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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Could it be the primary aim is to make a statement to the world, not to solve the alleged problems? Considering it is mostly the places visited by tourists which are affected, there is going to be a drop in tourists looking for gogo bars etc and easily available sex in pleasant surroundings etc.

    Maybe it is not such a 'stupid' policy afterall, if this is what they want.

    What would you do if you wanted to change Thailand's image as a sex-tourism destination?

    Stroll - according to some threads i read on here Thai men frequent the sex workers more than Farang men True?? so how can it ever be changed?? it is already known for this Sad to say. :o

  2. They should just legalize prostitution but just enforce people to go for AIDS tests and check for other STD's. Look, It is unforunate that Thailand is thought of in this way but the damage is done and the government cannot have a blind eye to this anymore. and according to some threads on here it is thai men and women that frequent the prostitutes more. :o

  3. Well A thread about Farang girls pics but no pics so i thought everyone could look at me  :o  Oh well  I tried many times to get the girls to post pics but they don't want to  :D

    Yeah, but could you update the picture?

    And add a girl on it.

    Farang preferably... :D:D

    No Farang girl for me I think my wife would not like a Farang girl in the same pic as me :D

  4. I'm never arguing with my wife wink.gif
    Listen carefully to the storys, IamMaiC, it doesn't always require an argument and warnings are not routinely given, either. :o How is your wife's visa application going, btw, have you had any female guests staying while waiting? :D

    Since I was born in Thailand and grew up in the states I am starting to wonder about thai men, also Thai women I mean even though unfaithful Thai men may be I don't think they deserve to get their penis cut off. The Woman should just leave I know it's easy to say but you have to think about the mental state of some women.

    Ha Ha She is waiting for her interview on November 2 I am very nervous about this. I do Love My Wife stroll and I have been waiting a Long time and believe me I like having my penis attached! :D

  5. Unfortunately you have selaed it's fate Scampy.

    They are allergic to Pineapples.

    I don't care, I'm busy ogling your new avatar. :D

    The biggest insects I've seen have all been in Scampy's bedroom.

    That sounds a bit gay, shouldn't we explain that comment?

    Scamp it's only an avatar :o

  6. you should see the spiders that are being exported by the hundreds coming out of all forests in thailand. Huge as well. I talked to the lady who catches them and she said she had been all over thailand.

    Let's rip out the last spots of jungle, we sure will profit from it as a civilazation :D

    Don't worry Darknight when the human race is extinct something even more scary will come from the ashes :o

  7. Farang without a doubt. Major plus is no other customers and much more voluptuous than Thai gals ie, bigger chest, and also no bullshit from Farang gals. They don't ###### with your head the same way Thai women do, meaning no money is paid to Farang and no money is expected from her parents. you guys are big suckers really cos it costs a bomb, and what for? a Thai woman who lies and has many other men on her books.

    Ouch Someone has gotten stung before :o

  8. Iam Maic............I said DOG as in Soi Dog..........not a handsome devil (hahahaha)..just kidding :D

    Sorry couldn't resist........actually i didnt see your pic when I said that, just your posting of a black and white dog with a bandanna............ :o

    I'm always an angel but can be a devil in certain situations :D yeah i know what you ment and i understand. but i didn't post the pic of the that dog :D

  9. Hehehehe IamMaic................thanks! I don't really need anyone's approval....actually :D

    One has to be contented and happy with oneself before they can be truly happy............ :o

    Appreciate your comment though, thanks. :D

    Well you said i was one good looking dog, so i thought i'd return the favor :D

  10. If you really want to scare the crap out of the missus then tell her to look at the 2 pictures and see how many differences she can spot. Be warned you might get a slap. This is from a previous thread on the joke forum. Just click on the link. tell her to look very closely.


    Its worth the slap.To see her face. Honest!

    I showed that to my sister she's not speaking to me now thanks jockstar :o

  11. But I don't want to stay just in Belgium, Belgium is a small country with smallminded people...I'm ready to explore my possibilities and explore the world! I'm not scared for a little adventure, as long as I'm having fun in my life, nothing will stop me!


    MrAverage :o

    Well if you want a change come to Thailand if not stay in belgium Nightlife is cool but definately stay away from the drugs or you can kiss that job goodbye and also yourself.

    The country is beautiful and the people are very nice. What have you heard about thailand?? Did you do any research?? check the internet??

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