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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Anyone know the score(!) regarding viagra buying viagra in Pattaya, pricing etc.

    Viagra buying Viagra. hmmmm

    Is that a bargirls name Viagra??? Wonder what her Barfine is?? :o

  2. oh, I am sorry IamMaic, I didn't see your post before answering Wolfie.

    I appologize... and you have to know that I DO like cows.... (hey, SK is one of my friends :D )...

    That's OK No need to apologise for that just the fact your Sk's friend She did call me a dog once and told me to walk into a field of spitting cobras (kidding SK)


  3. IamMaic............King Cobras are much bigger, usually black and they usually "spit" to blind their prey/victims. :o

    They usually attack upright. Go to the fields once in a while..............you may be lucky :D

    Hey I thought you liked me :D:D

  4. IamMaic............King Cobras are much bigger, usually black and they usually "spit" to blind their prey/victims. :o

    They usually attack upright. Go to the fields once in a while..............you may be lucky :D

    Ahhhhh, NO had a run in with a very big scorpion taking a shower at my wife's home in udon thani That's enough of a meeting for me of Thailand's wildlife :D

  5. Oh My God!!!!!!!! Garlic breath!!!!!!!!!!! Pheyeewww.............Could smell you all the way here, wolfie. (holds my nose)

    Wouldnt dare carry on Wolfie..........I may get banned for "indecent exposure" :D

    Sego......didnt know you like garlic......... :o and winged men with fangs!! Very kinky............

    NO, Sego Likes Cows with bells on :D

  6. What Spurred this On??   Castro must have pissed Bush off for some reason   :o

    There is an impending election and the Florida anti-Castro contingent is a huge electorate for George W.

    Hey Does this mean Monica Lewinsky can't have Cigars anymore ???? :wub::D

    She can, but they just have to be from Costa Rica, which I hear are better and cheaper anyway :D

    Ha!!!! :D Really?? :D

  7. QUOTE (fatter than harry @ Thu 2004-10-21, 14:27:15)


    Thanks, I'll be there with bells on. 

    Only bells on??? That's gotta be a sight 

    IamMaic........wonder whether they are like Big Ben's or the small ones...... Do they go "DIIINNGG DOOONNNNG or just "ding ding", LMAO :o

    Just messing with ya Harry

    You might get poked in the eye if you check close enough :D regardless of which type they are :D

  8. Cheers IamMaic.......I like to wind people up sometimes..........especially those that take everything to heart and are sooooo overly sensitive. :o

    Yeah you did say I was a good looking dog once but i forgive you (kidding) :D

    Yeah some people don't know how to have fun and let loose and just be themselves Have to try to be something their not just to impress other people but like I always say you only live once

  9. QUOTE 

    I am also not 20+

    I realize that I am wrong. 10+ is my guess now.

    meemiathai, I think you did..............

    Its all right, no harm done. I like a bit of banter once in a while. Yes I am Asian and I hate it when farangs try to educate me on Asian culture. :o

    Other than that, I also get hate emails assuming I am a jealous, fat, ugly farang woman who is here and cannot get a man as they prefer Thai women :D Ass u me.... :D

    As I always said, there is too much <deleted> going on in this world for us to worry about what others think of us. To each their own opinion

    All water under the bridge now........cheers!

    Good Attitude SK :D

  10. Iam Mai C, it is hard to find a job if you're not willing to teach English. The best corporate expatriate jobs are usually obtained outside Thailand where a company

    employee is sent to work at a branch office in Thailand ect. Some people get lucky at the right time, place and meet the right people and some aren't so lucky. I know people who worked as English teachers for many years and slowly made the right connections and found a niche somewhere in a company. Qualifications also play an important role. Scamp as he has said has little if any business experience. I have given him my advice as others here have and he has done what he wants to do. He has resorted to possibly one of the lowliest forms of 'employment,' the time share man.

    Is Time Share a Bad Job?? :o

  11. Wolfie, yes my neck is quite stiff this morning and I have a red mark on it...  :D

    But I can't tell whether it's was a kiss or a bite.... well, I would say that after having seen your pic, I wouldn't mind if it was a kiss  :D


    Wolfie's the MAN!!!!! :D

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