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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. The best way to earn a good income is to LEARN HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE its not rocket science and you can make a lot of money if you are prepared to put the time in to learn whats needed to do it. you can easily earn enough to live comfortably in Thailand if you keep an open mind and spend the needed time to learn exactly what you need to do in order to start making an income.

    You don't need a fortune to start but it does take work and time here is a guy that is making 50K a month after just 2 years online its no scam as everything is proven and also he gives 90% of the information away free on how to do it his name is [link to commercial site removed]Chris Farrell a fellow brit, take a look at the site as most of the information is free and you can learn a lot of the basics by just spending some time on the site he is not selling anything so you cant lose money by spending time reading through his material.

    Most people want an easy path to make money and there aint one it takes hard work and time to learn what to do as with any new business.


  2. Many Harley Davidson riders remind me of the below commercial.

    Many of these riders seem to be in 'drag' & as such, they are nothing less than 'drag queens' of a motorcycling nature.

    As usual, it takes but a few to spoil the fun for the majority.

    I will also admit that I've never liked Harleys, since their reliability seems to be tainted (historically).

    Ignore them & they will be worthless...even though the bikes are already worthless. :lol:

    A Great post by someone who obviously has NO CLUE about Harleys nor the people that ride them :blink: but it made him feel better so thats ok :D

    Sorry, i agree with him, i bet a high majority of these guys only got themselfs harleys when they came here.....

    It`s all a bit (village people) if you ask me..something not right about having your feet in front of your knees..not that you would ask me.......

    :cheesy: Lot safer than you streetbike boys who have your asses stuck in the air, I thinks thats way more village people and inviting a poking LOL best be careful you dont meet us chopper riders cause looks like you boys are asking for it and since were all village people now I guess we all best be careful LOL :D


  3. Chas and Rachel both put a lot into Tuskers and I wonder if they had opened early like many others, whether that would have made much difference? The location didn't matter once you got to know the place, but it's not exactly the best spot for walk in traffic.

    and not the best spot for parking, so back to rule #1 LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION


    As you seem to be have a thing about parking, do you happen to know the percentage of Bar / Restaurants in the city with decent parking facilities ?

    YES YES let me just get those stats for you :rolleyes:

  4. So for us not in the know what is GM sausage and whats the attraction (im guessing a SAUSAGE ??


    GM Restaurant is the best German restaurant in northern Thailand if not of all Thailand and his product is in all stores. Sorry Sausage King but this is what your up against.


    Ahhhhhh Ok thanks, for the info but not my cup of tea, dont like german sausage or saurkraut

    I dont think Sausage King has anything to worry about :)




    5000 Kilos a week :blink: thats impressive

    Now if he did apple sauce with the crispy pork leg I might have a day out and give it a go.


  5. So for us not in the know what is GM sausage and whats the attraction (im guessing a SAUSAGE ??


    GM Restaurant is the best German restaurant in northern Thailand if not of all Thailand and his product is in all stores. Sorry Sausage King but this is what your up against.


    Ahhhhhh Ok thanks, for the info but not my cup of tea, dont like german sausage or saurkraut

    I dont think Sausage King has anything to worry about :)


  6. Chas and Rachel both put a lot into Tuskers and I wonder if they had opened early like many others, whether that would have made much difference? The location didn't matter once you got to know the place, but it's not exactly the best spot for walk in traffic.

    and not the best spot for parking, so back to rule #1 LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION


  7. I propose moderators close this thread as it's just become another argument over a closed business which no longer exists!

    Why oh why everyone is still kissing the asses of the old owners who have decided to call it a day and do something else? It's closed ! Done! completed ! etc etc.

    No matter if you loved or loathed the old hosts, they aren't there anymore ..... move on!


    You need to have posted more that 168 posts to become a Moderator you know :D

  8. Many Harley Davidson riders remind me of the below commercial.

    Many of these riders seem to be in 'drag' & as such, they are nothing less than 'drag queens' of a motorcycling nature.

    As usual, it takes but a few to spoil the fun for the majority.

    I will also admit that I've never liked Harleys, since their reliability seems to be tainted (historically).

    Ignore them & they will be worthless...even though the bikes are already worthless. :lol:

    A Great post by someone who obviously has NO CLUE about Harleys nor the people that ride them :blink: but it made him feel better so thats ok :D

  9. I'd personally rather fail than have to lower my standards and look at mouthbreeders all day.

    Thank Buddha for Google:

    BETTER LATE THAN NEVER....Last year I asked where the term "mouth breather" as a synonym for "idiot" originated. Today, reader KH provided the answer. Here's an excerpt from a New York Times article from March 21, 1897:

    Many children are always mouth breathers, and cannot breathe through the nose on account of conditions of the throat requiring medical attention; in such children test the hearing, which is apt to become very dull if the case is neglected.

    Apparently the original association, which was likely more true in 1897 than today, was "mouth breather" => deafness/difficulty hearing => mentally slow. And that's your etymology lesson for the day.


    I beleive he is reffering to others as a Mouth BREEDER UG not mouth breather I too wonder what a Mouth Breeder is.


