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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. I need to find a supplier for Bar Equipment supplies. I want to put a draft system in a new venture i am setting up.

    Some of the breweries/distributors will rent the equipment, but i want to buy not rent.

    Does anyone know of a company who can supply the stuff i need, or a website or shop that could help?

  2. Did she also mentioned that she likes to use the workers' toilets, because she wants to prove that she does not use luxury ones? And that she tried all cubicles in said toilets as she wanted to please all cleaners? And that the ones she enjoyed the most were the ladies' toilets?

    Can't believe that her alleged taste for canteen omelets can make ground for a report!! Nothing better to discuss?

    Miracle Thailand indeed.

    It made the news because it was the very first decision she made all by herself...

    .... guess that's why she took one of everything, she couldn't even make that decision!

  3. That "something like" is nothing like he said. That is a misquotation taken out of context, from guess where, THE NATION. The full phrase is

    "Democracy is a good and beautiful thing, but it's not the ultimate goal as far as administering the country is concerned," he said. "Democracy is just a tool, not our goal. The goal is to give people a good lifestyle, happiness and national progress."


    Doesn't sound quite so sinister now, does it? But hey, why not repeat a misquotation thousands of times until everybody thinks that that, is what Thaksin said.....................

    Sounds a bit like communism to me...

    And doesnt really matter how you read it... the important part there is "Democracy is just a tool, not our goal"

    So how do you wanna spin that sunshine?

  4. Xcom or Ufo:enemy unknown...still never had any remake that would measure up to this, for gameplay.

    Oh i forgot about that one - an awesome series (the earlier games were the best!) I remember hacking the save game files to give my soldiers silly stats making them one-shot killers who took a beating before they died... even with that unfair advantage the game was still difficult and time consuming to complete!

    Thanks for reminding me, fond memories of those games!

  5. Electric very much depends on the size of the property, the rate you are paying and how Air-con addicted you are :)

    I've paid anywhere between 5k a month for electric in a small one bedroom apartment, using the air-con a lot and paying stupid rates for electric to the building. I have also paid as little as 2500b for a big 3 bedroom house using the air-con frequently and paying direct to the electric company.

    Water varies too, if you pay direct to the water company, expect your water bill to be around 150b a month however if you are in a condo/apartment building who charge you direct it can be anything upto 1000b a month (one place i stayed at charged that due to the pool - they claimed)

    Internet again varies, you can get a direct package with companies like True for around 600-1000b depending on the speed you want etc, however if you are using a shared wifi in an apartment block you can expect to pay around 1000b a month for real cr@ppy speeds - again very much depends on the property, the management and the other users...

    Direct line telephone should cost around 117b a month for line rental plus tax - then after that its down to the number of calls you make etc. Mobile phones you can get some nice packages now (free call minutes, sms's and data) for around 700b a month.

    Hope that helps

  6. Serving or not serving, it is absurd and despicable to suggest a moral equivalency of Thaksin and Aug San Syu Kii.


    Both were democratically elected and both were denied their democratic right to lead their country by a military coup

    Aug San Syu Kii. has spent the past 20 years under house arrest (15 out of 20 to be more precise) with absolutely no result.

    In 5 years, from his exile, Thaksin was able to defeat the junta and restore a democratically elected government in Thailand.

    And honestly Yingluck looks much better that Aug San Syu Kii.

    Thailand 2 - 0 Burma


    I presume you are taking the p*ss... either that or you are drunk or high...

  7. The whole police department needs to be overhauled. From head to toe. Every single police is corrupt. That IS a known fact. Otherwise, why would they buy their way in to work as Police? Don't need salary and they will still wan the job. The can live a very good life from the substantial amount of dirty money they are getting. Why did you think Thaksin joined the Police Academy as a young man? The man knew where the money is.

    Sadly thats very true... the police force here as a whole needs a very big overhaul... and if this government is serious on battling of corruption that is one of the best places to start

  8. The thing a lot miss about the April/May deaths is they happened on Abhisit's watch. It isnt about arguing the politics of how it happened, it is about every time Abhisit is seen it reminds people across swathes of the country of the division and death that he oversaw from within an army base even though in the capital regarded as the heartland of Democrat power.

