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Everything posted by tkramer

  1. Bloody American Weight-lifters who like to 'sperm the Earth' by irresponsibly, but consciously pro-creating six (6 un-necessary) children into bad parental relationships with admittedly mentally deranged spouses.
  2. Vipassana 10-day Meditation retreat. They are all over Thailand. (the more rural the better, trees, birds, nature, clean air). What's 10 days spent compared to all your wasted days of crazy and hardship...? Simple, easy, relax. Place to sit with instruction everyday. Great food, great outdoor environment...and you WILL learn how to control your (useless) thoughts. Who could ask for anything more... You are not the first human to allow your surroundings to get the better of you. It's been going on for century's. It's free. Try the 10 days. If it doesn't fit...simple, just walk away and try something else. Worked for me...! PS Make sure it is the course by SN Goenka...the founder. He is quite a 'kick in the pants'. You will like him. There are several Goenka affiliated locations in Thailand. Hers is one... Vipassana (dhamma.org) Personal advice...do not take the short course(s). No dipping your toe into the water. Jump in all the way...take the full 10 day course. I guarantee you that it will be one of the most profound experiences of your life...in a good way. There is only an upside to this experience. They will have NO attachment to you, and require you to have no attachment to them. it's one of those..."up to you"...situations.
  3. Okay Superman...what can I say to all of that...? you win...! But you're still a 'loser...!'
  4. All your professed hardships...were a 'clear and conscious choice by you'. You have nobody to blame but yourself. And I definitely would not want you to be making any decisions on MY PART. Nobody really cares to hear that you are a '<deleted>-up', and '2-time loser'. We don't want to know. Keep it to yourself, unless you are truly searching for some kind of pathetic sympathy.
  5. "If we were a rational species, we would never have let the population expand to 8 billion or destroyed the environment and wiped out other species to the extent that we have." The following was meant to be humorous, however, I find that although a majority of humans would never have the courage for such an endeavor... like it or not...it goes against everything we were taught...blah, blah, blah... Therefore, it is probably the only real option... https://www.theonion.com/scientists-look-one-third-of-the-human-race-has-to-di-1819573235
  6. "I have picked mentally ill women a few times. Sadly it was ones I've had children with. Maybe now you can understand what my situations were like, and that I do what a dad is supposed to do." Just proves the old adage... "Like attracts like"
  7. "What do you think is the biggest threat to humanity/civilization?" Interesting question. Just by coincidence, last week I happen to review an old George Carlin interview, taped just one year before he died. And while it is long (1:20:22)...at 1:14:00, he gives his opinion to this very question. And unfortunately, I happen to totally agree with his (most likely not so popular) opinion about the Human Species. Have a look, it only takes a minute to hear.
  8. Ignorance
  9. Not since 1940 when the Germans had their asses up against the wall, and they had to beg the USA to help save their sorry...
  10. The greatest luxury in life is...simplicity...!
  11. "SUPER SMART Irish and Scottish Guys.... Having CUTTING and BITING Humor... Who LOVE to Belittle me...." You know, I often think of the poor Immigration Officers at the airport(s) that have to put up with so much BS from so many 'Bozo's' everyday. Can you imagine how at the end of their day they go back home to their wife and family...and the wife asks..."honey...how was your day..."
  12. "I am afraid to leave my house unattendet when I go to thailand for 6 month during winter.." Where are you...in Greenland, or Tierra Del Fuego...?
  13. I think he means 'higher ground'...
  14. Thank you, Hum Noi...
  15. Don't tell 'journalists'...they will see it as a topic in which to 'pontificate' on...
  16. Medically, Thailand is 40 years behind the times. Your market base is very limited. Might be 'hard-times' on your earning potential. However, there is a lot of 'wealthy' locals here residing in BKK, perhaps even some with an open mind. Come out and do a 6-month research/study/evaluation of the marketplace. You are traversing 'new territory'.
  17. i truly think that she wants to act. However, all the do-gooders in the UK have crippled her ability. If she is truly stating what she states, and is wimping out...then damn her to hell for wasting everybody's time. FIRED...!!!
  18. "It comes down to cash in the end." Not so! Some of the healthiest and most long-lived people on the planet are middle to lower-middle class rural inhabitants by world standards. Home - Live Better, Longer - Blue Zones
  19. Health Insurance is...'after the fact'! After you get diabetes...after you are diagnosed with colon cancer...after you've had a heart attack...after you've had a stroke and the whole left side of your body is paralyzed... People go through there lives stating on social media..."I love my fat"..."I'm okay with looking like a beached whale, I still love myself"...I can live with my diabetes and my foot amputation next week... Americans are some of the most 'hypnotized, brainwashed, and health ignorant individuals on the planet. 'Who in their right mind eats more than they need...?' There is no acknowledgement or practicing of 'Preventive Medicine'. 90-95% percent of all disease is preventable... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2515569/
  20. This isn't the 60's...
  21. Not me. You've got to give it at least another couple of hours because...well, you never know...
  22. HomePro has it all, and does everything...deliver and install. Top class products and service.
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