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Posts posted by blaze

  1. Well yes, but is it actually illegal.Ill timed and a dereliction of duty, I agree, but what would the investigation be able to do apart from tell us all what we already know; they agreed to do it this way.

    It could be the events of this weekend brought home to them what could happen at the polling stations and they felt that they would be in danger, unable to rely on having police protection.

    However it's not illegal to quit your job.

    If there were no protestors opposing the elections, there would not be any danger, would there?

    Yes, but there are, aren't there?

    So it makes sense to have some sort of plan in place. If they have quit because there isn't, then it could explain their actions.

    If they quit for political reasons, well f#%k them.

    Well, so let's hope that the EC has learnt the lessons of the past weekend and put the necessary measures in place to ensure that FREE & FAIR elections can take place.

    International observers claim that the last election was fair. (cheating was Buam jai Thai and Chart Pattana as I recall- not PTP).

    Aw well- why let facts disturb small brains into the explosion of cognitive dissonance.

  2. I implied that this protest is NOT at all Maoist- because at least Maoism was a thought through and clear ideology.

    THe closest that we have heard which seems visionary is the idea that government should be controlled by 'a few good men'. (In Europe of the 20s, these 'good men' would be almost mystical incarnations of the best of the nation- the soul of the folk).

    I ask again- what specific laws, organic or otherwise and mechanisms for enforcing them will be enacted?

    Each fan of this revolt has his own dream- some, like you want the system 'reformed' and quickly put on the path of a constitutional democracy.

    Others want some kind of absolutism after the reforms are applied. Everyone agrees it will stop major corruption- but some hope it will result in more effective controls against cheating on income tax- against exercising ones ability to 'gift' in order to jump the queue- to avoid a court appearance over a traffic fine-- others say- 'now that's going TOO far!"

    The Thaksin 'regime' may be expunged from the THai political arena- but the THaksin effect will not go away- no matter HOW the 'system'

    is reformed- unless it is reformed in a way that denies popular vote.

    You would welcome the Peua Thai back as a government (or at least permit them- that means Jatuporn, Nuttawat et al)- providing they govern in a 'democratic and constitutional way" (and who decides that?- the majority of the voters- or a minority?) But surely the heads of these protests are aware that if PT comes back it will mean massive court actions against them. you really think they are going to permit this?

    To permit 'thaksinomics' to once again prevail? BUt with a different figure head at the helm? I don't think so.,

    • Like 2
  3. Before people begin to assign blame for this - an investigation is yet to take place, gentlemen - it should be noted that there have been fatalities on both sides in this conflict, all of them unnecessary. It should also be noted that whenever policemen are authorized to use rubber bullets - as was the case here - all sorts of tragic circumstances can develop. The administration must take responsibility for that. They must also take responsibility for ramming an amnesty bill through, that has sparked the crisis that has culminated in today's unrest and today's tragedy.

    So a failed bill, for which the gov't has apologized justifies murder-- Ok maybe some posters have not seen civil war....and there is an issue of age of posters-- but please- I beg you --- slow down. This shit is going to get out of hand- and to people who think it becomes fun--- it does not.

    Dovijenja iz Repuubla Srbska.


  4. It has been shown time and time again that the UDD reds and their thugs , some of them in government have ALWAYS resorted to arms and violence. ,a simple fact ,Inbred thugs from jatuporn and beyond ,They cant talk with any civility and their actions are that of killers .No amnesty EVER

    Amnesty was the WORST idea- because it would hae exonerated the murderes in the Tample Massacre.

    But what is this? the beginnings of a Bosnian blood bath?

    Well- maybe in blind hate of Thakdin a blood bath is what is needed-- :I hope not.

  5. Something I wonder about as the country slowly descends into mob rule, will farangs become targets for their rage? I keep hearing that many Thais hate us and only put up with us because we spend money. I don't know how true this is or even what percentage hate us if it is true but something to think about perhaps.

    I walked among the crowd at Metropolitan police headquarters a few weeks ago, I could hear people say "farang this & farang that..."

    While I was not concerned as it felt like a harmless gathering, it was in stark contrast to what I experienced in the same location in 2010 when the UDD was there.

    As a street photographer, I don't think I would venture anywhere near the "mad mob" at this point in time.

    Wise move.

    where the reds welcomed 'us'- this thing does not- best to stay clear.

    The reds had a cause that they rightly or wrongly believed would win international attention.

    These peoople have only passion- and no idea about anything.

    It used to be called 'jaquerie'l

    • Like 1
  6. If they have to wait until "all parties in conflict could settle their differences" then they'll be waiting forever. Isn't that exactly what Suthep wants?

    Could simply have the election and let the people choose?


    ...and allow the current administration to clear out the coffers before slinking off into the night....?!

    For a government or its elected reprresntative to 'clear out the coffers' Iis illgal under Thai law.

    If you can prove your allegation -- do so. I*the courts are not exactly pro-red).

    If not- why speak shit? Because the Nation has corrupted your resaoning with innuendo? Grow up!

  7. most recent

    Just it is the opposite of what he told.........Actually he want fair elections in 14 month.

    You are from Europe aren't you? So you know that 14 months under a dicatatorship can be a long time.

    Or did your history lessens skip over the 20s, 30s and 4os.

    Come on man- hating Thaksin is one thing (probably based on some legitimate concerns)....

    ///but this?

    Oh- and even Korn as well as Suthep have declared the most recent elections were fair-- but based on bad economics (and when Thailand figures out what are good options, let the rest of the owlrd know).

    And where are the Thaivisa yellows of yesteryeat? Ashamed to come out leaving only you and Waza and Nibbles to fight the good fight?

    • Like 1
  8. attachicon.gifxtaxi_jpg_pagespeed_ic_G5TZHiO4az.jpg

    Wonder if TAT is going to use this photo in their new campaign "Amazing countdown in Thailand" ??

    Am I the only one?? But seeing behavior like this makes me really angry!!sad.png

    It is just an isolated incident. People don't get too carried away and act irrationally towards protesters on the street.


    Are you too trying to gain a cabinet post in the Nutocracy? Assuming that your TV postings will qualify you?

    But taking your advice- we will allow for a certain amount of violence against the instituitions that we rely on for security.

  9. So I think you can put your mind at ease. An anti-Western pogrom is most, most, most unlikely. Unless against me by my wife, of course.

    Uh huh.

    Wait- you claim to an education- hasn't your education prepared you for the xenophobia that accompanies all fascist movements?

    What Nutocracy that your PhD lilluminated did NOT include blaming the 'other'.?

    • Like 1
  10. . Does anyone here have any idea?

    Seems not

    Though there was one that came out of the so called 'Age of Reason'- that citizens would use elections to determine their future.

    It led of course to incredible abuse- but after the Dark Ages-- the social contractr was a breath of fresh air.

    Now- ww revert to a better time0 when social conflict was decided by the warculb and the chinese gun.

    Some fools never learn..

  11. Another piont is that this officer was critically injure he would have to be airlifted as its much safer and faster that a ambulance so the crowd would have made no difference.

    So the reality is either you are being deliberately deceptive or you are so misinformed that your posts have no credibility.


    Probably qualifies the poster as a candidate for membership in the coming Nutocracy.

  12. It also implied that if nothing is done to settle the conflicts, it might decide to take such actions as may be within its authority to settle the situation.

    Now I wonder that thoe actions might be? Perhaps deniying the citizens to a right to elect a goverment 'for a while' and permitting a terrorist to define the new Wolrld Order?

    I got a feeling this will not go down well in Khon Kaen and Roi Et.

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