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Posts posted by blaze

  1. Hey

    I got a idea- lets end corruption and sin and then forbid tooth decay and make heart attacks illegal.

    after that we can make machines that run on their own energy-

    Me and my buds was sippin' a few brew and came up with that last one

    In front of our playhouse we gots a big sign- No Shinawatras allowed.

    Ya wanna hand me another brewskie while I fire "Le Grando Plan-o"

    off to the Nation.

    I can see the Thaivisa headline now- "Serious Gents Proposes Solution to Everything'

  2. Don't worry- in a few days the Messiah will come and draw out the promised land that you seem to seek.

    The archnoble Suthep will lead the march on the popular will and order become the norm.

    You will get your reforms!!!--- though they may not be the reforms you wanted.

    some fools have to learn the HARD WAY.

    You love the cleansing iron heel- till it lands on your face.

    Can not see any reference to your quote.

    You are drunken?

    Yes I am but leaving that aside- what 'quote'; are you referring to?

    • Like 1
  3. This is a good demonstration of how the Thaksin regime works, they keep changing the rules to suit themselves. They say things can't be done when really they can, or that they can when really they can't. Just the kind of people they are....An administration composed almost entirely of convicted criminals and fraudsters - FACT !

    Yes, the new (old) PT party administration composed almost entirely of convicted criminals and fraudsters - FACT !

    Suthep has the same vita, he has dirty hands to!

    All are corrupt and greedy.

    People do no longer want these unethic, immoral people as their leaders.

    How many politicians bluster from here their idiotic power struggle?

    500? or 1000?

    An entire country taken hostage from 500-1000 corrupt people!

    It is obvious that both camps also not shy, from a division of the country or ignite a bloody civil war!

    The PT politicians on the election list 1-12 have no interest in reforms, they want only to get there hands again on the statemoney.

    Suthep way to establish an unelected parallel government also does not work.

    Best the head of the state lock all this corrupt people away in prison.

    What are these representatives?

    Selfish egoists destroy this beautiful country

    Shame on you.

    Don't worry- in a few days the Messiah will come and draw out the promised land that you seem to seek.

    The archnoble Suthep will lead the march on the popular will and order become the norm.

    You will get your reforms!!!--- though they may not be the reforms you wanted.

    some fools have to learn the HARD WAY.

    You love the cleansing iron heel- till it lands on your face.

  4. And to add to the comedy- the commission entrusted to ensure elections in this baby wing democracy are trying to negotiate their delay' until Thyailand has acquired something no other country dares seek: utopia.


    Stand strong YL- no violence- let the nutocracy burn itself from with in= and take down all those asskissers who think principle is something on a bank statement.

  5. That may be a reason she gives to sound good but I don't buy it. I think she is just trying to hold on for 180 days at the command of Thaksin to do his amnesty, then he will let her step down and he will come and take over....

    I thought that via Yingluck Thaksin had already taken over? (whatever that means).

    the real danger is her plan to invade Poland and then establish a 5th reich on Thai soil (and everybody knows that is the dream of the Dynasty)-.


  6. including the check and balance, anti-graft measures, populist policies and fiscal disciplines,'

    Where was this dreamed up- a grade 4 civics class?

    Wow- some local geniuses have discovered a entirely new way to govern a country-


    I hope the stumbling bumbly democracies of the west take heed of these innovations.

    The world will be a better place.

    Christ- are there no adults in the house?

    In our fumbly bumbly way we went through the English Wars- the American Revolution, the introduction of scietific thinking into school curriculums and then the depression- the fascist/Nai/Stalinist years- and we could never come up with something so simple?

    The last constituion was intendeed to be a check and balance on the popular will- it failed.

    If the courts can not imp0lement the anti-graft laws- maybe the anger should be shifted- we heard that there are 2500 graft cases waiting to be heard.

    And yet we hear nothing of prison sentences for those already convicted.

    And the courts are paid by Thaksin to be ineffectual? give your head a shake!!!

  7. Jesus died over 2000 years ago, Karl Marx died 130 years ago, Groucho Marx died 36 years ago and his ideals live on as well. In fact he was funnier than the other two put together.

    Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.

    Groucho Marx

    thanks that for that- sometimes in the heat of the moment we lose perspective. Merry Xmas.

