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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. Oh God! This country is beyond salvation! Its bad eneough we have the corrupted PheuThai and the corrupted Democrats at loggerheads (ps; all politicians in thailand are corrupted scum!), we now have the police behaving in mob antics. Whats next? The Police Force is a total disgrace and really all these senior cops should be sacked .

    Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out then ;)

    • Like 2
  2. Thanks Bangkokburning - can i just quickly confirm this was the guy at the shop at the MFA? i vaguely remember there being someone there (this is my second marriage, but the first was a long time ago and i was the clueless with tilac in tow, so just wandered around and paid the fees - lol)

  3. OK. So there were no "men in black". They were armed red shirts shooting at the army.

    Sent from my HTC phone.

    There WERE 'men in black' as I see them clearly on the Thai news at the time of the troubles getting out of a van (commando style) slinking away and then you could see and hear several shots being fired in the direction of where the army were stationed, with said terrorists hiding in the shadows and then disappearing away from the scene a little while after!!!

    They were 'fake' Men-In-Black ;)

  4. Yes we are on IoJ with a guild called "Southern Cross" - although i havent logged in for almost a week as i have some urgent stuff going on at work which eats my free time right now - i hope to try get on this weekend for a bit tho :)

    IoJ seems to have heavy population, which is good with regard to Public events popping up, but not so good when it comes to queues for WvW or PvP

    Oh, the official site is selling the gmae again i believe, they temporarily disabled it to help try and control population etc but its back now i read.

  5. There were 4,000 people in the temple and only one weapon ??

    Impossible to get 4000 people inside of that temple, i walk past it every day and can see into it from my office - 1000 people max and then they would be pretty much shoulder-to-shoulder.

    interesting photo of the "men in black". I wonder why they carry riot shields....

    'Men In Black' Are Policemen, Chalerm Claims


    Why were the police shooting at/attacking the army?

  6. Hope that this scum losses his appeal and end s up in jail with some other inmates finishing him off.....this guy was once selling girls including underaged girls from neighbouring countries and yet Thais voted him in. I also hope that someday somebody would send his kids to work in a brothel. Simply filth along with the media and people who support him.

    Running brothels and facing criminal charges he must of had one magnificent P.R machine behind him to get elected.

    Seems Thais really like to elect/vote for criminals, alleged criminals and downright nasty people...

    ... look at the current government, i suspect you could find more than a handful there ;)

    And i suspect Jaivin2011 will be right along with proof and evidence into his 'underage girls' comment, surely he wouldn't cast allegations without proof? right... coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  7. imo most cannot afford the iPad/iPhone plus the amout of skin bleeching required to be white enough to be in the 'cool group'. since 90% of people on TV have these things and are 'white' while most of the population can only dream, their selfworth will continue to fall.

    only dark skinned people on tv are commedians.

    Err.. what?

  8. I suppose you'd report him if he was enjoying a can of leo on a hot day, waiting for a fare.

    Cos drinking a beer when you are driving a public vehicle is totally acceptable to you?

    A Taxi driver drinking Alcohol is far more serious than not turning on the meter or saying no to a potential passenger!

    You must be the kind of guy that's totally fine with a minibus driver getting wrecked before driving you and your family anywhere, right?

    • Like 2
  9. DSI reports new details on 91 political deaths

    BANGKOK, 4 September 2012 (NNT) – The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has disclosed further details on the 91 deaths from the red-shirt mass riot in 2010, saying 36 of them might have been caused by army officers.

    *Might* have been.... It *might* rain green cheese tomorrow.

    So if 36 deaths *might* have been caused by the military, is it safe to assume then that the other 55 deaths *might* be caused by the Protestors?

  10. If you insist to have this procedure...

    I'm not the one insisting, infact i am the one pushing back on the Doctors here, asking them why they want to perform this procedure and what they expect to find... just find its always best to research these things yourself as well, as sometimes even Doctors can get it wrong ;)

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