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  1. You have wrong info. Report after extension has always always doable online, it is the first 90 day report after coming back into the country that is the question. Some have had success, some haven't.
  2. Wow you are a piece of work.....half of what you wrote is rubbish, and you have the audacity to admonish another poster. 🙄
  3. No...Marriage 400k can be used.
  4. No need...just read yours
  5. So it seems a Gazan has a choice of dying from lack of water or being blown up.
  6. A man who understands..excellent post, and hope others understand now.
  7. Lowlands, marsh, mud/water...but there are actually many roads in that area..Lots of restaurants, many Wats and businesses. enlarge your map of the ares.
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 146 seconds  
  9. Are you delusional...as stated in the first line of the photo..Sgt. Anthony Bryant
  10. So put that in your first post so people understand correctly. Then comments can be relevant. With 'not correct' details then others who are trying to be helpful, can post relevant info.
  11. You really should have remedied this years ago, as even small differences can cause problems. In this case could be a problem for your son, but especially could be for your wife as both documents are issued by Thai authorities. You need to get this rectified. I am speaking from experience in this type of document mistake.
  12. Bit of incorrect info there. Thai citizens can obtain Thai passport at any age...not only at 18. eg: my daughter obtained her first passport at 6 mths old when we travelled.
  13. No of course not. He is an adult. Buy his tickets using Aust Passport and check in with Aust Passport. Leave country using Thai Passport. Coming back check in Aust with Aust passport and come back into Thailand on Thai passport. Very easy.

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