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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. This is absolutely none of my business, but it may be appropriate to note that the only thing 'New Bar' has in common with Tuskers is the location.

    That, and that they opted to not buy Tuskers including name and inventory, but wait for Chas to move out and then get the premises at a cheaper price. (This is an assumption that may be wrong, but worth checking on before offering free anything.)

    Either way I wish the new owners luck, there is no such thing as too many bars.

    Whats the problem with that ?

    seems like a prudent business decision that any smart business person would make dont you think ?


    Not necessarily. The goodwill of a business definitely has some value - a loyal and ready trained staff, some kind of customer base, a mailing list, relationships with suppliers and advertising media, reviews in travel guides and word of mouth all come to mind, but not only is it hard to quantify it's fleeting and whoever the new operator of the premises is has decided that he didn't need the name and what Chas and Rachel had built up. You ask anyone with real experience of hiring, training, firing, re-training and replacing staff whilst trying to keep (new) customers happy and build a reputation, what value they'd place on a loyal and popular team ready to hit the ground running and those prepared to be honest will tell you it's a lot.

    If the new tenant is after a different market or plans an entirely different style of venue then it's clearly a no brainer and absolutely the right decision, but should it turn out to be more of the same then placing no value on a name we all know and several years of advertising, promotion and reputation is far less clear cut. It costs a lot in both time and money to put the word out and keep it there and all the while you have overheads to maintain - when you look at it like that the decision is a whole lot less clear cut.


  2. And there we go again ... :( Why isn't it possible to just wish the new owner(s?)good luck in stead of speculating about what could happen?!

    So, I would like to wish good luck the new owner. Definitely will drop in one day. :)

    Excellent! Thaivisa wishes the new owners good luck. We are happy to offer you guys one months free advertising on Thaivisa to get you started.


    This is absolutely none of my business, but it may be appropriate to note that the only thing 'New Bar' has in common with Tuskers is the location.

    That, and that they opted to not buy Tuskers including name and inventory, but wait for Chas to move out and then get the premises at a cheaper price. (This is an assumption that may be wrong, but worth checking on before offering free anything.)

    Either way I wish the new owners luck, there is no such thing as too many bars.

    Whats the problem with that ?

    seems like a prudent business decision that any smart business person would make dont you think ?


  3. Tuskers WAS Chas, Rachel, and their lovely staff. Good luck to the new guy, but who could do better ?!

    Parking ?! Get real! Walk 25 - 50M ! Take a tuk tuk! What do you think it is; some kind of drive-in?

    PARKING is a big deal, might not be to you but people have said time and time again they dont want to take a tuk tuk they dont want to park 50 meters away and if potential bar owners ignore those basic requirments then they deserve no customers, myself and my drinking buddies always park outside where we are drinking if there is no parking we dont go there simple as that.

    I dont think my buddies and i are in the minority on this point who wants to be driving round the block looking for a parking space just to have a beer guess N1 bar has got it right he even bought the building next door JUST FOR PARKING, now thats a smart guy that knows whats going on.


  4. Under the same name?

    The biggest problem with Tiger Tiger was the lack of parking even for motorbikes so if it is Tony he will have the same problem there, reason I did not go to Tiger Tiger more often was it was a pain in the ass to park I did go Tuskers a few times as i could find a nice place for bike, if ya in a car forget about it in both places.


  5. All this can be found in Central America, South America and Southern rural USA.

    Hmmm. Central and South America remind me of the Philippines... dangerous place in comparison to Thailand. But, not bad place if you are involved with the drug trade and have an army to protect you.

    I've been all over rural southern USA. It has nothing that Thailand offers. And least of all, lovely, available women. Accommodation and food are expensive and there are worse racial problems than in Thailand.

    And I lived in Central America for 15 years before coming to thailand and let me tell you its a lot easier in thailand than central America although it is loosly similar but my advice is come to Thailand :)


  6. Haha just joking with you. I read the thread were you specificly wrote that you had nothing to do with it.

    My main objection to the red/green game was the TALLYING of them to specific people/posters, rather than keeping it at the post level only, about the post content only, going no further than that.