    Probably the best post of the Year. and yes, I am rightly chastized.

  8. This is all so simple. Well, not really - genuine substantial reforms are needed, but...

    If the PTP (including all formerly elected office-holders and senior appointees) would just repudiate Thaksin (and given the record of the YS incumbency would have to include all of the Shinawatres), openly, individually, irrevocably, and in a manner that would involve clear loss of face if ever put aside, Suthep individually might not be satisfied, but his strength would drain away. (...and BTW, as evidence of their "good faith" - a euphemism to be sure - revoke Thaksin's passport.)

    But that won't happen, obviously. You see, it IS all about Thaksin. One man who won't give up his grab for wealth & power - and that man isn't Suthep, no matter what those struggling to deflect attention from Thaksin keep chanting.. And so, all this. It, including Suthep, could be over tomorrow.

    Just curious.

    ]What planet do you live on?

    Where popularly elected governments simply aborgate their responsibility to govern and step off the stage because a fascist demands they do so?

    Yours is the voice of the extortionist- the kidnapper- the terrorist.. THINK

    Not even its enemies declare this government came to power in any way other than popular will.

    And yet you seem to be saying - 'give us what we want or you will be resposible for our actions'.,

    and what is it that you want/

    Reform- a chocolate pudding in your Christmas sock?

    Heaven on Earth?

    please come back to earth.

  9. You think 'walkiing out now' has not occurrred to her? I doubt very much that she is hanging on to power out of ego. she has not been raised to be hated so much as she is now.

    but she knows- and others know- that if she walks out now- departs the scened as you suggest- the result will be a civil war.

    Her supporters will not lie back and accept that they are just dumb buffalo who deserved to be exploited by the Bangkok elites.

    She is the one person keeping a cap on what could be an explosive situation. A coup? The army chiefs have acknowledged that a coup would invite civil war.

    A fascist dictatorship? Even the whistle monkeys will turn against it- and with or without constituional protections- civil war.

    Right now the buck stops with Yingluck- and letting the buck rage wild might not be a good idea.

    Sadly you are...wrong. Everyone agrees if Thaksin is dead, it'll end. She's here for her own personal gain and not about stopping civil war. Anyone with half a brain without any conflict of interest knows that. This is not my view only, but it's also the view of those 5 mill people who want her out.

    jesus died two thousand years ago- Marx two hundred years ago=- and their ideals live on. In the minds of many Thaksin';s promise won't be forgotten with his death.\(though I agree with you that it would be better for Thailand had he not offered the hope that even the poor can be treated as human).

    And what is the reference to 'conflict of interest'? Do you think I am paid by -- UDD? Thaksin? Now that is hitting low my friend.

    I believe you are better than that and understand that people don't have to be paid not to have your perceptions.

    • Like 1
  10. The contradiction in your posts is here:

    The libertarians believe in a weakened state. They supported the deregulation of the US stock market that led to the biggest colllapse since 1929.

    And that occurred due to legalized corruption (no rules).

    If you are serious about wanting to stop corruption- you should be listening to Pol Pot- the Khmer Rouge- there was no corruption there because they had destroyed the economy.

    Professor Milton Friedman seems to disagree.

    Of course he disagrees- he was the author and archtiect of the deregiulation that led to 2008. The Chicago School.

    Totally discredited now. as with the recovery in the US, that dream boy of the Vienna school- Hayek!

    And to bring it right back home- the quantitive easing was a success- and it was Keynesian- as was the new car scheme under Yingluck.

  11. Thank you for that.

    Ron Paul is Libertarian- they believe in minimum government- personal freedom- above all. That goes right against the thai yearning for 'the collective' as opposed to the indvidual.. Be very careful with that kind of thinking (it almost plunged the world into another recession a few months ago).

    We in my country agree that our politics must be changed- but we understand that these changes require changes in the mentality of the people-= and that takes generations.

    We make new laws- scrap old ones- We want the same as you- Santa land- but we know it takes time-- and that quick fixes always produce more heartbreak than heaven.

    I think what might separate us is our recollection of history- we in the west saw the advent of fascism and nazis- we saw the Stalinists in Russian kill 20 million people- we watched the Shining Path in Peru- we knew about the Khmer Rouge and we know now of the Jihadists who want to bring perfection to the world.

