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Everything posted by gearbox

  1. If properly wiped they _may_ have some content detectable via electronic microscopy, but I doubt your hard drives are that valuable. Hit them with hammer or drill holes to expose them to air, then submerge in a bucket for a week, all gone, the magnetic media doesn't like water.
  2. For many reasons...e.g the fridge is full and electricity goes off. Or security cameras are required to be on all the time.
  3. Asking them to leave? Good luck with that... https://apnews.com/article/religion-mike-pompeo-middle-east-baghdad-iran-182bae76452d7565b0a3d840ff0369cb
  4. To attempt is to achieve...good to see the Thais spending money and effort on physics than submarines and jet fighters. However the chance of them getting ahead of the others is miniscule. Still knowledge would be gained.
  5. I don't know where your friend gets his eggs, but a tray of 30 eggs in Australia below $10 (230 baht) is very difficult to find. In Woolies a dozen of free fange eggs typically salls above $7 which is upwards of 140 baht. https://www.google.com/search?q=30 eggs site%3A.au&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m
  6. If the Chinese killed every single Tibetan they would have killed 1.23 million people, the whole Tibet population in 1959. Definitely not millions. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12321528/ Whatever the Chinese did was not right, but that massive inflation of numbers doesn't help but erode the Tibetan cause.
  7. Taiwan is not a sovereign country, whether you say that lie once or hundred times. Most of the UN members recognise only one China including all the western countries. There are a handful of countries recognising Taiwan as independent state, and that recognition was funded by Taiwan. However it appears that recently the Chinese have more cash, so even these countries are jumping ship. This is how a major war will start in Asia, the Chinese will be goaded on attacking Taiwan by a certain country all of a sudden saying that things have changed and now there are two China states.
  8. First, thanks to everyone for replying. Your experience mirrors my experience. The free global super economy packages are getting distributed via post everywhere, I got tracking numbers from Malaysia and Vanuatu, once they enter Thailand it is the end of it. I once tried to enquire at the local post office but the only thing they are interested is a tracking number, and once the parcel enters Thailand looks like the tracking number, if any, changes and the Thai post office tracking site doesn't recognise any previous numbers. From now on either I'll try to get the same item on Lazada - never had issues there, or bump up the count of items, hopefully at some point it will go out of the "super economy" range. I did manage to get a full refund from AliExpress for some items.
  9. I bought many items from AliExpress, but recently pretty much every small item which is not trackable disappears in a black hole. Larger items with tracking arrive without issues. I tried to send it to a different address but no luck so far. I'm starting to think the small non trackable parcels are getting stolen at the final dispatch destination... unfortunately I don't think there is an option to choose different shipping, these are usually less than $5 in value. Anyone else with the same experience?
  10. Australia is a no go for Brits on state pensions, the monthly state pension would probably only cover a fortnightly rent in Sydney. On top of that there are investment requirements.
  11. The taxis in Samui are for tourists, not for the people living there. I don't remember ever using a taxi in the last 4-5 years. Samui is a great place to live, a bit more expensive as it is an island, but still very affordable by the western standards.... except healthcare. But healthcare would be an issue not only in Samui.
  12. The Swiss actually produce a lot of high quality stuff, companies like ABB and Roche are Swiss owned and based. I remember Sulzer was even building ship diesel engines, even that Switzerland is a land locked country.
  13. Just extended for one more year, no changes. The same lady in the immigration, Bangkok bank 6 months statement, Thai international medical certificate still 250 baht, copy of the yellow book. There were heaps of Russians/Ukrainians when I submitted the application, around 1.5 hours waiting time.
  14. Aussies are squeezed by high cost of living and high mortgage repayments. The best destination is the nearby council park.
  15. Where is Kho Tow? I've been to most of the Thai Islands but never heard of this one.
  16. You can call them with Skype credit, use their Australian phone, not 1300, the charges are around 3.2 cents a minute. I spend sometimes up to an hour on call with the banks.
  17. Get an Oz SIM, life would be easier, the Aldi sim can be maintained for as little as $15 per year.
  18. With CBA at least you need to get a SMS confirmation to do a first transfer to an account. If Wise changes their Oz account (they have done it before) my Wise transfers would be stuffed up without an Oz SIM.
  19. Sorry OP I didn't read your posts very well. I thought you have an Aussie SIM which is on roaming via AIS, seems that you have an AIS local Thai number. No idea why this wouldn't be working, I would never use a setup like this.
  20. I got an Aussie number and I'm getting SMS messages from at least 20 organisations, including CBA, NAB, Macquarie bank, Citibank, ING, Qantas, ATO, PayPal AU and others without any problems. I'm with Aldi Mobile which I believe uses the Telstra network. I think the only country where my roaming and SMS were not working was Albania. Which one is your Oz provider? You need to check with them. I used to have a hardware token with Citibank, but had issues all the time, and the batteries are not replaceable - so it would die somewhere and leave me without access. The only token I have now is with Rabobank, they don't use SMS as 2fa and their tokens last 6-7 years.
  21. There is a way to avoid overcharging - don't throw rocks and bicycles at houses.
  22. According to a BAC calculator a female weighting 80kg and drinking 8 beers in 4 hours would have around 0.16 BAC. Almost double the amount of beers to get to 0.35. The insurers most likely have enough evidence to reject the claim.
  23. Another day, another GoFundMe...this time an Aussie for a change. The alcohol level of 0.19 exclusion is pretty common in the policies, and requires some serious drinking to be exceeded. To deny it without a blood test implies she is way above that. The private hospitals probably don't do alcohol tests as they know the claim could be rejected.
  24. OP don't overthink it, just come with whatever visa you want, open your laptop and do whatever you want, nobody is going to stay behind your back. For that matter it would be the same in most of the countries in the world. Don't let the clients pay you in Thai bank accounts and generally avoid workspaces, there is good 5G and fibre broadband Internet here.
  25. And the third, most important reason - they have no ways to catch them working remotely.
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