    If you have the army shoot the people on your watch in a democracy, you are history politically. This even more true when you clearly were not representing the interests of the majority in doing it, and that has been amply demonstrated in the votes the Dems haemoraged

    Now for the Dems to move forward the rejected and unelectable one who will forever be remembered first and foremost for that incident has to go, but they cant see it and in there lies the problem. The Dems do not need to be reminding people all the time of the incidents, but every time Abhisit's smiling face crops up to make a speech on something it is a reminder. Stupid politics in the extreme and maybe Amsterdam is correct in his quip that by reselecting Abhisit the Dems had decided to give up totally on democracy and rely on "accidents" to give them government

    So on that basis Thaksin should never again sit in office... how many died in his war on drugs and 'truck stacking' incidents?

    A subtle difference is unfortuantely for those who support human rights all the power structures were behind Thaksin's actions while Abhisit's were at a time of intense disagreement.

    If Thaksin were to return to politics nobody would oppose him for the drug war or the body stacking. The establishment would maybe oppose him for other reasons but not those ones. There was plenty of time to do him on the drug war and seriously screw him up with the international community but it never happened

    If Abhisit were to return to power (unlikely) he would face protest over the April/May deaths and calls for investigation and charges. He may face that anyway

    So the red logic applies again, its ok for Thaksin to kill thousands of Thai people, but Abhisit used force to dispel an illegal protest and hes the bad guy... riiiiight. Enjoy your dictatorship!

  9. The thing a lot miss about the April/May deaths is they happened on Abhisit's watch. It isnt about arguing the politics of how it happened, it is about every time Abhisit is seen it reminds people across swathes of the country of the division and death that he oversaw from within an army base even though in the capital regarded as the heartland of Democrat power.

    If you have the army shoot the people on your watch in a democracy, you are history politically. This even more true when you clearly were not representing the interests of the majority in doing it, and that has been amply demonstrated in the votes the Dems haemoraged

    Now for the Dems to move forward the rejected and unelectable one who will forever be remembered first and foremost for that incident has to go, but they cant see it and in there lies the problem. The Dems do not need to be reminding people all the time of the incidents, but every time Abhisit's smiling face crops up to make a speech on something it is a reminder. Stupid politics in the extreme and maybe Amsterdam is correct in his quip that by reselecting Abhisit the Dems had decided to give up totally on democracy and rely on "accidents" to give them government

    So on that basis Thaksin should never again sit in office... how many died in his war on drugs and 'truck stacking' incidents?

  10. I am not going through no body scanners...this is not Ameri(k)a. If they want to search me, they can, but do not treat us like f**king criminals or terrorists. You can introduce them all you want, but I am not going through those highly radioactive emitters-10 times than normal; not to mention someone(s) viewing your naked body.

    Good luck getting in and out of Thailand by Air then. :jap:

  11. Which non coup elected body are you referring to.

    The Supreme Court.

    I love the way almost everyone seems to forget (or ignore) this part... coup or no coup, army installed government or elected government... none of that changes the fact that the highest court in the land found this guy guilty... now unless you have a problem with the person who selects these judges, you should respect the verdict...

  12. So this neat little game popped up on my Steam account last week, priced at only $15 and the demo video looked very good, so i bought it and downloaded it.

    I didnt get around to playing it until Saturday morning, and i must say its a really good game. You are a god and have the powers to affect Land, Plants, Sea and Lava and each mission is basically a puzzle where you have to raise/lower land, deal with some unexpected things and lead your tribe of people to the end (gateway to next level) Its real time and not as simple/basic as my description indicates :) (trying to quickly build a path for lava to flow so it doesn't engulf your village is fun, especially when there wasn't a volcano there 5 mins ago!)

    Some of the levels are incredibly hard (until you figure out the 'trick' for that level) and i spent a lot of my day retrying levels to get them right... the game is really well put together and very interesting, the graphics are pretty good and the game felt exciting. My only complaint was the game ended too soon (i still felt hungry for more levels!) i would definitely recommend this one, and for the price tag its really worth while picking up a copy and giving it a try.

    This week i will be playing Tropica 4 :)

  13. He doesn't need facts he just knows he needs innuendo that keeps his assault thugs on point. Accusation to increase distrust and keep the fervor of us against them up and at fever pitch.

    If there was such a fill tilt conspiracy he'd be one of the first targets hands down. He also makes implied accusations that contradict themselves.

    Yes Animatic, an idiotic buffoon likes of Jutaporn does not warrant a reply... he has an IQ of about 10..... but his mother loves him..

    Actually she doesn't, and is one of his most outspoken critics.

    Hes got the kind of face only a mother could love... oh, maybe not then :ph34r:

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