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  1. Probably not, if you are going back..just saying!
  2. Sorry bit late on my post..explained above, but of course not 600k.
  3. Please explain your 600k breakdown
  4. Who is 'they'...... and he is here now and free from restraints, so why Dubai?
  5. Right or not...why should others be expected to pay for foolishness.
  6. Sad...BUT no helmet and no travel insurance, so really no sympathy....why do people come to for holidays in Thailand without some type of insurance.. baffling. Also not wearing a helmut is plain stupid.
  7. You are saying a Thai person can't be a Muslim...not exactly racist but absolutely stupid thinking on your part. He is a long term politician from the South of Thailand and well a respected THAI citizen.
  8. Do you have concrete evidence of this?
  9. Come on.. you do realise how much 24 billion is! ...Revise
  10. Dear Martin...your silly comments probably tell us more about you.
  11. Dear Martin...you are wrong...apologise
  12. Google M-FLOW..you will see why....RFID technology.
  13. They are talking about M-FLOW lanes, which have no barriers.
  14. His local restaurant has run out of 'Baked Alaska', so next on the menu is?

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