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Everything posted by tkramer

  1. Seeing how this is posted in 'Bangkok News', I am assuming these are Thais, which does not surprise me. All the more reason Thailand needs spend less time chasing fast-easy money, and stop to take a good long look at itself. But I think we'll be seeing the Easter Bunny appear long before that ever happens. As another famous scholar once said, Thai Culture clearly proves Darwinian Theory.
  2. Surprisingly, not that smart. Hardworking, diligent, and very disciplined, very set in their ways...and, racist as hell.
  3. Come on Thailand….not only is this ‘shooting’ appalling…. but, how ‘farang dong…! is that all you know how to do….copy America…? Get a brain, show some imagination. Show some creativity. Why is everything you do ‘monkey see, monkey do’…? Copy, copy, copy, and poorly at that. This is not only tragic, but will now open the floodgates to some other limited thinkers to follow suit. This is a cultural issue. The kid is just a ‘symptom’, but you are the problem.
  4. No, No, No... It's...do you know who I am...?!!!!
  5. As wise as I know you are...let's not try to put words into another governments mouth. Please wait to hear from the Government of Iceland.
  6. While visibility is limited, it's a 'cultural' experience. Guaranteed, everybody on this forum at one time or another has taken a tuk tuk. Ignore all the naysayers...you'll love it...!
  7. I think you should go...life is for learning.
  8. All Thai wanted the money: HERE IT COMES
  9. Very nice, very professional!
  10. Greedy bastard...! I know you can't help it...it's in your DNA.
  11. 'dinsdale'...that's 2 out of 2. Care to try for 3 out of 3...?
  12. Again, says 'dinsdale...who himself comes from a wealthy, powerful, and greedy country.
  13. Says 'dinsdale' who himself comes from a wealthy, powerful, and greedy country...
  14. Yeah...just like I said...'natural selection'. How's about...'survival of the fittest'... "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone..." Evolution makes no mistakes.
  15. Actually, I have no problem with inequality. Some people choose to, and some people don't. The degree of 'apathy' ingrained into Thai culture is accepted by almost everyone. 'Rice in the field...fish in the stream'. It's no accident that the top 50 wealthiest families (are Chinese who immigrated to Thailand) have all the money. Thailand left the barn door open. I think this is called...'natural selection', and it happens in every specie. There are several very famous publications from the 1930's with titles such as ..."Bangkok - The Chinese Problem". They knew it was happening, but they did not know what to do about it. And after 1949, with the accent of King Rama IX...who was half Chinese... However, truth be told, Thailand is so very insignificant compared to what is coming for the UK, Europe, and the US.
  16. Near as I can tell...we all descended from the trees about the same time...
  17. As if anybody with a brain thought it would...
  18. A curb on inequality would go against Thai culture... heaven forbid! THIS...is Thai culture...
  19. Big fan of Trader Joe's Wine department and 2-Buck Chuck...
  20. Brilliant...!
  21. Actually, nothing lost in the translation. That is how the Thai mind works. I have been living and working here for many years. As Western guests in another country, we are politely inclined to give those the benefit of the doubt. Don't... you heard it right the first time. 'Scrambled Eggs' for brains. Sad, but true. (you can always tell 'flamers'...they are the ones that have only been here a few months)
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