    I think its a shame they have gone was kinda fun and lets face it TV is not that much fun these days


  7. Wow there are some very sensitive people on here when I first saw your post my thought was WOW this guy spent all that time to type out a long and drawn out post attacking a certain group of people, I thought it rather strange that you would take all that time only to attack a group and thought that it was the action of someone obsessed rather than someone with a level head

    No name calling just an observation but if you guys think that is a normal post NO PROBLEM I shall bow out and leave you to it

    have a nice day


    I think you've read my OP completely wrong.

    I attack nobody, instead trying to reach a hand in an effort to help people who are addicted to Thaksin. It didn't take me that long to write the post since I'm quite fast in typing, bringing my thoughts onto paper.

    Please, don't try to withdraw the attention away from the original post which is about Thaksin obsessiveness, addiction and sickness.

    It's not about you nor me.

    It seems you're enjoying TV already :rolleyes:


    Seems Thaksin has a lot of support in this country almost to the point that he would win an election if he was able to run, and that means there is an aweful lot of people that fall within your categorization of Obsessivness and addiction it could also be put on the other foot for all those against him and his followers who seem just as obsessive and addicted and sick.

    Dont you think


  8. <_<..in your first post in this topic YOU called me "the obsessed and addicted one". Did I refer to TV rules when I answered ?

    Pot Kettle Black ?


    Wow there are some very sensitive people on here when I first saw your post my thought was WOW this guy spent all that time to type out a long and drawn out post attacking a certain group of people, I thought it rather strange that you would take all that time only to attack a group and thought that it was the action of someone obsessed rather than someone with a level head

    No name calling just an observation but if you guys think that is a normal post NO PROBLEM I shall bow out and leave you to it

    have a nice day


  9. Seems like your nit picking, Sausage King is trying to make an honest living and the "usual" forum xxx'x are trying to bring him down. What the xxxx !

    Give the guy a chance for christ sake, or find other curries!.

    I think Rob would welcome feedback to make his products better he has always been open to critique and nothing here is nitpicking just letting him know about things so he can improve if its needed,

    For your first 2 posts on TV you are not going to last long but you know that dont you tough guy, LOL


  10. The only expats that speak "ediot" are the one's that probably spoke "ediot" in their own country!

    If you had half a brain cell you would realize. Never mind though Diamond King, you could always give it up and speak Thai? well that's if you could! which I don't think because you are quite obviously devoid of the gray matter!

    I wish you short brain cell people would stick to your own country.

    (Sorry to offend anyone else)

    So your post was deliberately aimed at me ? Hmmmm not sure why you have chosen to attack me and by the looks of it even signed up under a new name to do so unde rthe name chaingmaitoughguy LOL I think that name is only in your mind as you choose to insult people hiding behind your computer screen.

    You know very well that attacking people is against TV rules and thats why you probably signed up under a new name

    Anyway I will report your post as against TV rule

    have nice day tough guy :lol:

  11. By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one :blink:

    Welcome to Thaivisa.....you, being a member for 11 days, you will learn fast enough who's addicted and who's not :lol:

    Happy reading.


    Yes LaoPo, its always the same ones that harp on about the same political stuff. Some of them even get banned from Thai Visa and then come back under a new nic and then start spewing stuff all over the thread again. Some of them just have multiple thai visa personalities, its easy enough to see. Next time something of Political newsworthyness (or not) comes to media attention, watch these morons flock to thai visa to wave their little red flags.

    must be an illness :rolleyes:

    I thought name calling and baiting was against TV rules ?????


    P.S never been banned if your reffering to me

  12. How old are the kids? UK Family Courts like asking kids for their opinion. Reports are often filed, if memory serves correct they're called CAFCAS reports, or something similar.

    A lot of factors come into it, like do you work full time? Who will look after the children while you are at work? What does the wife have back in Thailand? Family? etc

    Hire a good family lawyer, nothing can substitute proper legal advice in this situation.

    Good Advice


  13. I know that they were born in Thailand and have dual nationality with both thai and english passports

    Are they all his Kids

    They are UK citizens so while In the UK the advantage is in his corner, if she gets them out of the UK to Thailand it will switch to her favor since they are also Thai so best he get those passports in a safe place to avoid any chance of her skipping country with the Kids cause I am sure thats what she will do when she realizes his plans to divorce her.


