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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. Does anyone know what would happen if the majority voted NO? Re-election? the winning party sets up government?

    Cant really see it making a difference, as long as the MP seats got enough votes for someone to win them, parliament will progress as usual.

    Its kinda a moot point anyway, whilst some people will vote No, the majority of people (i believe) have an opinion on who they want in the next government

  2. "......... then its obvious the Lower classes go kicking and screaming if they dont get their own way"

    By 'don't get their own way' I take it you mean when they democratically elect a government only to see it repeatedly overthrown by military coups?

    If you are referring to Thaksin, he was a caretaker PM at the time, and was trying to make amendments to the constitution to allow him to remain that way instead of calling the election he was already late in calling.

    But dont let the facts get in the way of a good troll post ;)

    What i actually mean by 'dont get their own way' is demanding that the PM at the time immediately step down and hold a snap-election. The funny thing was, they were promised an early election and turned it down saying it wasn't good enough. had they taken that option at the time they would have had a new government by now. Instead they decided to hold the city to ransom and then when the troops were deployed to remove them, proceeded to burn down as much of the city as they could.

    Now they are saying if they dont get elected they will be back o nthe streets - yeah i class that as 'kicking and screaming if they dont get what they want' - maybe you have a different definition?

    Reminds me of that little girl from yester-year "i will scweam and scweam until im sick!" - what program/advert was she from?

  3. On the basis that the political parties have virtually no economic or political ethos, I am not sure that if you asked the elite or educated why they don't vote a certain way and why they don't support the result for a party that they don't like, I don't think would provide a very detailed answer.

    I don't believe that the elite or the middle class is that much more politically savvy than other group in the country.

    Indeed. They all go kicking and screaming if they don't get their own way. What happened to 'mai pen rai'

    I think that statement applies to all groups, be they Lower class, Middle class or Elite.

    If the Reds claim to be the voice of the Rural Poor, then its obvious the Lower classes go kicking and screaming if they dont get their own way

    And if the journalist who wrote this article is correct, so do the Middle classes and 'Elite'

  4. Of course confidence is low - with her militant wing burning down half of the capitol city last year and all the protests, shootings and noise they are making, its obvious that there would be low confidence in the country.

    Stop protesting on the streets and fight the political battles in parliament like an opposition party should do, and the confidence will rise... win the election through legitimate means (no vote buying, no intimidation of your opposition party or threats against voters if they don't vote for you) and confidence may rise. Leave criminals in exile instead of openly planning to bring them back, and confidence may rise.

    Or just blame it on eggs, whichever works for you!

  5. I use a Linkstation Buffalo NAS - mine is a 4 bay one which i have filled up with 2TB drives - not the cheapest of drives but i needed a lot of storage. You can get smaller drives or go for the 2 bay option. It has a built in Torrent client, Media streamer, can handle backups etc - i think its likely to give you what you need, the bare units themselves are not overly expensive.

    Its going to cost you the same as building something yourself (possibly less) and does what you need our the box.

    As an actual Media player, i use a WD TV live edition, this is one of the best media players ive found. So far it plays every file i have tried to throw at it, including large .mkv's (8+ gb for instance) and it has regular firmware updates/support. My onlky gripe with this device is the interface, it feels a little bit 'yesterday' and they could have done much much better... but its capability to play stuff is just awesome.

  6. Singapore doesnt have the model i want (m18x) and in Hong Kong its frigging expensive (50% more expensive than the USA)

    I have actually now ordered mine from the USA, should have it in my hands in 3 weeks from now.

  7. I am trying to avoid shipping it to Thailand due to the excessive customs import duty they apply, sometimes as high as 40% - when you are spending 100,000thb on a laptop, you dont wanna be handing over an additional 40,000 in taxes to the customs guy... i'd rather fly to Europe and collect it myself

  8. Well Pantip was a waste of time, i did however see a m15x but noone of the vendors wanted to order a m17 or m18 for me... :(

    Anyone have any links where i can order what i am looking for?

  9. So i am looking to replace my current gamer laptop and i have decided i want to go for an Alienware this time... does anyone have any ideas where i can get one in Bangkok nowadays? I can order it on any DELL website but i want to avoid the pesky import duty as i know from experience that can go as high as 40% on 'Luxury' goods - which this will be classified as.

    I fully expect to be paying around 100,000-120,000 THB for the kind of spec i want, and i know thats expensive and i could build a kick-ass base unit for that... but i want a gamer laptop not a base unit, and i want something that will last me a good few years (3-4) so i want to get something fairly high spec :)

    I went to fortune to look around, not an alien head to be seen, i will pop into Pantip shortly to check out the suppliers there but i'm not hopeful

    Anyone have any ideas?

  10. You realise that with a 1mb connection you will get the same "ping" (i.e. actual speed of data) as you will get with a 100mb connection, right? The difference between the two will be the amount of data you can transfer at the same time... you are still talking to the same servers, using the same fiber backbone and still have to jump through the same 25 server to get to the data center.

    You can spend thousands of baht each month for a massive 100mb connection (and use <1% of the bandwidth) but in reality your trading software is sending and receiving small packets of data, so what you actually need is a small fast reliable connection (<200ms ping to your trading server) Good luck getting that however.

    And yes, i do know what i am talking about, i have a few friends in Thailand who make their living through day trading, they can happily exist on a 1-2mb connection, but they do their homework and find the most stable/reliable connection (and they have two connections from different suppliers so they can swap over if they have any speed or downtime issues)

    But to give you some help with your search, i would recommend looking into True *Cable* internet, i've had it now for 2-3months and i am super happy with it, no downtime (whilst ive been at the computer), lowest ping i've had to the US (220ms on average) and quite cheap as well. So far it has out-performed any ADSL connection i have had since being in the country.

    Hope that Helps some

  11. I have a limited number of trial keys available for the new Rift game, if you would liek to give it a try (7 day free trial) just PM me with your email address and i will send you one.

    If you dont want to download the game client, let me know and we can arrange to meet up in Bangkok and i will copy it onto a memory stick for you... at the cost of a pint, of course :)

  12. I want to buy Honey, quite a lot of it (around 10lbs in total) - i dont really want to pay super-market prices for it, as its quite expensive for something that is produced here!

    Does anyone know any catering supply type stores that sell honey in large containers or perhaps a shop/supplier that will give me a good rate for a large order?



  13. I wouldn't think that any individual "coordinator" will last very long... a very dangerous position.

    There was a case a few years back where a baht bus was set up between Karon and Patong, one day the bus was stopped half way between the two towns, the driver dragged out of the bus and beaten to death on the road but Tuk Tuk drivers... apparently the concession for that route is still open and available and strangely enough no-one seems to want to take it.

    I also know (through friends, admittedly) that the police wont touch the Tuk Tuk guys, the police are basically scared of them.

    Its a great idea you have, and very noble and worthwhile, i wish you all the very best with it. Just keep your head low and watch your back, once you start this you may well become the next victim.

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