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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. I agree the m18x is a beast and not easy to travel with it - I'm still hunting around for a decent backpack so i *can* take it somewhere!

    I paid 1,000b import duty on my m18x when i shipped it here using Shipito.com but it did take a while to get to me (i labeled it as a factory repaired $500 laptop hehe).

    My shipping cost was around $150 if i remember correctly... so your estimate is about right (for top end of the scale) but could be $200 cheaper or so

    I didnt see the extended spec, so yeah its a fair deal i guess :)

  2. I bought an upgraded M18x (the new one) and no i'm not selling unless you offer me 20% more than RRP :)

    Just looked at the advert in question, that's the 11" screen... wow, i mean my work laptop has a 13" screen and that's not enough screen for me... your mileage may vary.

    Plus you can buy that model brand new directly from Dell for $899 (29k) - agreed its the basic model and you would need to spend a little extra upgrading it. For shipping its not that expensive if you use a re-shipping company (PM me and i will give you the link to the one i use) - so all-in-all that laptop is not that great a deal in my opinion :) If your impatient and want it *right now* then get it, otherwise wait and order something the same/better for similar money... for gaming you need a big monitor in my opinion :)

  3. Does that mean the Democrats can sue the entire PTP party for the several failed Censure motions against them when they were in power? Everyone can keep suing everyone and still no one actually does anything to move the country forward.

    Every single one of them who holds MP status should have it revoked, lets bring in a fresh set of politicians and see if they can do any better... idiots, the lot of them!

  4. You should try some of the larger pet stores.

    We got ours from the Thong Lor Pet Hospital 'pet shop' - it wasnt cheap but stands almost 2mtr high with 3 'levels' our cats love it.

    There is also a big pet supply place behind the old Carrefour (now Big C Express) on the Rama 4 road, i cant give you exact directions as i dont remember exactly but its not far from there. There are also some smaller boutique style pet stores in that area but unlikely they will have what you are looking for.

  5. I enjoyed it, i played quite a bit over the weekend. I played Sith and followed the story but then chose to try a Jedi Knight and skipped most of the story as i didn't want to spend half my playtime reading/listening to all the story line.

    The Game seems fairly solid right now, quite a bit of running around but it didn't feel too bad. I hear what you are saying about "WoW with Light-sabers" but to be honest, that is the genre so thing wont really change much (every MMO since before WoW and after WoW is the same, WoW didnt 'invent' that style of game-play!). At least SWTOR has a lot more in-depth storyline and is visually more appealing. Couldn't figure out how to do the crafting but then i wasn't going to do a lot of crafting anyway during the beta weekend.

    I was a bit disappointed with some of the skills, and felt you got a bit too much too soon, would have been better to spread them out over the levels a bit more to give you more chance to 'learn' how to use them effectively. I found leveling up to feel quite slow around the 11-15 levels, but i admit i didn't do many of the group quests and sometimes didn't bother picking up solo quests as i wanted to drive the storyline quest a bit more.

    The Companion system seemed good, i only had one companion to chose from but i can see it getting very good later when you have 3-4 different ones to choose from, depending on the situation, and have them kitted out and working how you want. I didn't really see much way to control the companion much, Would be nice if you had more of the 'Dragon Age' style control where you can set up specific triggers (heal me when i get to 75% health, Always taunt when the skill is available - etc) maybe that comes a little later.

    I didnt get to my own ship, stopped before i got near those levels, so i didnt get chance to try that out. For me i was using this beta weekend to try it out and see how the game felt. Ran a comfortable 90-100fps on my Alienware laptop, few pauses for loading some fo the cut scenes or longer narratives but overall it ran very well on my laptop.

    Overall i liked it, i don't know if its a 'WoW Killer' and my concern is the game will fill up with kiddies, but i enjoyed playing it this weekend and will defiantly be buying the game on release (i have it pre-ordered already)

  6. There is a huge Beta Stress test this weekend, if you already signed up for beta testing prior to 11th Nov then you are automatically accepted (and should get an email inviting you to test/play) Otherwise there are lots of 'beta keys' out there on fan sites etc.

    Starts at Friday 10am CET (11pm Thailand time) and runs until Monday (either mid-day or midnight, i don't remember)

    I have my invite, i've accepted and i've downloaded the client already (its big, really big... almost 20gb!) - i will be on Saturday morning, kicking some Jedi Scum ass!

  7. Let a complete stranger into my house for a period of time (several nights) and introduce them to my pets and leave them the responsibility of taking car of my pets? No thanks.