    We plead- as Yingluck does- caution- compromise- respect for the rule of law (questionable given her brother but...) and we know that Christmas comes rarely- and it is never what we hoped for.

    If turning Libertarian (I didn't even know there's a word for people like him) is what is need to end corruption, I suppose that what we'll have to accept. The idea of collective socialism has been the Thai mentality for quite some time, obviously it's not working so well.

    libertarian has no interest in corruption. The biggest voice promoting libertarian in the US is the Koch brothers- they are constantly in court- they are mulitibillionaires and actually have much more in common with Thaksin than Suthep. They fund among others, the Cato Institute and the Tea Party (both of which exalt the Paul dynasty- ron et fils)

    And look on your beloved internet - you will learn that the Kochs have been not only accused but convicted of dirty shit.

    Why do you think that in elections most Americans reject these people?

    Be careful what you wish for!!

    And where is this 'socilaism' of which you speak? I sure haven't seen much over here.

    Read my tag line at the bottom of my posts- in this season you will understand it has particular relevance.

    I understand that the Koch brothers support tea party and not libertarian. But I'm new to both ideas so I could be wrong. I'll try to read more on what libertarianism really is about. But for now, this little video I found on the internet seems to suggest that you are yet wrong again.

    The contradiction in your posts is here:

    The libertarians believe in a weakened state. They supported the deregulation of the US stock market that led to the biggest colllapse since 1929.

    And that occurred due to legalized corruption (no rules).

    If you are serious about wanting to stop corruption- you should be listening to Pol Pot- the Khmer Rouge- there was no corruption there because they had destroyed the economy.There is no corruption when all the money is in the hands of the corrupt.

    This is not what you want-- believe me.

    As you study the libertarians you will come across the writings of John Stuart Mill who was fighting against the very system that Suthep wants to install.

  12. Thank you for that.

    Ron Paul is Libertarian- they believe in minimum government- personal freedom- above all. That goes right against the thai yearning for 'the collective' as opposed to the indvidual.. Be very careful with that kind of thinking (it almost plunged the world into another recession a few months ago).

    We in my country agree that our politics must be changed- but we understand that these changes require changes in the mentality of the people-= and that takes generations.

    We make new laws- scrap old ones- We want the same as you- Santa land- but we know it takes time-- and that quick fixes always produce more heartbreak than heaven.

    I think what might separate us is our recollection of history- we in the west saw the advent of fascism and nazis- we saw the Stalinists in Russian kill 20 million people- we watched the Shining Path in Peru- we knew about the Khmer Rouge and we know now of the Jihadists who want to bring perfection to the world.

    We plead- as Yingluck does- caution- compromise- respect for the rule of law (questionable given her brother but...) and we know that Christmas comes rarely- and it is never what we hoped for.

    If turning Libertarian (I didn't even know there's a word for people like him) is what is need to end corruption, I suppose that what we'll have to accept. The idea of collective socialism has been the Thai mentality for quite some time, obviously it's not working so well.

    libertarian has no interest in corruption. The biggest voice promoting libertarian in the US is the Koch brothers- they are constantly in court- they are mulitibillionaires and actually have much more in common with Thaksin than Suthep. They fund among others, the Cato Institute and the Tea Party (both of which exalt the Paul dynasty- ron et fils)

    And look on your beloved internet - you will learn that the Kochs have been not only accused but convicted of dirty shit.

    Why do you think that in elections most Americans reject these people?

    Be careful what you wish for!!

    And where is this 'socilaism' of which you speak? I sure haven't seen much over here.

    Read my tag line at the bottom of my posts- in this season you will understand it has particular relevance.

  13. They would not dare make a single arrest.

    They know what it would lead to, and they don't want that do they?

    Go on Tarit... I dare ya.

    Just more wind and piss, totally worthless news article, they already have warrants issued and they are too scared to go and carry those out.

    Don't ask me for proof.

    Yes they are scared to bring out the iron boot.

    You say you dare Tarit to bring it on.

    You know full well that if Tarit 'brings it on' the gov't will be dissolved- either by military or judicial coup (use that 134 IQ you claim to have!)

    and then the dogs of hell will be unleashed- Rightly or wrongly (who will care?)- the people who do support this government and (so far quietyly) oppose the fascists will come to fight.