  10. Diamondking I think you missed the OP's point and seemed to have gone off on a tangent.

    Nobody should be riding around abusing people like the group that was mentioned in the OP. That was the point he was making.

    and you obviously have not read the whole thread where it is said that dont label a whole group of people by the actions of a couple of dickheads

  11. I didn't know that and I've been in the Number 1 bar many times. Thanks for the into. I just don't drive a car and certainly wouldn't drive one down that very narrow soi. Number 1 bar is an entirely different place than Tuskers used to be.

    The parking lot is relatively recent. perhaps less than a year. And they've always had motorcycle parking with some guys to watch over things.

    certainly a big thing for me to be able to go to a bar in either a car or bike and have a safe place to park even more of a bonus that there is a guy watching over the wheels while you having a drink.

    I really would of gone to Tuskers more often on my rounds if it had parking as I agree with the personality of the owner brushing off ,(great if ya from belgium or holland) but no can say that N1bar is not a very well run bar.


  12. If anyone is interested in good horns. I can highly recommend Stebel products.

    A guy I know in Chiang Rai has a dual setup of the horns shown below on his BMW GS and I intend getting a single one (red of course) for my Ducati.

    The good points are, is that they are compact , VERY loud (over 136dBA) and come in range of subdued or bling styles for the discerning buyer.

    and for all us obnoxious chopper riders theres always these LOL :D


  13. The OP should have posted that they were cut off by a$hole drivers, regardless of what type they were driving.

    Ah, no. Totally different category. The normal cutoff is by somebody who's careless, who's reckless, who's taking a chance because in a real hurry, who's genuinely frustrated at an truly excessively slow driver. I drive reasonably but never slowly if I can help it.

    This idiot could probably have squeezed by on my right or waited a few seconds till I passed Soi Diana. The whole point of this cutoff was to be BIG BAD Harley driver who OWNS the road and to show that I should have moved out of HIS lane. That's what all the constant revving and backfiring was about. (Do Harleys have horns?) So he had to whip around to prove his point. It was just a$hole macho bullshit, pure and simple.

    And then his partner DIDN'T cut me off but drove up within 2 inches beside me revving and backfiring and yelled exactly this: "Move over, motherfu_cker!" (Very tempting to put out my leg see if I could topple him over, but even had I succeeded, I know where that would lead at Soi 9, and it wouldn't have been worth it.)

    Me, I've driven a bike--my only vehicle--for nearly 15 years IN PATTAYA and never hit any other vehicle or person, or been hit, while dodging a million baht buses, kamikaze Thais, aggressive Arabs on sport bikes, drunken tourists, newbie farang bikers, roadwork, and whatever. Thought I'd seen it all, but I've never seen anything like these idiots. Never.

    Surely they were tourists. Can't imagine a member of the Jesters doing such a thing.

    Suddenly I have much better regard for sportsbike drivers. :)

    Re: clothing, I might mention that sportsbike drivers are generally more safety conscious and hence have some rationale behind their gear. Makes sense to me. Even on my little Phantom, I'd never wear just a beanie, for example. Though Harley fashion and the Harley rider's need slavishly to follow it does seem quaint to a non-conformist such as myself, I've always had greatest respect for social Darwinism. Live and let die. In this case, though, I suspect a fashion, in a broad sense, partly dictated the ridiculous behavior.

    (Do Harleys have horns?)

    Nope, no point we cant hear them cause of the engine noise :D

  14. I don't know ANY bar in central Chiang Mai that offers parking. A few are a bit better than others, but if you have a car then parking is at a premium. What Tuskers offered was a quiet place with pleasant surroundings where you could actually converse with a group of people at a table, or stand up and have a chat at the bar. Chas and Rachel made everyone feel welcome. If the new owner wants to have more parking then just elimenate the seating arrangement area and turn it into bike parking. Anybody tried parking a car or driving through the Nimmenhamen area in the evening? It's a zoo.

    NUMBER 1 BAR has a nice big Car parkfor its customers and Valet parking :D and you can sit at a table and have a chat

  15. Its really a shame that this BS is showing its face here I really have not seen this type of BS in the 5 years of riding in Thailand and thought it was just an attitude left in the USA the riceburner Harley mentality, competition.

    I sort of feel the same and sort of don't... I love riding Thailand, group of guys out on the road together, lots of different bikes... I can love an old BSA, a retro Triumph, and an ER6N on the track (Hi BigBikeBKK)... could probably even appreciate a HD if they weren't all but identical :D ...

    but... (there is always a but)...

    I don't like the Harley mentality that seems to have transferred itself to Thailand... have to be loud, have to be offensive, have to ride in a massive group and take over the road... and it isn't restricted to farang...

    Day 5 of a 5 day ride last year we stopped for a break for lunch in a nice restaurant in Peaceful Phayo when a big group of Thai HD riders came in on their way to CM Bike Week... three laps through town revving their engines, reverse into spots, rev rev rev, storm into the restaurant ordering the staff around...

    That is the behaviour that makes them so despised in Oz, and which will lead to the same feelings in Thailand... That and whenever I tell someone that I love riding in Thailand the question is "you have chopper???"... no, I like to go fast :lol:

    I do like that often the sports riders and harley guys group together because they all ride "big bikes" and give each other a bit of friendly harassment... same as Brit bike and Jap bikes do...