  14. Not enough info mate

    1.) Are they your kids born in the UK or are they her Thai kids born in Thailand what passport do they have ???

    That makes all the difference

    Dont do a runner that will put the advantage in her corner first thing to do is get the passports of the kids and leave them with ya parents or other trusted party at least then she cannot do a runner with them back to Thailand like a recent story posted on TV


  15. How considerate of them to try and help widows and orphans. I wonder what they were doing in Thailand?

    The same thing muslims do everywhere; fund raise for bombing, recruit for bombing, or bomb. It is what they do.

    Actually Muslims don't do it. Just a small minority. If you are happy to join the witch hunt free to do, but please avoid to write something deeply wrong and offensive for one of the most important religion of the world.

    Said that, probably those Pakistanis were sending money or fund raising for terrorism. Or maybe having some connection with the PULO.

    What's so wrong.

    Most Muslims aren't terrorists but mos terrorists are Muslims. Mind you, if I said such a thing in Lahore, they'd probably behead me for it.

    The Muslim community as a whole barely ever expresses anger about terrorist attacks made in the name of their religion.

    Of course, raving liberals will jump to their defense but why can't he Muslims themselves speak out against terrorists?

    Good Post

    I often think that also and think maybe the majority of muslims deep down are supporters of the extremeists actions

    Sounds bad but lets face it you never see them outraged by the atrocities of these extremists but god forbid someone makes a cartoon of Mohhamed and watch the protests soar


  16. Australia is , regrettably ,still subject to a monarchical system.However, EVERY level of Govt.-we have 3-(national,state, local) is elected. There are no appointees. Absolutely, Governors should be elected in Thailand.

    You are the minority in your views of the monarchy in Australia the majority of Australians respect and love the queen and wish her to continue to be the head of state although I do believe with your current leader she will be gunning to drop the Monarchy once Queen Elizabeth passes but until then she is just gonna have to live with it.


  17. Either way its time to let the THAI people VOTE and let them choose who leads them instead of the fiasco that has been going on since the thaksin coup


    As opposed to the fiasco that was going on before the Thaksin removal

    from his acting PM job he had quit and then decided he wanted again,

    but was never formally reinstated into?

    Ok lets just call it a dictatorship and be done with it

    How long can it continue like it is without more death and bloodshed

    The people want to vote

    I dont understand why you guys dont want them to be allowed to ???

    maybe because you wont like the result ???

    Just asking


  18. Bout appealing to Thai court NOT drop charges against him is as topsy turvy as the world gets.

    Anything but be handed to a USA court where facts actually might be presented,

    and the questioning will be MUCH more pointed. I think the guy is going stateside,

    one day not too far off, like it or not. But stall he will no matter how absurd the arguments seem.

    I cant say I blame him its an obvious set up with made up charges just to get him to the USA and there is no way he will get a fair trial in the US simple as that, if they get him there thatsit for him and I too would do ANYTHING to avoid being sent there.


  19. First off is come to Chiang Mai and see for yourself and when you do and see its a GHOST town as far as a bar or Disco business is concerned hopefully you will see it clearly that the last thing you want to do is invest in Chiang Mai in a bar or disco

    There are bars about every two feet and a number of discos too. :D

    I mean as far as customers in fact we have more bars and discos that we do visitors easily proven when you do a pub crawl and your the only one drinking the bar for each bar besides a couple that might have a couple of people in.

    6 people in a bar in chiang mai is a busy night for the owner


  20. First off is come to Chiang Mai and see for yourself and when you do and see its a GHOST town as far as a bar or Disco business is concerned hopefully you will see it clearly that the last thing you want to do is invest in Chiang Mai in a bar or disco

    But then again I have never seen anyone listen to experienced ex pats living in a place because usually the potential investor thinks he can do it better, thinks he knows better than those that have lived there for years and so he invests his money only to find he cant do better and loses the lot.

    sorry to sound jaded but i would prefer you to keep your money in your pocket i have seen too many lose there money here.


  21. someone can correct me if im wrong, I think cobra's require a 10-15 seconds for them to produce venom to hurt their pray, so if you startle one they cant bite you with venom.

    Not sure where you got that myth from

    A Cobra is lethal from the moment it breathes its first breath

    Consider yourself a very lucky man you were not bitten unbelievable actually that you were not bitten


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