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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. If there's a replacement, let's hope for Korn. One of the most switched-on finance ministers we're had here for a long time - and pretty good with the foreign investment community, too. Fluent English speaker and one of the more trusted Dems.

    The first time this year that the SET stockmarket is up over 4% and foreigners are coming back.

    With the DEMS the SET was only heading south.ohmy.gif

    Really? I trade on the SET and i can tell you that you are full of sh*te. The SET hasnt been this high for a very long time. its consistantly sat at 1000+ for a few months or more. I was quite surprised to see today's jump in the numbers, but that's all good for the profit-taking side of me... i've made a considerable amount more than the 500b offered for my soul today already :)

    Lets take a look in 12months time and see what state the economy and the stock exchange is in, shall we?

  2. Lets see how the Reds/PTP (yes, they are one and the same, i don't give i fig if you disagree with me or not) handle the inevitable street riots and protests if they gain power...

    Shoe on the other foot... the circle continues... blood on the streets etc etc

    One thing is a dead cert (pun intended) - who ever wins this election, Thailand is in for a rough ride... again

  3. I've got several computers...

    The Flagship being...

    Alienware m18x - Intel® Core™ i7 2820QM, 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 at 1600MHz, Dual 2GB GDDR5 AMD Radeon™ HD 6970M

    Then my desktop is a home built one, i dont remember the exact specs but it was built for gaming about 18mths ago.

    Then my (ready to throw away) Asus g50 gamers republic which ive had for nearly 3 years.

    Yes, i'm a geek and a gamer :)

  4. He added that at the recent rally, the Democrat Party only expressed negative views of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was a member of the Pheu Thai Party Party, but did not attack the Pheu Thai Party itself.

    Banned politician, convicted criminal, party member...

    Where's the EC? Surely this is enough to dissolve the party and ban the execs (again)... we all know its coming, its just a question of WHEN?

    (my guess is July 2nd)

  5. Dont bother with the bread mixes, they aare 10x more expensive than the raw ingredients.

    When you buy the machine, there will be an instruction book telling you what all the settings are, in that book will have the recipies... everything is easy to get, even the bakers yeast.

  6. Well i got the machine and its awesome! Its true what my Grandma said to me once, Boy don't get older their toys just get more expensive! This is definitely true :)

    This thing can run most games at maximum GFX settings, has very impressive sound quality for a laptop and has more glitz than Paris Hilton! The thing is a heavyweight with the total package weighing in at some 11kgs.. the laptop itself is 5.5kgs the power brick must be close to 1kg as well!. Just need to get my hands on a laptop backpack big enough to carry this monster.

    Customs duty was reasonable against the declared value, however it did sit inside of customs for some 5 days before they released it. I opted for DHL as the carrier in the end (used a forwarding company) as i didn't want it to be handled by USPS for such a high value item.

    So overall +1 for Alienware, +1 for www.shitito.com and +1 to DHL

    Happy Bunny

  7. Can anyone help me on how to purchase from us online stores without having american credit card or american paypal account?

    Ask someone who has to help... i've found its almost impossible to get around those kinds of restrictions. Use PayPal where you can or look at the 'assisted purchase' from places like www.shipito.com - ive not used that service (only used the forwarding services) you will have to pay a little extra in charges but it might help you work around that restriction.


  8. i bought a severin about a year back, whilst i wouldn't say its 'perfect' bread its a fairly consistent loaf.

    (my major complaint is the bread is heavy/dense which is attributed to not enough kneading - still beats the plasticy sweet cr*p that is sold here!)

    I got mine in Emporium, i think it was around 3000b but might have been a little more than that.

  9. Well i have recently impoted a high end laptop into the country using them, they were very relaible, very fast and very professional.

    I jumped through all the hoops to get my account 'verified' first, and they would only accept a wire transfer for the shipping costs as mine was a new accoutn with only a $100 monthly spending limit, so in order to protect themselves they insisted on the Wire Transfer as the shipping cost was over my spending limit.

    They got the package on the monday, sent me the photos i requested, i gave them my instructions and the parcel was in the post by wednesday morning.

    Saved myself a fortune on import taxes with the 'write your own customs declaration' - very pleased with their service. From my experience, they are reliable

  10. Giving people Amnesty is not the right way to move forward, IMHO, everyone (Red, Yellow, Brown, Blue, Pink or Orange) should pay for their crimes, perhaps if we adopted this approach people would be less likely to break the law in order to prove their point (i.e. Illegal demonstrations, storming airports, burning buildings etc)

    If you feel so passionately about your cause that you wish to resort to illegal activities then you should feel passionate enough to accept the punishment handed down by the courts.

    Only once Thailand stops allowing herself to be held to ransom by some political group can the country really begin to move forward, if the country allows this kind of behaviour then it will remain in the never ending circle. If the reds win, the yellows will storm the airport/hold illegal protests, if the Reds opposition wins then the reds will do the same again.. its a no win situation.

    Allow the election to progress lawfully, regardless of outcome, and punish all of those who broke the law along the way... only then will people realize they must respect the law and use the power of voting to express their opinion.

  11. It is a blanket amnesty, so the army that killed unarmed civillians, the government that ordered the killings or are complicit in the cover up etc will also be included in the amnesty, Abhsitis comment "He should come back and serve his sentence as any Thai would have to." will hopefully come back to haunt him and his cronies in the coming months as charges are rightly laid against them.

    As i understood it, it was an Amnesty for everyone except the leaders of the government... they still want Suthep and Abhisit's blood...

  12. I didn't even know he was still working.

    My cue to leave, right about now.....

    I presume the pun was intended... and sadly missed by most (except me)

  13. What everyone knows, but chooses to forget or ignore, is the pressure from outside parliament, by the military, elite, PAD, & ...., was the reason for other parties siding with the Dems, not at all that they wanted too. Bleat all you want, but the people know this. Never elected never respected.

    Is this your opinion or are you basing this on any documented fact? Links please? Source please?

    My mate down the pub said...

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