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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. The meetings do not take that long because there is only one thing on the agenda, What are you doing to bring my Big Brother back. Agenda for next meeting, what progress have we made on last meeting agenda. Agends for next meeting my Big Brother needs a visa for where ever, what are you doing about it.

    Please don't bash the government or Thai people... some of the forum members don't like it and need you to discuss things in a more positive manner

  2. I get mixed experiences, some days theres enough room for me to get on the first train that arrives (albeit you have to get up close and personal) and sometimes i have to wait several trains before i can maange to get on.

    I hope they bring the four carriage trains on soon and hopefully increase the frequency of the trains a little as well

  3. If Surapong did request Japanese help for the visa, it was done so before his appointment as a FM, in other he did so as a private citizen not as a FM...so how can the Democrats impeach him and to remove him as FM....

    The Abhisit gang is only out to create chaos...they have not won an election for a long time and will not be so for a long long time...mark my words...

    The Japanese Government didnt say "we issued the visa on request of a Thai citizen" they said "we issued the visa on request of the Thai Government" therefore your view is incorrect in this instance.

    The 'Abhisit gang' (as you put it) is just giving a healthy dose of what it got when it was in government, don't like it? awww diddums

  4. Perhaps this is why the Tourist visa application now insists you have a return ticket and valid hotel reservations?

    This guy could have had anything happen to him, perhaps he had a fist full of folding and got robbed/scammed out of it? Perhaps he didn't spunk all his folding in the lady bars? Did anyone consider that? Or did you all just immediately think he spent it all on short-time?

  5. Two troublemakers were caught making what is tantamount to a death threat, and people are condemning those that stopped the troublemakers?

    Look at what happened;

    Around noon, two men dressed like students stepped out of a taxi to place a wreath titled "To Speaker Somsak Kiatsuranont who is sitting in the heart of Thaksin - from the Democratic Student Group" in front of the Parliament compound.

    1. Dressed like students? Was it to give the impression that they were students so that students would be blamed?

    2. Democratic Student Group? The group has not link to this event and it was a false cover set up to mislead the public to give the impression that students were upset.

    3. A wreath? This is what is sent for funerals. Does one not understand the message? It was the equivalent of a message saying you are dead.

    The fact of the matter is that 2 people concealing their identity and intending to mislead the public were caught in the act. Instead of blaming the people that stopped these 2 conmen, ask who these people were and who sent them. What was uncovered was the M.O. of the saboteurs and agent provocateurs that havebeen at the heart of the political violence in Thailand.

    So you support lynch-mob style attacks against these people, instead of letting the police and the courts deal with it according to the law of the land? Regardless of the 'message' these guys were delivering they should not be attacked and beaten for it. Detain them, arrest them and let the police deal with them.

    I presume from your stance that you also condone the burning of the city by the red shirts last year? The burnign of various town halls? The attacks on the PM's car? And the use of guns and weapons by the red shirts (and before you try to discredit that, i had a gun pointed at my face by the red shirt 'guards' at ratchaprasong during the protest)

    Whats next? White hoods, burning crosses and lynch-mob hangings? Welcome to the world of geriatrickid

  6. Why should they be given anything? They are an elected government... so get on with the job you have been elected to do and stop crying and moaning when you get asked tough questions.

    Implement your promises and work for the country (not just one man) take the heat, take the criticism, take the flak... its all part of the long day in the office, if you do a good job then the bad press and the tough questions will ease off a little... do a bad job and watch yourself ripped apart in the media and public opinion.. welcome to politics

  7. That's right Dems, keep Yingluck and her lackies so busy defending themselves that they will scarcely have time to appease the voters, stop me if you've heard this tactic before....

    Sounds like last year and the year before... mobilize your militant wing, protest, riot and hold the city to ransom, burn it down when you don't get your own way... then the government in power at the time has to divert all attention to the protests and cant move forward with constructive policies and make improvements to the country...

    stop me if you've heard this tactic before...

  8. So 'motivated by a desire for political change' makes it a minor offence which should result in a few years jail at the most? Maybe even only a warning and suspended sentence for first-time offenders? What's next, 'throwing grenades motivated by a desire for political change'?

    I only killed him because i want political change!

    I only smoked that joint because i want political change!!

    I only drove my car drunk because i want political change!!!

    I only evaded my taxes because i want political change!!!!

  9. Today was another Awful day on the train, the last few days were kinda ok, very busy and I've had to adopt a more forceful 'im pushing onto the train' approach, but today, far too many people waiting on the platform and had to wait 15mins before i could get to the front of the queue and get on the train.


  10. Democrats in government: forget the country talk about Thaksin 24/7

    Democrats in opposition: forget the country talk about Thaksin 24/7

    However there is progress, at least now there is a government that actually focus on problems, not making them...

    They appear to be Focusing on Thaksin... i guess you could consider Thaksin a problem (many do)

    Call that progress if you will... its certainly not what i call progress however.

  11. One week in, and a call for impeachment. This just smacks of desperation by the Dems.

    If you can't win an elction what else you going to do B)

    Always makes me laugh when i see these kinds of posts... "Dems are desperate", "cry cry whinge cry they cant do that cry cry cry"

    How many times did PTP, whilst in opposition, try to get the PM impeached, call for vote of no confidence or use any means necessary to unseat the government? (including letting their militant hand hold the capital to ransom for 3-4months)

    Legal action, however tenuous, against the government is a valid approach... PTP did it to the dems many times, now all of a sudden the Red sympathizers start calling foul and crying once the Dems employ the same tactic.

    You use a weapon against your enemy, dont start crying when your enemy uses the same weapon against you...

  12. So far so good one inch at a time eventually becomes a foot. Thaksin home for the wedding

    Yes. Won't that be grand? The people of Thailand believe in the sanctity of family and what better way to demonstrate that strong differentiating characterstic than to help a father come home to see his beautiful daughter married in a wedding that will delight the population. :whistling:

    I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar. However, for those that understand family values, they will appreciate why it is a good thing for the beloved Mr. Thaksin to return. Perhaps this show of family unity may cause discomfort in some, what with their not having a presentable partner nor much of a family life, but for the family loving Thais, they will find it heartwarming to see the love of a father for his child. It makes me shed a tear. B)

    If you think this is anything to do with Family Values then you sir, are considerably more stupid than i thought you were...

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