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Everything posted by Lokie

  1. How can you be an Iranian born Norwegian man? Impossible... A Iranian man welcomed into the country by a western culture - Again, once there they do not abide or give any loyalty to their hosts. Look across the world... Same MO
  2. Lunatic behind the Wheel of a big truck... Lucky no one was killed - Thailand; Look right, look left, look up And, when stopped or slowing look in rear view & side mirrors for idiots like this Bell-End not paying attention to what he is paid to do
  3. Right now main demographics in Patong are; Arabs, Indians then Chinese... Afraid all the comments re Russian you need to look further South - Karon, Kata, Nai Harn. Poor pic but looks like Arab gent & Thai lady.. as said nothing much going on here... Pervy vid with nothing better to do
  4. I must be lucky, live Patong price outrageous, however few mins away Kathu Kfc (Caltex) Great tasting original recipe, always available, great service from staff & good value. My only gripe is putting Mash in the Gravy (silly Oz & US) as an Engrishman I want to dip my chips in the gravy - why in heavens would I want to dip them in Mash & gravy duh. Chalong (Villa Mrkt) used to do just gravy & also gravy & mash for the weirdo's... They dont now. So I buy ruddy mash I dont want for a bit of gravy. Half commenting here obvs dont like kfc so why bother... Maccy D's Rank! Go buy BBQ chicken ? But its not kfc is it... The Colonel's 11 secret herbx & spices... Next someone will tell us how to make at home... But its Not kfc 5555
  5. The point was if giving advice to newbies in LOS on buying a bike - maybe a good idea to tell them to get a motorcycle licence if they have never passed a motorcycle test before... How many clowns are riding about without correct licence here? Some people serioisly dont even think about it???
  6. Mmm... Well in the UK All insurance policies state in their T&Cs; To never admit liability, as they may decide to fight the case in court... If no one is injured you exchange details, thats it. If anyone is injured then Police should be called & again you do not accept liability. In Los if small/little damage, just pay & go as if Police get involved it will probably cost you more
  7. A Bell-End! All be it a rich bell-end supported by many other Bell-Ends
  8. Iv got 2 mates who went up to the 750, both got rid of them within 3 months, too big, hassle finding parking for them on/in Soi's - both went back to 350 Forza & an ADV.
  9. Mohammed, most popular british boys name last few years...
  10. No mention of having a motorcycle licence? Just buy a bike & away you go.... ??
  11. We had 8 weeks of watching my ol mum suffer worse than a dog before her light went out - Disgraceful. Wracked with dementia, to the point of could not function at all. Nurse kept apologising their hands are tied... Luckily for the royal family, Her Majesty was afforded different care - As my sister said, watch this HM will not have to wait in purgatory to go, as soon as the family get up to Balmoral, they will give her the assistance required to go. Sure enough HM passed shortly after family arrived, as the case with her father BTW. In clear cut cases allow people to have a pain free, death. With Respect to HM, & my dear old mum who deserved better...
  12. Is not gone unnoticed by Most Europeans... Across the continent people have had enough... May be unnoticed by Non Europeans who are not having the same ol BS Rammed down your throat daily by the MS politicians... Charity begins at home... About covers the real issue
  13. At least basic crim things, no worrying animals or other weirdo stuff going on with the Brits or beating women, kneeing em the back sat on your illegal steps etc...
  14. Clear The Swamp!
  15. Read your link... Nothing substantial in it, is that really the best display of what this person has done as VP - Show us what ya got kid !
  16. And the facts to show what Harris has achieved as VP, what has she accomplished? As for your Biden facts above - heres one fact my US Trackers fund has lost 8% profit since Biden got in, so dont know where you get your facts from, mines in my pocket Real Life,
  17. I said the World, not just lil ol U S A... Kidding no, you think the World is better right now? What you been Smoking?? Wow you guys are like living in another dimension... Anyway does not really matter... M A G A !!
  18. Wow, hey like, you need to have a Coke & a Smile my good man... Just let it all flow... Deep breaths - and Relax... If all democrats feel like this its prob best Trump wins, he can then fix the world, which was a far better place before Ol time Joe & what was her name again ..? Got in. God Bless America'
  19. Pmsl, this paragraph sums up Harris to a Tee... On personal attacks it appears you are the one using that in your argument in this thread. Oxymoron/ Hypocrite springs to mind... Explains your pointless ramblings... Blah Blah Blah
  20. Insulting? Man - get a grip of yourself...
  21. As a non american, I find it amazing some of you actually believe Kamala Harris is a good candidate for POUSA? Really? pmsl... Your adversaries are looking forward to having a weak President... Wont happen anyway Trump will be back in, after 12 mth the world will be a safer place for all. USA may get some if uts respect back. Just a neutrals opinion... Harris could not black Trumps boots lol
  22. No news item, Etihad already have flatbeds on this route with 787/ dreamliners... Have fone a few yrs now. So really the Title should say: Etihad to use A321LR on AUD - HKT Much more comfortable all round type than the so-called dreamliner which IMO is the most uncomfortable plasticky thing you can have the bad luck to endure flying at the moment
  23. In Manchester, late 70s - early 80s both in Primary & Secondary School - Loved School dinners, only things crap was Tapioca & Semolina, oh & Blancmange Yuk!! Even better when they brought the Cafeteria style set up in, could cover your pizza with chips & hide other things, then you only paid for chips, they must av lost money on that. Free dinners - issued dinner tckts Mon morning an hour later around Smokers corner used to sell em for about £1.50 then buy my Fags for the week, No6 Tipped, best part about School was the dinners, eating ir making money & Miss Burke in Art class always showing her pert Baps to a load if Horny 15 yr old boys... Im sure she improved their right arm Techniques lol She gave me a C in Art, lack of concentration...? Err Id dispute that, I was fully concentrated on her Knockers should av git an A+
  24. Or he just looking for a bit of Texas Long Horn??
  25. Not another American, worrying farm animals...?
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