    I can undertstand you

    there is a local bar i go to and my bike is Loud and the bar is in a small soi and I have to pass to park the bike and I SPECIFICALLY idle it to run past the bars and park up the bike and when i leave I again start the bike up try not to rev but idle out onto the main st and off i go, other bikers that frequent the bar dont they rev there bikes and tear off like a bat out of hel_l and yes people tend to look down on that even I do as its not cool.

    I like loud pipes many times i notice car drivers take note I am there only because of my pipes or of they dont a quick rev and they soon know I am and are aware of me.

    I can understand they can be obnoxious but i also believe loud pipes save lives.


  16. I,ve no problem with any other type of bike riders it's just the persona of HD/chopper bikers.To me it equals a group of sportsbike riders all shaving their heads,growing curly moustaches and wearing pink leathers.:) The

    problem is some guy's actually think their hel_l's Angels,on the weekends off work mostly.

    DUDE it just a style, no different to you streetbikers dressing up in your nice tight leather pants and jacket gloves nice booties etc for your streetbike it just style and while I would never be caught dead in that type of get up I understand and accept that is your style for the type of bike you like to ride not to mention the safety aspect of it, but i certainaly would not knock it nor you for wearing it

    Just because you don't like the style of us chopper riders is it really appropriate to diss on them for the way they dress or because of the look they want to portray just as you do ???

    All sounds a bit childish to me


    P.S I dont work :D

  17. Its really a shame that this BS is showing its face here I really have not seen this type of BS in the 5 years of riding in Thailand and thought it was just an attitude left in the USA the riceburner Harley mentality, competition.

    i have rode all over Thailand and not once have I had any issue with any bike no matter if he was on a streetbike or a wave as long as he enjoyed riding its all good.

    When I came to Thailand I was really surprised everyone was easy going none of the BS of those rice burner boys or oh those AH Harley guys it seemed that anyone who enjoyed riding there bike was welcome no matter what they were riding.

    Well you guys obviously burst the bubble and it seem that its the rice burner boys that are the instigators and that is a shame why cant you just enjoy your riding without having a go at other Bikers no matter what they are riding.

    I know some great guys, some ride harleys some ride street bikes I also know some <deleted> some ride Harleys some ride streetbikes.

    Anyone that rides a bike is cool with me and to generalize just shows how small minded you are.


  18. Never had a problem with the Cruiser Boyz myself. Scared the crap out of a guy on a HD when I was blasting...ahem, cough, cough...riding through the hills from Chiang Rai to Mai Suai. I pulled in at my regular gas station at Mui Suai and a bit later so did the guy on the HD, but he never came over and gave me sh*t. I am always quite the hit at the 7-11 there though. Camera phones out, girls standing beside the bike. The Hd rider had no one near his bike which was a bit amusing, considering it was a nice bike.

    What happened to comraderie on the road ?? you sound like a right pompus ass I ride with all sorts whomever likes riding there bike, i ride a 1000cc chopper some good mates ride street bikes that leave me in the dust ,but you know what we all enjoy ridiing and dont have any of that pompus BS your spouting.


    Most sportsbike riders are genuine and don't feel the need to wear false tattoo's,pony tails or beards.Oh yeh and think their 10 men.

    Well the sportsbike riders i ride with I tend to agree (really great guys) but based on the posts by the ones on here I doubt it very much as they come across worse than your view of Harley riders.

    By the way I have never seen a biker with fake tatoos nor a fake ponytail not even a fake beard you are obviously reffering to some other group possibly people you hang with that are fake


  19. Never had a problem with the Cruiser Boyz myself. Scared the crap out of a guy on a HD when I was blasting...ahem, cough, cough...riding through the hills from Chiang Rai to Mai Suai. I pulled in at my regular gas station at Mui Suai and a bit later so did the guy on the HD, but he never came over and gave me sh*t. I am always quite the hit at the 7-11 there though. Camera phones out, girls standing beside the bike. The Hd rider had no one near his bike which was a bit amusing, considering it was a nice bike.

    What happened to comraderie on the road ?? you sound like a right pompus ass I ride with all sorts whomever likes riding there bike, i ride a 1000cc chopper some good mates ride street bikes that leave me in the dust ,but you know what we all enjoy ridiing and dont have any of that pompus BS your spouting.


  20. You mean to tell me that a harley can actually get up to 60kph?? All noise and nothing else. Can never work out why anyone would want one?

    It's all part of the gidup, motorcycle, bandana, leather jacket, ponytail, and stupid tee shirt.

    I saw a clothing/body adornment item in the US for cruiser riders, a false pony tail. I thought you have got to be sh#tting me! I laughed my arse off :lol:

    WOW some tough talk coming from guys hiding behind there computers LOL

    I am sure you were laughing under your breathe but dont think for a second you would have the gusto to do it to the guys face.

    I beleive its called jelousy why else would you have a problem with someone riding a Harley ?? because its noisy ?

    I think its all in ya mind boys and as for the OPs post a little sad i think.


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