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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. There's no smiley that donates a yawn, or a half smile or embarrassment, crying, sneezing or falling asleep.

    I am aware of the Show All clickable smiley extension.

    I never used to use smileys, I thought they were saaaad, but I've got used to them and they do save typing time do they not?

    The best smiley I saw was funnily enough on one of my few visits to ajarn.com and it was a wanking smiley.

    Side profile of the yellow head, wanking vigerously with a white glove.

    BkkPhil would have seen it, any chance of getting that or any of the above or simply just expanding the repetoir as has been done with the forums et al?

    Respectfully yours,

    Scampy  :o  :D  :D  :D  :D  :wub:

    P.S. How come the post icon smileys are 80% different to the ones we can use to express our feelings and emotions in posts?





  2. I'm sincerely and geniunely touched by all the posts! 2 pages, you're all making me blush!

    Yes it tis a triumph that brings much joy and happiness, but it wouldn't have been possible without the interesting threads, posts and polls that all of the TV members had all contributed.

    I would like to thank so many people! First and foremost, the diligent, hardworking and helpful moderators & administrators (is that enough ass attention?), all the great people/members that I've met (both cyber/personally), the smiley faces that work so hard to communicate our emotions, the Subway banners that have always made me hungry, the "Book your Thailand room here" banner that has always tempted me during working hours to quit my job and run free towards the beautiful beach and sunset....and much much much more.

    Thank you...it's because of each and everyone of you that has made my 300 posts possible, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Here's to 300 posts and counting and to another glorious 300 more!

    Did you get an award?? :o

  3. So many pics of IamMaiC in this thread (I mean so many times the same pic of IamMaiC...).

    A thread about farang girls pics.

    A bit of a narcissist, aren't you...? :o:D

    Well A thread about Farang girls pics but no pics so i thought everyone could look at me :D Oh well I tried many times to get the girls to post pics but they don't want to :D

  4. The US has a problem with chinese carp right now, some fish farmer bought them for some reason and some got out and started eating every fish it could find. They are so active in the water that if you drive past them in a boat they will actually jump in!!!! :o

  5. Listen IJWT I don't want to get on anyone's bad side and I don't want anyone to think I'm homophobic which I'm not I look at a person not their sexuality But IMHO I think it's wrong but that is from my upbringing and belieif in Marriage between a Man and a Woman is what "should" Take place in the world.

    I just think he should be punished for breaking the law and if he was I apologize for not knowing the facts of this.

  6. MaiC, does the law serve the people or do people serve the law? The point of a changeable, amendable body of law is so that law may be changed when it serves the interests of the people. In some Western states, it was (and is still) a law that no one should kick the heads of rattlesnakes (because they used to protrude through knotholes in the boardwalks of frontier towns, and it made a terrible mess when people kicked them). This law is no longer timely. I, and many others, believe that the law restricting marriage to man and woman only is no longer timely, and it would serve the people (except for certain self-righteous ones) to amend it.


    The Law as it Stands at this minute says it is not aloud until it is changed then all the Gay People can go crazy for all I care, But the Mayor of San Francisco broke the Law. Him for one should set an example and follow the Laws Don't you Think?? IJWT :o

  7. I have this pic of Tiger and his Fiance Elin  But I was wondering what other people think  Does he Look Thai??  Thanks for all replies. 

    Sorry, I forgot to add, that they think his wife is very "Swaaaay".

    Yeah and she is very nice so is Tiger for that matter was able to talk to them both for a good 30 mins before he went home. (Used to do Security where he lives)

  8. IamMaiC wrote, "What of the people that just wake up one morning and say hey i'm gay is that not a choice. Who knows if it is a choice or people are born this way."

    Sorry, but perhaps you're confusing the conscious decision of "coming out of the closet" with the realization that "Hey, I'm basically gay, I'm not straight."

    C'mon, IamMaiC - did you just wake up one morning and say, "Hey, I'm straight"?  Was that not a choice?  No, it wasn't a choice, just a realization of your basic identify, such as "Hey, I'm not a giraffe."

    But when your born you don't know what your opinions or feelings are so can it really be at birth that a gay person realizes They are Gay!

  9. I have this pic of Tiger and his Fiance Elin  But I was wondering what other people think  Does he Look Thai??  Thanks for all replies. 

    I just showed the pic to my wife (Thai). Of course! she knows who Tiger is, but she said that he does not look that much like Thai (to her), he looks Thai "nit noy". And now my wife's brother just stopped in and he definitely knows who he is but agrees with my wife as far as looking Thai. They both think he is "VERY GOOD play GOLF". Can't argue that one for sure.

    Yeah he's Great when he plays Great, Lately that has not been happening. :o

  10. Simply ask any of the gay people you know if it is a choice or if they were born that way.  Surely, they would know and then you could learn the answer to the question.

    However, few who support this administration, want to admit that gays are born that way, because then they would have to admit that gays  were entitled to the same civil rights as their hetero-sexual fellow citizens or be labled a bigot!

    You should not have rights solely on your sexuality but as a human being!!! Plus Marriage is between a Man and a Woman Dictionary definition :o

    Main Entry: mar·riage

    Pronunciation: 'mer-ij, 'ma-rij

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry

    1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law

    I don't think same sex marriage should be aloud anyway I've seen news reports and some same sex people think they are being descriminated against because they are not allow to marry and have the same benefits as married people. Is this the sole reason to marry I am Married and didn't get married because solely of the benefits of being married. I Love My Wife That's why I married her.

    What of the people that just wake up one morning and say hey i'm gay is that not a choice? Who knows if it is a choice or people are born this way. Actuallly I don't care how they are. My opinion it's not right but that argument has been talked about before.

  11. i believe bruce lee was one of the more famous martial artists to incorporate boxing into a martial art.many others also blend different aspects of them thats why there are so many styles of martial art.the only flashy kung <deleted> i,ve ever seen is at the movies.back to your question is american/european boxing a martial art. in the east i would say no in the west no

    Bruce Lee took it in directions that have not been duplicated, Not even his Son Brandon could do the Same. I hope their Resting in Peace now.


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