well said and cant agree more.


  22. Another Easy and important way to identify an affiliate marketing site - Post registration,if you recieve(you definitely will) e-mails from the affiliate sites,check the links provided on the E-mail's body.If it happens to contain the address aweber(dot)com,it is for sure an affiliate marketing site and you better not fall for it!But,not all affiliate marketing sites use aweber.com's service,so it is not the onlyy factor to consider

    Quote from


    this is a good website for newbie who want to learn about internet


    Well Ta22 after that post all I can say is WOW :blink: it is now clear you are negative on affiliate marketing for some unknown reason

    For everyone else reading if you have heard of Amazon.com they operate the largest affilaite program online as do the following respected busines's, Curry,Comet,Best Buy,Sears,Circuit city and there are literally hundreds more that all offer affiliate marketing so when I see a comment like the one above I just have to shake my head.

    For those that want come along please do your very welcome, for those that wish to listen to negative people that really dont know what they are talking about, this is probably not for you.

    This is a very open meeting where all questions will be answered it costs nothing to come along and neither vacationman nor myself is selling anything to you.



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