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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. a welsh dragon on me left arm!


    * Chinese dragon on my upper right arm.
    Got one Chinese Dragon on my right upper arm

    Orang utan

    A tribal dragon on my upper left arm
    A dragon?

    How original indeed... :o:D

    we got it at the same time!!! :D Orang was drunk we told him upper right arm but he was busy talking to some thai girl :D

  2. US Tightens Restrictions on Cuban Cigars

      The notice also clarifies that Americans are barred from not only purchasing Cuban goods in foreign countries, but also from consuming them in those countries.

    Please tell me that you are joking.

    How exactly is this law going to be enforced?

    Didn't you know the US Army is going to form a special forces cigar strikeforce and hunt down all americans that will smoke cuban cigars. :o

  3. I have a cambodian girlfriend and am constantly getting bitten and am always covered in small bruises - she tells me its a sign of affection but sometimes its hurts like ###### - have felt like punching her in the head a few times but can see its just one of her ways of affection.

    anybody else have a woman that bites?

    my girlfriend loves biting and being bitten. but only when being intimate. must be a thai thing. :o

    Same here, just as long as it ends up nowhere visible...

    do thai girls leave hickies?? :D

  4. I tried to blow the half-time whistle after two hours because i was dead, no way she would let me.  :o

    Is that your own half time whistle? :D

    I hope he didn't try to blow his own whistle wow tired after two hours who's in better shape you or your girl?? :D

  5. There's Something About Mary - (Cam Diaz, Ben Stiller) - Juvenille rubbish, just managed to sit through it. Would have enjoyed it if more I was twelve. Utter crap. - 1/10

    Surprised you even watched it i went to see it in the theatre with a friend he was laughing histerically i couldn't find any humor in it. :o

  6. Got one Chinese Dragon on my right upper arm I want to get a Tiger on my left upper arm Since were talking about this how much are tats in thailand?? pretty inexpensive?? how clean is it to get one in thailand sterile environment tools and such?

    My wife don't want me to get anymore she said i look like mafia then but all i want is one more. :o

  7. Slightly more embarrassing for Thais was the fact that the average time spent on foreplay in Thailand was found to be a mere 11.5 minutes

    They must have interviewed the wrong people. The last time i had foreplay with my thai g/f it lasted for 7 hours with only one shower break. She was the one who wouldn't stop, not me. I tried to blow the half-time whistle after two hours because i was dead, no way she would let me. :o

    7 hours?? :D

  8. What is wrong with crying?? It's natural it even helps your body get rid of toxins and it also helps you out in the long run reduced stress levels

    when i was with my wife last in the hotel we were staying at in bangkok i saw her crying i couldn't help it either it's natural then we went to don muang so i could wait with her for her flight then mine afterwards we cried a little bit at the airport

  9. I didn't know he had died until now.

    What happened exactly?  Any links?

    This has been a sad week, and yes, he was a superman for not giving up after what happened - but what has just happened, did his body give up?

    Gentleman Scamp

    He had an infection a bed sore of some type and the infection had spread throughout his body he had a heart attack and slipped into a coma according to news reports

    actualy wouldn't surprise me if his wife told the doctors to give him something to make him pass away, knowing how active he was even though in a wheel chair i don't think he would want to be in a coma for the rest of his life :o

    He was truly SUPERMAN




  10. so Tiger got married. a multi million dollar affair in the Bahamas. Given that half his family are thai(Punsawad family), were there any charter flights of thai people to the Bahamas recently ? or have they all emigrated to Thai Town Los Angeles by now :o

    Many years ago Charles Barkley convinced Tiger that the only ethnicity he should identify with is being a Black American. Tiger has long given up any sense of Thai identity it would seem to me.

    Tiger has abandoned his Thai Heritage I read a news article after going to Thailand to play Golf The Thai's treated him like a King and all he could say for an answer to a question what was bangkok like He said "very Dirty"

    I use to do security where he lives and one day he came in and I said "Sawadee" to him All he said was "Hi"

  11. Hi IamMaiC,
    But you guys are advising him to do the wrong thing?? correct??

    Not at all. I'm just giving my objective opinion to his question. Nowhere do I say that his fiancée should overstay. What the original poster chooses to make of the advice, to coin the Thai vernacular, is up to him.

    If you re-read my first post in this thread I did say, inter alia:-

    once she's overstayed this will seriously jeopardise her chances of getting another visa in the future. If you do intend to have a lasting relationship I would regularise her stay with the authorities.
    For the record, I do agree that people who overstay adversely effect the chances of those who are genuine.


    OK then I understand and i apologise for jumping the gun but i'm upset at this You see my wife and i got married in 2002 I love her dearly I have been waiting patiently I even got sick once and had to go to the hospital because at one point i was worrying so much.

    My advice to the threadstarter do it the right way or don't do it at all OK 'NuffSaid

  12. Before you stand by and watch your GF become an illegal immigrant, talk to some illegal immigrants and discover just what kind of lives they're forced to live.

    And consider as well not just her risk, but yours.  For you did sign this statement when you sponsored her visa:

    "I am legally able to and intend to marry my alien fiancé(e) within 90 days of his or her arrival in the United States.  I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct."

    No he never intended to marry her or he would have done so he just wanted an easy visa so she could come and stay forever IMHO that's what he wants now he's getting worried if he does go through with it will i also get into trouble he is now thinking i say deport both of them :o Lucky i don't know where he lives or i'd go to the authorities myself.

  13. My sympathies to Bigleys wife and family. I knew the outcome when he was taken that he was as good as dead unless rescued.

    It looks as if one of the captors let him escape. Sky news said Bigley had run off for 30min and that was when they murdered him. Also murdered the one captor with an apparent conscience.

    Even the muslims with a conscience have to worry their own people are killing them. As the world sits idly by and lets it happen but of course that's the RIGHT thing to do. :o

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