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Everything posted by gearbox

  1. Do you think even for one second that the Thai Internet infrastructure is designed to sustain massive nuclear war? Not to mention that many of the sites are hosted outside Thailand, including probably this site. Most DNS servers will stop functioning properly if they can't reach the root DNS servers...me thinks you are totally out of depth here. The whole thing may be reconfigured with the right people at the right time, but that may take days and weeks, that's in case they are willing to turn up at all.
  2. This is not going to save you, you need really deep pockets... https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff Although the uber rich are also not safe, the main issue being the reliability of the staff. If it is only me and you, you being uber rich and I being uber poor staff, single shot can change the roles...
  3. I would say within 15 minutes you won't be able to post any trolling post as the root DNS servers will be down across the world.
  4. Wait until the single brain cell warmongering trolls appear here with slogans like "Nuke them!" or "Our nukes are better than theirs".
  5. So you think in case of nuclear war the Grab drivers would roam through the radioactive clouds to deliver you radioactive food? Unbelievable.
  6. Try again. The first thing is to have air purifiers with the best HEPA filters that you can afford, don't forget that these require electricity so you need either solar or batteries. New release EV cars can help as you can draw power from it. Water is easier to secure as the bottled water lasts long time. Food is even easier. The only thing which can't be prepacked is air, and this is where the radiation will come from. And don't worry about the uber rich, they prepared expensive bunkers in New Zealand with swimming pools and food to last for 5 years.
  7. This subject was thoroughly researched from both sides during the Cold War. Go search the Internet or buy a book to educate yourself, instead of seeking the opinions of people which probably dropped from high school. There were many models loaded with possible inputs and generating outcomes, most predicting the end of the world as we know it.
  8. Thumbs up for the post office too. At the moment Kerry may handle larger dimensions cheaper, but probably the OP is not shipping 75 in TV. Also if near Pattaya check if is not cheaper to use the new ferry service, probably there are no extra charges for bigger baggage for the passengers. You can also buy a motorbike near Pattaya if cheaper and come with the ferry. However not sure yet whether the ferry service is on regular schedule now????
  9. As khunPer mentioned the Honda dealer at Maenam is a good one, we thought before buying from Surat Thani, but the price difference was negligible and not worth the hassle, we bought 2 new Honda Clicks from that dealer. As for rentals for around 5k you can get a bungalow with a bedroom and kitchen in the areas between Tesco and the Fisherman's village, but it may not be up to your standards. My Gf staff rents in that area for around 4-5k per month. Many foreigners rent long term in the sois off Khao Phra Soi, but the rents there start from 8-10k. The best thing IMO is to post first in the Samui FB groups, lots of business is done this way. Maenam rentals as far as I know are around 20% cheaper. As an island a drawback would be going anywhere out of it, airfare is expensive and the ferry charges have gone up a lot. Also everything is more expensive than the mainland, it is a tourist destination.
  10. You sound like my Thai GF who can't get a good sleep because if she dies tomorrow her money won't be spent... I don't like nice rooms, don't like swimming pools, don't like to mix with the two week millionaires in any places. Sleeping under a bridge will create much better memories. I'm going to leave all my money to my kid, who I'm 100% sure will use it much better to contribute to the humanity than myself flushing it down the toilet because I can't take it with me.
  11. I think it was posted already somewhere in this thread that this is rather large publisher with millions of readers/subscribers.
  12. Me? Cheapskate? Absolutely! I'll try to pay as little as I can get away with it. That doesn't mean I'll try to get something for nothing, I just won't pay for anything which is not aligned with my lifestyle and values. Business class flights is one of these things. Everyone is different, in my books any hours spent in a metal tube is anything but good experience no matter what. For me "unbelievable experience" is for example cycling the mountain bike in the Indonesian jungle with wild boars and monitor lizards running in front of me.
  13. Second that. When my body is asleep it wouldn't know if it is in 200 or 20k room. Money better spent on something else. IMO the dumbest is to pay thousands for better chair for 5-6 hours as the case in business class. Would you take 2k pay cut if they offer you better chair in the office for one day?
  14. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1676600/eu-news-france-election-marine-le-pen-polls-eurosceptic-far-right-national-rally A British based think tank urges Brussels to interfere in the next French elections and internal affairs as apparently Macron is not doing a good job and may finally lose to Le Pen...
  15. That sounds right as many Asian energy multinationals and state energy companies have long term contracts with the Australian LNG producers. The gas prices are linked to the price of oil, but the price of oil didn't go that high. Not hard to imagine if they have surplus they would sell it at the spot market.
  16. It doesn't really matter who did it in the end, whatever is done is done, there is no way back. However the German politicians are not happy with the gas prices.. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/05/german-minister-criticizes-us-over-astronomical-natural-gas-prices.html And the German voters are even less happier.. https://www.thelocal.de/20220821/majority-of-germans-dissatisfied-with-government-and-scholz-poll/ Europe is slowly moving towards the far right and the far left again. If the far right gains enough in Germany it would be game over for EU.
  17. Macron needs to do something as the French trade deficit is trending record high. However it is going to be a tough sell here. Nobody would buy French junk cars, and there is a limit how much perfume the market can consume.
  18. That country sounds like a terrible place. Hopefully you are not living there.
  19. Good luck to him...I did a "thailand" search on gofundme out of curiosity, there are tens and tens of cases for donations related to medical treatment or funeral expenses in Thailand. And some love stories ending very badly: https://www.gofundme.com/f/get-a-loving-grandfather-home-to-australia?qid=25df96d6109e52323c65f7cecd0c6600 Poor old geezer falling in love...where else but Thailand. On the other end some opportunistic requests...probably won't bother with travel insurance too.. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-pay-for-my-trip-to-thailand?qid=a6f4d895d6ed8292cadc0ca8856f5154
  20. Hard to say..at one end airfares are high and cost of living is skyrocketing, on the other end it looks tempting to lock the house, move to a nice warm country and avoid massive energy bills. That's of course people who don't depend on annual leave from work. I flew in around 2 weeks go, the Abu Dhabi and Istanbul airports were packed, never saw that many people in Abu Dhabi before. Swampy looked deserted compared to them. So far seems people are choosing holidays closer to home, at least during the Euro summer.
  21. Some areas are banned for flying drones but people routinely ignore them. In other areas you need to pay to film. Governments everywhere are starting to demand paid registrations - in Australia it was free to fly until mid this year. In practice if you are in remote area there is usually nobody around to enforce any rules. One just needs to be sensible and not invade people's privacy or fly near airports or military bases. I flew my drone in 5 countries in the last 6 months, never bothered to apply for any registrations, had zero problems including the borders.
  22. There are unfortunate people everywhere, but is highly unlikely a Thai to die from cold or hunger. The energy price shock is much softer here than in Europe. Exports are holding so far and the tourism is slowly picking up. In Samui the businesses are slowly reopening one after another. I would say I'm a bit insulated from the ordinary folks nere but just don't feel that uncertainty and fear of the future I sensed in the people in Europe in the last 3 months.
  23. Please do tell us how it went, it is hard to get info first hand.
  24. AUD will probably get some support tomorrow when the Reserve Bank is expected to raise the interest rate again.
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