    Is that what you want?

    An Eastern Sarajevo?

    And you know- that nobody won SHIT in Bosnia!

    Yingluck has offered time and again the olive branch- Suthep and his madmen have refused to grasp it.

    They have stars in their eyes- blinded by hate and fantasies of utopian fairies that will usher Heaven on Earth.

    Reason has left the room.

    And your post is evidence of that.

    Olive branch!!!

    Looks like you fell for the tears whilst we see the smirk at the end.

    She knows what to do - just exit politics and go and join your murderous brother and everyone will be happy with that outcome.

    You lost the war and so you should surrender gracefully and depart the scene knowing that you tried your hardest and it did untold damage to the country economically and in completely dividing the people to such an extent that I doubt that this can be fixed now.

    Not exactly a legacy to be proud of, is it!!

    You think 'walkiing out now' has not occurrred to her? I doubt very much that she is hanging on to power out of ego. she has not been raised to be hated so much as she is now.

    but she knows- and others know- that if she walks out now- departs the scened as you suggest- the result will be a civil war.

    Her supporters will not lie back and accept that they are just dumb buffalo who deserved to be exploited by the Bangkok elites.

    She is the one person keeping a cap on what could be an explosive situation. A coup? The army chiefs have acknowledged that a coup would invite civil war.

    A fascist dictatorship? Even the whistle monkeys will turn against it- and with or without constituional protections- civil war.

    Right now the buck stops with Yingluck- and letting the buck rage wild might not be a good idea.

    • Like 1
  14. I wonder why all the farang here in Thai Visa hate the anti government guys so much in Thailand. I don't know Suthep but I support him because of the situation in Thailand. And I'm Thai.

    You really want to find out the answer, it's not that difficult at all. Everyone has at least a motive and incentive to do things we are not mindless zombie. I suppose their incentive for hating the anti gov protesters likely due to money or having very poor understanding of the current situation.

    Somebody on this site already said a few days ago that most expat here in Thailand do not like red shirt government which means farangs are cooler than I previously thought. A few notable red shirt devoters on this forum are kikoman and farang00009.


    We are, as you say, only farangs- but we have seen how these things play out. and for those of us who love your people- your instituions- we fear what history (Eastern as well as Western) predicts will come of this.

    You believe that somehow this is a new phenomenom -- please believe me- it is not new at all. And it always ends in tears.

    As a Thai person, I like to say that your sincere concern is well appreciated. But it's about time -- something ought to be changed. I don't know what. But what you guys can do is by telling, suggesting, advising us about what we can do to make everything better for everyone with your extensive knowledge of democracy. Somebody told me to read about Ron Paul a few days ago, and I have to say the guy is awesome. We want someone like him be Thai prime minister.

    Thank you for that.

    Ron Paul is Libertarian- they believe in minimum government- personal freedom- above all. That goes right against the thai yearning for 'the collective' as opposed to the indvidual.. Be very careful with that kind of thinking (it almost plunged the world into another recession a few months ago).

    We in my country agree that our politics must be changed- but we understand that these changes require changes in the mentality of the people-= and that takes generations.

    We make new laws- scrap old ones- We want the same as you- Santa land- but we know it takes time-- and that quick fixes always produce more heartbreak than heaven.

    I think what might separate us is our recollection of history- we in the west saw the advent of fascism and nazis- we saw the Stalinists in Russian kill 20 million people- we watched the Shining Path in Peru- we knew about the Khmer Rouge and we know now of the Jihadists who want to bring perfection to the world.

    We plead- as Yingluck does- caution- compromise- respect for the rule of law (questionable given her brother but...) and we know that Christmas comes rarely- and it is never what we hoped for.

  15. I wonder why all the farang here in Thai Visa hate the anti government guys so much in Thailand. I don't know Suthep but I support him because of the situation in Thailand. And I'm Thai.

    You really want to find out the answer, it's not that difficult at all. Everyone has at least a motive and incentive to do things we are not mindless zombie. I suppose their incentive for hating the anti gov protesters likely due to money or having very poor understanding of the current situation.

    Somebody on this site already said a few days ago that most expat here in Thailand do not like red shirt government which means farangs are cooler than I previously thought. A few notable red shirt devoters on this forum are kikoman and farang00009.


