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  1. Drink driver. A term commonly used in our 51st State
  2. I downloaded the 'i lert you' app, but have yet to try
  3. Pretty darn decent Americano for 30 baht!
  4. I know you've deceived me, now here's a surprise I know that you have 'cause there's magic in my eyes
  5. Saw some at Index Living Mall (Bkk)
  6. reconstitute with bacteriostatic water.
  7. I buy the dry semaglutide peptide and reconstitute it myself. It's less than 3000 baht per 5mg vial. OMG does it work. Magic for blood sugar and all that gut fat is nearly gone!
  8. Perhaps a little taste, Mr. Castaneda?
  9. Yes. Schwab has sent my card next day air in the past. There was a $25 fee, which they waived.
  10. The Republicans can impeach My Johnson and then impeach the Speaker of the House.
  11. No personal ref. for you, but I'm also looking and found this list from the US Embassy: tax-consultants-2020.pdf (usembassy.gov)
  12. And my first laugh of the day goes to you, KannikaP! Your next drink is on me
  13. I'd lose a 10,000 baht bet. Of course, I won that bet last go around.
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