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Everything posted by tkramer

  1. Don't kid yourself. 'POOYAI' means the same thing as 'POO-GUY' in English. Buying into this makes you the laughing-stock of the Village. (joking)
  2. Medical Experts do not think this is a good idea. However, it's your body. Effects of Olive Oil and Artery Function (nutritionfacts.org)
  3. Actually, my name is Todd Kramer Newton...let's get together and share an apple... Most doctors I meet today are 'fat' to 'obese'. 4 years of pre-med...4 years of med...2 years of internship...8 hours of 'Nutrition' study. Next time you are in the company of a 'doctor', ask him how many hours he has had studying nutrition...? Then, get back to me...! YOU aren't Socrates, but you might be Crusty The Clown...
  4. It's clearly 'their' choice...they can just deal with it. "You need a peculiar mindset to go die in a country where most people don't even speak your language," 'As I lay there in my final moments, I slightly lift my head to ask those around me..."Do you speak my language...?" Why? Because this has the greatest significance in the after-life. It's like showing up at Immigration without your 'passport'...!
  5. "Ultimately it's about power and the projection of power over those whom you believe you control." Yeah right...! Thanks for that 'Secret Agent Man'... (are you still in high school...?)
  6. Maybe yes, maybe no. Obesity is determined by percentage of 'body fat', not weight. 25% body fat is 'obese'. Although most body-builders I see here in Thailand have more 'bulking and sculpted fat' than lean muscle', they may still not be 'obese'. 'Top body-builders' are always running usually way under 10% body fat. It's all in the 'muscle definition', not the bulk.
  7. Irresponsible over-eating 'fatty's' on this forum...? I don't think so...'Buster'! (I mean, who in their right mind on this forum would eat more than they need...?)
  8. "fat tax". That's telling it like it is. I love it...!
  9. One of several simple tests I perform just about every 30 days (I'm 75 years old) to confirm that I am maintaing my health. The laggard's will complain that it is not a legitimate test. Go away...! Try the McDonald's/ Pizza Hut test...on your own time. I love controversy...especially with ignorant people...!
  10. How' about 'weight-loss surgery'. Easy-peasy... the Doctor does all the work. You're beautiful the next day (almost). I love 'easy'...!
  11. Is the Obesity Paradox Real or a Myth? (nutritionfacts.org) Alternate-Day Intermittent Fasting Put to the Test (nutritionfacts.org)
  12. Just a simple question... whats the longest you have ever fasted...?
  13. Overweight is 'over-weight'. Obesity is 'extremely overweight'. It's NOT Newtonian Physics...
  14. Never believe anything anybody says...ALWAYS test it YOURSELF. Me, I've been eating one meal a day for more than 20 years. I guess that's kind of a test. I'm open..let's see yours...! (you've got my name)
  15. Let's talk about FAT...! 2.30 video... You can't eat 'garbage'...and expect to take pill...! Only a 'lazy idiot' would buy into that regime. You are...what you eat. Eat fat...get fat. Today, there is not a Doctor MD in the world that would not tell you...that you have got to be eating ...'more fruits and vegetables'. 'Dan Buettner...Eating to 100...The Blue Zones.' https://danbuettner.com/newsletter/
  16. I had the privilege of working (for a spell) for a Pakistani 'scholar' who use to refer to the locals as 'monkey brains', and it always use to crack me up. (perhaps pot and kettle) What do I know...!?
  17. Come on Dude...! Girls...swimming pool...!
  18. ''Wow...!" Who is this nice guy and gracious fellow... and where did you come from? Posters gonna wanna know...
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