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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. I am in the process of getting TRUE'S Hi-Speed Internet, ADSL line (16 Mega bits per second) in central business district in Bangkok.

    I have a miniature UFO-looking "Linksys Dual-Band Wireless-N ADSL2+ Modem Gigabit Router, Model WAG320N" http://reviews.cnet....nt;get-selector

    I am not technical at all and was wondering if that device modem/router would be compatible with True's internet line...

    does anyone have any experience with this?

    I have the exact same model and i can confirm it works on True lines and also is a very good quality router... the only time i struggled with it was when i switched over to cable (and cable modem) - i had a real problem trying to get it to not use the modem and just act as a network switch... but if you are using it on an ADSL line - you will have no problems with it

  2. MunterHunter,

    When you say you are on cable internet, are you on True's new UltraSpeed Cable internet with available package speeds from 10Mb to 100Mb or some other True cable internet plan I'm unaware of? If you are on the Ultraspeed package, what package speed are you on (10, 20, ...., 100Mb) and I wonder if you could expand a little on how it's working for your speed-wise, streaming video-wise, reliability, etc. The reason I ask is because I'm suppose to be hooked up to True Utltraspeed Cable internet over the next month or after they finish trunk line installation in my moobaan and I'm interested in how Cable Ultraspeed is "really" working for people. I signed up for the 20Mb/2Mb package @1,299 baht/month. Big Thanks.


    I am really unsure of the possibilities for this line, i asked my GF to get it set up for me, told her i wanted 10mb and she came back with this... 700b (could be 799, dont remember) for 10mb/1mb - speeds are good, often see 1.2-1.4mb download speeds when im connected to high seeded torrents, things like YouTube are pretty much streaming realtime (no having to wait for the video to download etc) Slows down a bit when ive got lots of stuff happening at the same time, obviously. Overall very pleased with the service, the only bummer is it costs me a port on my hub, so now im gunna have to go buy a network switch... 4 ports isnt enough for my household :(

  3. Foolish Old Goat - does he not realise that with Election monitors there is less of a likelihood that the Reds will get away with large scale vote-buying which has (allegedly) happened in the past? This would give his party a much better chance of getting voted back in...

    ... unless of course, the Dems are planning on chucking around a few mill in vote buying ;)

  4. The True 3G tethering on iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) works fine - get a similar (but not the same) problem where my iPad will lose the connection to my iPhone, even though the hot spot is still operating, usually have to wait a minute or two and the ipad will pick it up again.

    So far, its very good tho - nothing to complain about

  5. Concerning the fire at CentralWorld and other places in the area, then at the time the Government had cut of all water and power for the whole area which eventually would hamper the functioning of the automatic fire extinguishing systems in place, no pumps to keep pressure off water...no fresh supply of water...this would lead to inefficient or non functioning of extinguishing systems and fires could spread easily...so maybe it is in place to blame at least some part of it at the Government ... who made the fire in the first place .. no idea that is for the Police and investigators to find out and prove ..;-)

    I remember reading that the reason the fire caused so much damage was that the sprinkler system was not operating. The reason given was that water supplies had been cut-off to 'force' the protesters out of the camp.

    So maybe some of the fault for the extensive damage does lie with the government?

    So let me get this right, you think that because the Government cut water/power to the area and the reds decided to set fire to the place, that its the governments fault somehow?

    I put to you, that if the reds had not set fire to the place, the lack of water/power would not have been brought into the equation...

    Prevention, cure... which is better?

  6. Depends what you want... if you want the Plastic stuff (thats very cheap) - then you can goto any large Tesco/Big C type store.

    You can also look at HomePro (Ratchada for instance) - they have some stuff there, wood, metal and plastic. I just never really saw their stuff as good quality

    JJ is where i got my garden furniture from, good quality wood, reasonably well made, but you will pay a little bit more than the HomePro/Tesco/Big C options

    The other option would be to drive out of town, to the edge of the city, theres lots of these little furniture shops dotted around and i sometimes see garden style furniture at them. I couldnt really say exactly where you could go for this, I know there are some small places near the main port, but also if you head over the river towards the big Kasikorn Bank building theres a few over that way also... drive around you will find them :)

  7. I had an andriod phone for a while, i went back to the iPhone because (IMHO) its a far superior device and has much better support for applications/games etc. Personal choice i guess but i prefer the iPhone.

    Yes mine is an iPhone v4 with the 4.2.1 iOS etc. I actually dont need to Jailbrake it because the only thing i need extra that doesnt come as standard on iOS is WiFi hotspot so i can piggy back my iPad off my iPhones internet connection... but that facility comes with iOS 4.3 so i could just wait the week or two until that is released, but as i like to play around a bit i decided to Jailbrake the phone and then try MyWi 4.0.

    My iPad isnt Jailbroken, nor ever will be (that i can foresee right now) and when iOS 4.3 comes out i will upgrade and not worry about jailbraking anymore... I dont mind paying for applications, most of them are only a few dollars and as i work in software development myself i do not begrudge a few dollars to developers who make something i like and use...

  8. I paid similar, 1500b for the Truck+driver and 500b a head for the workmen. They charged me 300b to dismantle/reassemble some of the furniture which i wasn't going to argue with... in the end i tipped them well as they did all the lifting and carrying and had to make two trips... they only damaged one thing which was very minor. Overall very impressed with the guys.

  9. Head down Thong Lor (Suk soi 55) - there are loads of trucks with telephone numbers on the side, take down a few numbers and get a Thai friend to call them for you - i just moved a few days ago, used this approach for a moving company and had a stress free move (still tiring tho)

  10. I am surprised nobody has mentioned the Original Warcraft and Diablo games, whilst not everyone's favorite genre they certainly were excellent games for their day and still are going strong (several versions/incarnations later)

    Elite was defiantly an awesome game for its time and simply has to have its (rightful) place in the hall of classics

  11. a note to you expats we are guest in this country & I am not sure we are wanted guest I do know they like our money that why they charge us more than a thai so hear me the red shirts protest is none of your business if they love thaksin that there business I know I hate the banks world wide because they are corrupt & the elected officials world wide are there puppets so if you find your self being put out because of demonstrators that just tough crappo for you I do not feel for you what I do feel for is those who suffer because of lost jobs & being ignored by the Government so if they get 500 baht to demonstrate good for them the slave owners only pay them 200 baht a day & they got to bust there azz for it / I remember the last one I had booked a flight to go back to the USA months earlier & was caught up in it I could not get a flight from Udon to BKK & my wife would not take the train fear of being stuck some were between udon & BKK so we drove to the airport was stop many times by BIB I was not angry even with that inconvenience I was in agreement with those who demonstrated I got my plane & departed to the USA when I returned 4 weeks later it was over GOD bless the people they are the ones who get raped from the elite bankers & politicians & slave owners of business

    No really... crack pipe... table... put down...

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