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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. I as a retired Marine and as an American Marine I am very proud of the USA...If you are from the USA and you are trying to hide it then you are Gutless and have not even a right to be associated as an american..

    For the others that hate Americans So Be It, However if you look throughout history the americans have made you what you are today wheather Idiots or good people......

    I love being an American but I love most of all living in Thailand where the only predujuice is from the Thai government towards people who are not Thai//.

                                                KHUNDAN SENDS

    Sounds like foolspeak.

    Maybe you should walk around the Middle East in a Marines T Shirt and test out some of your theories.

    Have you been out of the US long? Thai people are very prejudice.


    Funny he's proud to be an american but living in a foreign land hmmmmmmmmmm :o

  2. I as a retired Marine and as an American Marine I am very proud of the USA...If you are from the USA and you are trying to hide it then you are Gutless and have not even a right to be associated as an american..

    For the others that hate Americans So Be It, However if you look throughout history the americans have made you what you are today wheather Idiots or good people......

    I love being an American but I love most of all living in Thailand where the only predujuice is from the Thai government towards people who are not Thai//.

                                                KHUNDAN SENDS

    Sounds like foolspeak.

    Maybe you should walk around the Middle East in a Marines T Shirt and test out some of your theories.

    Have you been out of the US long? Thai people are very prejudice.


    Didn't england rule the world once??? (Coming from an American) :o

  3. I don't understand this discussion. American, Thai, Mexican whatever are nationalities not birth defects. To me, when someone says they are Mexican/American, Thai/American whatever I assume they have dual citizenship.

    My children were born in Mexico to a Mexican mother and an American Father. They are Mexican/American becasue they have dual citizenship.. If I tell some of my Latino friends in Texas that my children are Mexican they can't understand how I can say that (and they ge3t a little upset at the insinuation)...even though these guys have never been to Mexico and call themselves Mexicans.

    I doubt very seriously that Tiger denies his ancestral roots, however, with his mother still very much in his life.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

    Coffee Dude His parents are divorced and When i did security where he lived His mom didn't come in much except if he was playing golf nearby I have no idea how they keep in touch but she seemd very nice to me when she arrived the only time i saw her. Once

    In the US people do this African American Asian American Latino American I thought we were Americans not labels.

  4. Women's lib hasn't made it over to Thailand (22.5). The women aren't loud or brash; they are feminine and attentive. Treat your girl with respect and attention (i.e., just be normal and treat her like a lady) and she will not be able to do enough for you. She'll put toothpaste on the brush for you and wash your back. In bed she will wrap herself around you. Maybe even more than that. She might not allow you to put food on your plate in a buffet, insisting on doing it for you. Or she might trim your already-shortened fingernails and clean your ears (you haven't lived until you have truly wax-free ears.) She wants you to understand that she appreciates you. Thai women take care of their men and it's intoxicating.

    All that in 22.5......to be honest its a bullshit story thread starter....rubbish....these ladies can be the best there are.....I have never felt more relaxed with my thai wife......massage and aroma with making love to conclude an evening together...x2

    The study reflects on Thai men, not Thai women.

    And the men are notorius for being 3 thrust hero's :o

    3 thrusts?? maybe a hero in your eyes Doc Not the girls. No wonder Thai Girls like Farangs :D

  5. Why did he marry a lady falang?  Ting tong

    You mean why marry a beautiful Swedish model? :D

    This should answer the question...



    She is very nice and Tiger also, I use to work Security at where he lives and One night he came in and started talking to me :o I said Wow what's this all about, then she started to chime in We sat there for about 30 mins just talking to each other and it was nice. I also told him I was born in Thailand and part Farang also. He said Jokingly I'm Thai also. :D Oh really!!!! was my response.

    I resigned from the job because the director of security decided he liked the job but didn't want to show up for work and I had some problems with another employee. But if these things didn't happen I would still be there.

  6. US Tightens Restrictions on Cuban Cigars

    The notice also clarifies that Americans are barred from not only purchasing Cuban goods in foreign countries, but also from consuming them in those countries.

    --VOA News 2004-10-06

    The guys I know here that work at the US Embassy must be pissed then. Their lockers at Nurse are stuffed full of 'em. :o

    shhhhhh the cigar strikeforce will come and get them!!! :D

  7. Last month sometime  i had a beer  the last time i got drunk  1997  got tired of the hangovers and being broke after a night of partying  buying drinks for everyone    hey  don't get any ideas  anyone out there!!!!  :D

    There's no real idea's about ThaiVisa. The membership has a lot of practising boozers with attendant brain damage.

    They do know they post in thai visa at least Dr Pat Pong? :o

  8. Yep Unfortunately not pure breed  but I am a mutt  -_-


    look sad in this pic  :D   but i'm not like that all the time   :wub:

    ( Narachon , sensing the presence of the GREAT HOLY SYMBOL, wanders into the Farang Girl section of Thaivisa for the first time.....Expecting to see naked Farang chicks, but instead, IamMaiC, who remarkably looks like a good looking version of Rob Schneider! :( )

    Hey IamMaic........... Is that what I think is on your head in your photo? ? :D


    And to think that all this time I pegged you as a Marlins fan! :o

    Yeah it's a Yankee hat WHO'S YOUR DADDY!!!! I Haved Loved the Yankees since I was a Kid Reggie Jackson did it for me and he had good candy bars also. :) Hey a Marlin is a Fish you catch no Fish teams for me

    Hey Ladies how about those pics please :D

  9. I have three tats and you will have to be female and go to bed with me to see them!! :D

    I am a pooying.. Am I allowed to see them? :D

    I don't have tattoos. I had my ears pierced a couple of times which didn't turn out well. So, now not pierced. Oh.. boring chick. :D

    LC Did you let the holes close up?? Hey I never noticed but do Thai men have earrings?? :o

  10. Must admit to never liking him as an actor but as a human being and role model after his accident I find it difficult to come up with anyone better.

    It is just a shame that he really came to my attention due to the accident.

    I am genuinely sad that he is dead

    they showed in the states that originally he was not chosen for the part of Superman at first Some other Hollywood Stars were in mind, But the Director wanted an unknown

    The things is after his accident he did contemplate suicide but his wife helped him through it and he became a motivational speaker instead this is were he got his income.

    I just hope they don't stop the progress into solving the mystery of helping people walk again since he has passed on now.

  11. I have a cambodian girlfriend and am constantly getting bitten and am always covered in small bruises - she tells me its a sign of affection but sometimes its hurts like ###### - have felt like punching her in the head a few times but can see its just one of her ways of affection.

    anybody else have a woman that bites?

    my girlfriend loves biting and being bitten. but only when being intimate. must be a thai thing. :o

    Same here, just as long as it ends up nowhere visible...

    do thai girls leave hickies?? :D

    confirmed on my end. found at least two on my neck last time :D

    Man!!! Rainman your GF loves you right??? :D My wife is kinda frisky also but no where near your GF 7 hours whew two hickies those are the ones you found right?? :D

  12. cricket?...'fraid not...it's Major League Rounders although played by large muscular men with large bats rather than school girls in the UK...

    True...but basically it's a girl's game :D

    Girls do play what's called "softball" in the states. It's either fast or slow pitch and some of those chicks would blow away a cricket bat with the speed they deliver!

    btw...Houston Astros are going all the way this year! :D

    Yeah!! It's about time!! Go Astros!!

    Sorry but no the Kings of the world series will get it again NEW YORK YANKEES :o

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