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Everything posted by tkramer

  1. The beauty of Thai culture is that it allows you to see how humans lived, thought, and acted...10,000 years ago.
  2. Which only goes to show, that you take the Thai out of the jungle, but you will never be able to take the jungle out of the Thai…
  3. I thought this was a thread about Africa. 'More animal than human'. I am always constantly amazed at the twists and turns of the Thai mind...
  4. Except for the fact that 'All you can eat' is probably one of the most unhealthy endeavors you can pursue...
  5. Yes...'you are what you eat'. Or to put it another way... 'you can't be fat, if you don't eat fat'. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic says... 'heart healthy is a body fat of no more than 11-12%'. I personally strive to maintain a constant 10%, and a BMI of 19.8...it's easier than you think. Not my saying, but I have adopted it... "your health is your greatest wealth". (what fool would debate this statement?)
  6. Dude, don't you see the logic...? (joking)
  7. Actually, I would like to use yours...
  8. The Chinese/Thai mantra... "Money come in...no go out"
  9. It's simple math, and simple science. "Like attracts like", so it would have already happened a long time ago. It is impossible for you attract a true genius. Try googling 'Bozo' looking for a date.
  10. Obesity is not an 'illness', it is a conscious choice. Actually I think it is a 'Fad'...just like Tik Tok. I was obese for many years, and started to see the mounting high body fat, the high visceral fat, higher resting heart rate, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, sleep disorders, numbness in my lower legs, and finally diabetes. And then I made another conscious choice. One year later I lost 35% of my body weight, by starting vigorous exercise, eating WFPB...and all symptoms vanished. Been WFPB for 31 years (now age 75), and still spend 2 hours at the gym everyday. And love my fresh whole (not processed) food. If your food has an ingredients label...it's 'processed'. Fresh Broccoli, Arugula, Cauliflower, Spinach, Celery, Carrots...etc...have no ingredients label. Up to you...
  11. New Jersey...??? 555555555555...
  12. I love the Beach Boys, as I grew up with them. But this just doesn't cut it...
  13. What are you talking about...?! Guys like this run this country. You must be a tourist. Your 90 days are up.
  14. You can buy a very nice roomy Condo, 100% in your name. If you buy a house, you will never own it. Money down the drain. But if that's okay with you, maybe we should meet up, as I've got the Golden Gate Bridge for sale at a remarkable price. Clear title and everything...!
  15. Many doctors and patients say that Dr. Dean Ornish out of San Francisco is the 'go-to' guy for prostate cancer reversal in the USA.
  16. Unfortunately...people always get the government they deserve...
  17. Sorry to hear that your brothers, your sisters, and children and grandchildren are all dead...
  18. That's maybe #9 on a list of #10...
  19. You don't get it...you can't educate a water buffalo... The biggest problems with Westerners, is that they think everybody else in the world has a western mind. NO THEY DON"T... That has been the biggest problem with US foreign policy problem solving. A bunch of guys from Iowa, Nevada, Alabama, Delaware, Pennsylvania, or Illionois, California, etc... dictating foreign policy to Afghanistan or the DRC.
  20. It is beyond discipline. As somebody said on this forum..."there is no fixing stupid". They call Thailand a 'deveolpng country'. Well Siam is much older than Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia, and Singapore, and on par in existence with most country's in Europe. Unfortunately, at this point in time for Thailand...you are either a 'developed country, or an un-developed country'. Thailand is an un-developed country. Developing implies that you are going someplace...that you are moving forward. At best, Thailand is an in-grown hair. It is so backwards that not only will it never be able to contribute anything of value to the world, so, at best all it has to do is 'copy' other systems developed by more advanced cultures. But unfortunately, it can't even do that with any degree of proficiency. You either accept it...or leave.
  21. Bottom line is...if you weren't having successful female relationships in your home country... you won't be having them here. You're still a loser. Back home in Nebraska or Manchester, would you be bringing home a 23 year-old hooker to meet your family...? Who professionally screwed at least one guy a day...30 guys a month...360 guys a year, and say..."Mom and Dad, this is my new girlfriend...???!!!"
  22. Same DNA...scrabbled eggs for brains... That's like saying...'he wasn't from Arizona...he was from New Mexico...
  23. The observance of the Thai mind has continually boggled my mind, with its reasoning, logic, and deduction. 'The things that Thais do'...should be the title of a new hit song.
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