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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. My wife whenever she hears a dog barking espacially at night   she always says it's a pee   ...

    Just to clarify, it is not the "pee" that is barking, it is the dogs that are barking AT the "pee".

    Not that I believe a word of it :o:D:D

    You know you would be surprised at what animals can see, I was at a friends house and his dog was barking in the backyard for at least 10-15 minutes, So I asked my friend why is she barking so much. Probably a squirrel, I went outside to check. The Dog was in the backyard staring striaght ahead and barking. Nothing was in front of her. That I could see of course. :D

  2. Simbo............true...........no one will ever know the truth........I bet she is off trying to find another German/farang now.......... :o

    True SK No One will ever know the truth I watched Jennifer lopez movie "Enough" about abused women, At the end of the movie she is sitting outside after killing her husband. A Police Officer walked up to her to ask "How are You Doing" She said "I'm OK" He then replied "Your one of the Lucky Ones"

    I know a Thai and Farang relationship is hard, because of the difference of the two people involved. My Mom and Dad have had their Ups and Downs and in all actuality I think it has made me a better person. I know how to treat a woman.

    I don't want to be like my Dad in this respect, He abuses my Mom But not physical Abuse. The News report said that The two people involved were together for six months, and what if this man did abuse her. Do you expect a woman to continue to accept it. My Mom accepts it because deep down she loves my father.

    She also accepts it for the fact he supports us Sad to say but it is the truth How many more women go through this everyday in the world. :D

  3. Scampy , i would sincerely suggest you look at the oppertunity to go back to your famillie in the uk .

    You're obviously losing it out there, jumping from one place to another won't solve it.

    Maybe it's to late and you can't even get back anymore. If their ain't no job in bkk then there won't be one in phuket probably. Maybe employers just see you as a loose canon.

    You do not know how close you are. :o

    The guy is the most immature idiot I have ever met. He is known around the area as "looney" and only been here for two weeks.. I will predict that he will be killed or will commit suicide. He is the most unstable person I have ever met and how he got to the airport to come to Thailand in the first place is beyond me.

    I was like many who read his pleas for help, felt sorry. wanted to help and tried to.

    Now I have really met this imbecile, I have washed my hands of him and everyone I have introduced him to, thinks he is a loser.

    This childish no nothing drip, should stop feeling sorry for himself and grow the <deleted> up. He cannot be alone for more than two hours and lives for this forum - a very sad man he is.

    Please, do not lend him any money, as he does not have what it takes to pay you back. He bludges off of the local bar girls for drinks and takes them home to sleep with him and doesnt pay them.

    Be careful on who you try and help!

    Whoa :D

  4. When i was in udon thani last year i got nothing but smiles from people i knew and total strangers that you meet, nothing but smiles. But I always smile first most of the time and usually get a smile in return. :o

  5. You should do no problems , incidently my wife sells a lot of Thai cd's ( 2nd hand) on ebay if anyone is interested ( they're extremely cheap as well ) pm me for details. I'm fairly sure there is a big market for them.

    Mai's cd's will be in most records stores in Bkk.

    Thanks Chon Maybe i'll wait and get it in bankok I'll be going soon either before the end of the year or next year.

  6. Most were just skin moisturizers,  and had nothing to do with what the salesperson may say about the product.  He said that cooking lard is probably the cheapest thing to use for your skin and most likely the best.

    Interesting that you should say that as have a mate who uses Extra Virgin Olive Oil on her skin and she looks great (seriously, am not joking – but I also think this might only work for Mediterranean skin, as she’s Macedonian). :o

    I thought he was joking but he wasn't and he was from england :D Just Joking!!

    He said that some chemicals in the skin products might be harmful to some people. He said try to go the natural route if you can like natural aloe and other natural products, but he said no difference in anything on the store shelves.

  7. I've always wondered does price determine qualilty and vice versa?

    I mean you can choose between paying a couple hundred baht on supermarket brands such as Olay or L'oreal etc...or pay a couple thousand baht for high end brands such as LaMer or SKII.