    It would always be playing in the back of my mind that i would come home to a house that's been cleaned out of valuables/expensive items and my pets starving hungry.

  8. A bit of both really... my motivation for getting a GSD was it was the breed of dog i grew up with, but this being Thailand i wanted to get a loud and big dog to guard the house. Still i want a dog to mess around with and go for long walks etc.

    He barks when the doorbell rings and he barked at my cleaner when she came yesterday (until he got to know her, then he was as good as gold) so hes instinctively got it in him already, i do intend to socialize him to people and dogs as soon as possible, hes total fine with strangers outside of the house in the few people he has met outside.

  9. Well i picked up my pup on Saturday. In the end we found a reputable breeder who loves his dogs and also has a show winner for a mum, the male dog was imported from Germany and the female born and bred in Thailand. We got the pink Pedigree which i understand is a Thailand recognized one only. That's good enough for me. We took him down to our vets right away and she checked him over, hes strong healthy and in good shape!

    The pup (Odin is his name) is a total charmer, hes the most relaxed and polite puppy i have ever known. Hes been with us for 4 days and has already made friends with one of my cats, learned where in the yard he should pee and poop, hes on the way to learning Sit, Stay and Come and is already very faithful never wanting to go too far from my side. Hes still a bit nervous to walk far from the house, i can get to the top of my soi (about 50mtrs) before he refuses to go much further, hes total fine with a collar and a leash however. For now i just play with him in the yard nervous to take him too far until he's had all his jabs - hes still a bit young at 10-11 weeks.



  10. I would give Thong Lor Pet Hospital a call, most of their vets speak good english and they maybe able to help and advise you.

    They are quite expensive (i use them for all my animals) but i trust them, they know what they are doing and i'm pretty sure that the microchip and blood work will come in under 10k.

    I'm due there on Sunday to take my puppy down to start his vaccinations, i will ask whilst i am there, as i also want to know whats involved and 'how to do it'

  11. I would walk my dog in city street rather than outer Bangkok. It tends to have more strays than in the city.Or you may try to walk your dog at CDC design cetre, K villege, the Nine where those community mall allow dogs

    We think we have found a grassy park area outside of central Bangkok, up near the airport, will go check it out once the pup has all his vaccinations and can be safely taken outside. Thanks for the info and advice guys, much appreciated. I will post back when/if i find some suitable places :)

  12. It's the way they did it that sums this mafia up.

    Yingluck sneaks off to Singburi and states that "Oh it's dark now, my helicopter can't fly in the dark because it has no radar so I can't return for my cabinet meeting"

    Army says "of course that model has radar and so does the other helicopter that is on standby"

    Chalerm the magnificent holds the meeting kicking out all but a select few cronies. Meeting is "secret" - well all know why. Meeting agrees to this amnestty.

    When cabinet is asked about the meeting the outcome is silence, no comment or Plodprasop "I can't say, it's a secret"

    Yingluck, when asked, says "Don't ask me what they did - I wasn't there"

    Absolute disgrace.

    3 army helicopters clash in a single week, all flying in day-light. Including the most expensive US made black hawk with radar.

    And you you say it is OK to fly at night?

    142 km away, she could have walked to the meeting, dont you recognize bs when you smell it?

    Or at least paddled there!!!

    She wouldn't die in a helicopter crash, we are not that lucky...

  13. Maybe i am missing something here (quite possible)

    But the Amnesty isn't guaranteed, they have/trying to amended the 'rules' that will allow him to qualify for Amnesty, but it still needs to be approved (presumably on a case-by-case basis) by the Royal Household, doesn't it?

    Whilst the government may propose certain people for amnesty, it doesn't guarantee it... After all, the government serves at His Majesties pleasure, its a constitutional monarchy.

    Its quite possible i am totally off the mark here, and if i am please correct me where i am wrong...

  14. Thanks for the advice guys, i do appreciate it... i'm not put off by it, i understand that they will need regular vet visits to keep them healthy.

    We found a breeder now and have selected our dog, i'm gunna give him another week or two before we collect him, he's 9-10 weeks old right now, but i prefer to leave it as close to 12 weeks as possible, we gotta puppy-proof the house and garden now and get all the bits we need to welcome him home.

  15. Can anyone advise me where as to the location of the Pet/Dog friendly parks in the city? With a new puppy incoming over the next few weeks, i would like to know where i can take my dog for a nice long walk at the weekends... I have a car so can drive to pretty much any park in the city, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be appreciated :)

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