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Everything posted by gearbox

  1. Why do you think that you are entitled to a cheap insurance at the age of 75? The insurance companies are businesses and need to turn a profit. They employ actuaries and statisticians who calculate premiums taking into account multiple factors, the primary one being the age of the insured. I'm just below 60 and paid around $460 aud with Medibank Private for medical only cover for 5 months.
  2. Hmmmm, do you feel outpriced? The Chinese are also coming and is going to get worse. The businesses in the tourist areas like Phuket and Samui are doing quite well now, the hotel prices are higher than pre-covid, bikes to rent are hard to find and expensive, long term rentals are way up, domestic airfares are getting higher and higher. The low class from the West living in these areas will be slowly squeezed out, they either need to find ways to make more money or find greener pastures. Isaan is calling.
  3. For me emergency is anything which prevents me flying out...as simple as that. If we could fly out any time we have medical issues very few people would buy an insurance.
  4. There are not enough flights, it takes time for the airlines to get permits and add capacity. AFAIK the first direct flight from China to Samui is supposed to happen this Sunday, 26th. In other news Air France is squealing that the Chinese airlines have unfair advantage as they have access to the Russian air space, which makes the fly times between Europe and China/East Asia up to 3 hours shorter. China Eastern and the others are ramping up capacity to take advantage and increase their market share
  5. The reopening of China coupled with growth of the Indian and the Middle East markets could beat Thailand's pre-covid tourist numbers as soon as the next year.
  6. The OP is an American, in order to retire in Oz he'll need much more than 5 mil baht.
  7. The Aussie beaches are cleaner but you can't retire there with 5 mil baht. This is a Thai beach.... plenty of good beaches here as well.
  8. Taking into account your financial situation in your OP IMO there are a few risk factors for you which can cause depletion of your funds: * Emergency health issues that you can't cover. * Relationship with a wrong woman * Getting into a business in Thailand that you don't understand As long as you can manage and sort out these IMO you have enough money to live here.
  9. The Hungarians were never friendly to Russia, they are just looking after their own interests. So do the Swiss, the experts in money laundering, the blood and crime money are always welcome, most dictators and mass murderers have Swiss bank accounts and real estate. Oligarchs Central.
  10. None of the Thais I know has mentioned Ukraine or the war there in any way. They don't even show much interest in the Thai politics. The sheeple in the West is getting prepped for a new war, and a bigger one. War,war, war, this is what you hear every day. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-21/china-us-war-what-would-conflict-look-like-taiwan/101998772
  11. Pattaya, no sex, 2k usd per month...you are going to be ok financially. The main issue looking forward would be health insurance. The older you get the more expensive it gets, and from your OP you don't have the money to self insure.
  12. The drawback of the yellow book is the amount of time to make it....I think I've done 3 trips to Nathan and paid 1K baht for translation of my passport in Thai. If you can't read or write Thai you'll need a Thai person to help you with the forms. You also need a "witness" to say they know you for a while. Once you have the yellow book the pink card takes 30 minutes to do but as far as I remember had to go back to Nathon to pick it up. My DL was renewed with the yellow book but still has my name in English. AFAIK you can use the yellow book and your passport for DL, the pink card is not needed. The pink card is mainly useful in the national parks to pay Thai prices.
  13. Yep lots of misinformation...I'm halfway through my second retirement extension and today submitted my first ever 90 days report online. Got an approval email 1-2 hours later. I was either out of the country every time before the 90 days report was due, or the Samui immigration was resetting it when the extension application was approved.
  14. As far as I remember the Samui immigration resets the 90 days reporting date when issues a new retirement extension. Which makes a lot of sense as the extension requires a proof of current address paperwork.
  15. Where is this racist fear mongering in Thailand? Only coming from a bunch of low class rejects from the home countries, and nobody pays any attention. It is business as usual everywhere, Koh Lipe looks packed at the moment.
  16. Not necessarily, I have a foreign card which reimburses all ATM fees. However I rarely use it these days as I can take out money with my Thai cards from my Thai accounts.
  17. Long-tail boat flotation test - put 9 whales on one side to lean and take photos. Fail, needs new boat design. I bet the poor owner doesn't have any insurance, probably would need to borrow money to buy a new one.
  18. The key to get good price from Agoda, Expedia etc is to go via a price comparison site as Google Maps, Kayak or TripAdvisor, there they have to compete with other booking sites. If you use the Agoda app or web site directly you are in the bag already.
  19. The Airport Jacket: I always wear a jacket with pockets as 7 kg cabin baggage are never enough...the laptops are nearly 5kg. No problem to offload 2-3 kg to the jacket if needed. Nowadays many budget airlines like Jetstar and AirAsia have an option to up the cabin baggage to 14 kg.
  20. 545 baht looks the right price, they cost around that in Australia when not on sale. I have heaps of Eneloops both AA and AAA and don't remember single one failing. All bought overseas, not in Thailand. You can check Amazon, if you buy a few packs it may be cheaper than Lazada even with shipment to Thailand.
  21. I found the Phuket prices higher than Bangkok, but not that high if you use apps like InDrive, usually 200 baht for up to 10-15km distances. The biggest taxi rip offs are in Samui, people are paying up to 400 baht for 2-3 km ride, and no apps like InDrive as alternative. True it is no Sydney, but people from Sydney come here and use Sydney money to pay Thai prices, which is still very good deal for them.
  22. You can pre-book in advance your taxi from the Phuket airport. Last November I booked taxi through Klook to Cape Panwa which is longer distance than Patong or Kata, 600 baht. Paying the same distance in Sydney would cost me a small fortune.
  23. The winds are now strong in the south but not that strong to inflict such damages. The vessel looks fairly old and possibly not properly maintained, esp the engine, totally unrelated to the weather. Quite possibly the standing rigging was not maintained properly as well, the winds are not that strong to break the mast.
  24. Nope..many here are living on benefits like state pension, old age pension, etc, paid by the taxpayers in the home countries. I get every year a "thank you" email from the government about how my taxes are spent, the biggest item by far is paying old age pensions.
  25. Smart move. However if the other countries start doing the same eventually the influencers will start negating each other????
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