    Are we paying for their marketing campaign and falling for their psychological mumbo jumbo.... or do these brands really have that special something?

    Let me start the ball rollling, I've tried:

    Origins = it was good the first round I bought it but then the second time I got a rash.

    Shiseido = very good for delicate skin types but the effects seemed to be subtle.

    Olay Total Effects = used this for a period of time and it was really good.

    I'm wondering if any other ladies here feel the same about the short effects of these brands and that you need to alternate? But my mother has used Revlon Moondrops for over the past 30 years and she looks radiant if I may say so!

    Shopgurl Just watched a program in the US about your thread and they had an expert chemist find out if the ingredients in the high end products have any difference to them and he said no.

    Most were just skin moisturizers, and had nothing to do with what the salesperson may say about the product. He said that cooking lard is probably the cheapest thing to use for your skin and most likely the best. But that's up to you. :o

    He said all the products had very little different things about them. The High End products and the ones you can get from a nearby department store or mall.

  8. Ahhhh Pepe`    Doncha just LUV it ....  I was with three friends in Phuket and surrounded by six beautifl 'bar girls' each wanting some action... for cash of course... and a ferang couple were at the next table in thier 40's... both eating their hearts out for different reasons... She jealous as sh*t and he wishing like crazy that she was at home in England, or burried somewhere... anywhere... when my friend turned and said, "Bet you're glad you brought her ain't ya mate? I nearly died laughing  :o  Ok, it was rude... but finnier than h*ll  :D

    The truth is women ALL want something you got... whether it's a good body, good looks, a charming nature or money... but the greatest attraction of all is MONEY... and you can take that to the bank!  A good-looking man with a Rolex is more attractive than a good-looking man with a Timex and that has been proven time and time again in experiments.

    Yes I have found myself in similar situations many times. One time, again in Phuket, there were two farang couples at a retaurant seated directly across from this beer bar I was at.

    As I got a little "mini massage" from this angel right on my bar stool, the 2 chicks as it turned out from the UK, were just sneering in disgust and disapproval.

    One of the guys was just staring as drool fell out of his mouth on to the table.

    Just as we were making our exit out of no where his wife smacked him up the side of his head and said something like, "Oh you like that, thats digusting."

    Poor guy couldn't take his eyes off this honey even after getting smacked.

    He just sat there dazed and drooling.

    Pretty funny stuff... :D

    All that from a simple massage?? :D

  9. IamMaiC Posted on Wed 2004-10-20, 14:38:18

      What's the big deal He is Prime Minister Correct?? Do they show the King also?? 

    Thaksin is the first elected prime minister to be included in the montage of images that accompany the national anthem...
    There's good reason for that no predecessor has. His Majesty The King IS a well-earned and well-deserved symbol of Thailand, while no politician, no matter how pompous he may be, IS NOT.

    Kinda hard for me to see it on thai TV I'm in the States, I was just asking. :o

  10. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...15/MN236865.DTL


    Lets face it... what chance have decent Farangs got of not being dismissed immediately as being a sex tourist?

    I know I'm reading too many of these articles but it's starting to get me down.

    So what your saying is if your a Farang Your a Sex tourist?? Cmon give me a break. I'm half thai and half farang and my wife's family never thought i was a sex tourist. either was my father thought of that way.

  11. My Neighbor asked me to go out one night to some bars about 20 mins drive away.

    My wife, neighbor, neighbors 11 year old son and myself piled into his truck and

    hit the bars. The 11 year old slept in the back of the truck.

    At about 2am we are all smashed and climb back into the truck to go home.

    I get in the back seat with my wife. The neighbor goes to the back of the truck

    and throws the 11 y/o son in the drivers seat sitting him on a pillow.

    The neighbor jumps in the passenger side and said " Bye en".

    So the 11 y/o fires up the truck and takes off spinning rubber and drove

    perfect all the way home as I chewed my fingernails off. :o

    A Night you will never forget ehhh?? :D

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