    We are, as you say, only farangs- but we have seen how these things play out. and for those of us who love your people- your instituions- we fear what history (Eastern as well as Western) predicts will come of this.

    Due, I suppose to the way you were educated, you believe that somehow this is a new phenomenom -- please believe me- it is not new at all. And it always ends in tears.

    • Like 1
  16. "They have been charged with intimidation to abolish the nation's administrative power, instigating members of the public to violate the law, gathering to create chaos in the country, and libelling representatives of foreign countries."

    I'm not sure about the other charges but how can the DSI charge them of libeling representatives of foreign countries? Did these foreign representatives file these charges themselves because they feel they have been libeled? Or is this just the biased Tharit making charges up to fit his agenda?

    Tarit should be counter-charged with passing new laws without using the proper constitutional channels.

    Just like the PTP and YL... constantly digging his hole deeper.

    The criminal court could be found to be doing the same thing by backing these lunatic charges with warrants.

    Just exactly what laws have been passed with out judicial oversight?

    And no - I don't expect a reply.

    'gathering to create chaos in the country, and libelling representatives of foreign countries.'

    These two.

    I was responding to a post remember.

    I googled them... they don't exist, not in English anyway.

    I asked you what laws the government passed- and you respond with an accuasation about the fascists?

    Man... This government did NOT pass a law to, in your words, 'gathering to create chaos in the country, and libelling representatives of foreign countries."

    Where is that 134 IQ when you it would probably come in handy?

  17. They would not dare make a single arrest.

    They know what it would lead to, and they don't want that do they?

    Go on Tarit... I dare ya.

    Just more wind and piss, totally worthless news article, they already have warrants issued and they are too scared to go and carry those out.

    Don't ask me for proof.

    Yes they are scared to bring out the iron boot.

    You say you dare Tarit to bring it on.

    You know full well that if Tarit 'brings it on' the gov't will be dissolved- either by military or judicial coup (use that 134 IQ you claim to have!)

    and then the dogs of hell will be unleashed- Rightly or wrongly (who will care?)- the people who do support this government and (so far quietyly) oppose the fascists will come to fight.

    Is that what you want?

    An Eastern Sarajevo?

    And you know- that nobody won SHIT in Bosnia!

    Yingluck has offered time and again the olive branch- Suthep and his madmen have refused to grasp it.

    They have stars in their eyes- blinded by hate and fantasies of utopian fairies that will usher Heaven on Earth.

    Reason has left the room.

    And your post is evidence of that.

    You just reflected everything I was actually hinting at.

    They go in and arrest everyone, then there will be another bunch right behind them to take up the reigns.

    They have probably already discussed what the action will be and that it may be along the lines of 'no more peaceful protest'. Or possibly even total lock down of BKK But whatever their plan B course of action, they will certainly take it to a whole new level, and that will force a coup of some sort.

    Tarit will become public enemy number one and i suspect he will have to flee the country for his own safety.

    Tarit? you think when the shit hits the fan anybody will even remember his name?

    What do you predict the response will be- locally as well as internationally- to a coup?

    Top brass knows- and you don't- that's surprising. They are using reason. What are you using?

    • Like 1
  18. "They have been charged with intimidation to abolish the nation's administrative power, instigating members of the public to violate the law, gathering to create chaos in the country, and libelling representatives of foreign countries."

    I'm not sure about the other charges but how can the DSI charge them of libeling representatives of foreign countries? Did these foreign representatives file these charges themselves because they feel they have been libeled? Or is this just the biased Tharit making charges up to fit his agenda?

    Tarit should be counter-charged with passing new laws without using the proper constitutional channels.

    Just like the PTP and YL... constantly digging his hole deeper.

    The criminal court could be found to be doing the same thing by backing these lunatic charges with warrants.

    Just exactly what laws have been passed with out judicial oversight?

    And no - I don't expect a reply.

  19. "but how can the DSI charge them of libeling representatives of foreign countries? Did these foreign representatives file these charges themselves because they feel they have been libeled? Or is this just the biased Tharit making charges up to fit his agenda?

    Foreign representatives don't have to file charges.

    Threatening to seize property of a foreign country (an embassy) is tantamount to threatening an act of war. Only the government has the authority to declare war on a foreign country.

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