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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. >>who cares maybe this will stop human trafficking once and for all go solve real problems and my heart goes out to the people affected but their are more important things to deal with than bars closing at 1am

    i agree that human trafficking is also a real problem but if you have any belief that human trafficking will be impacted in way shape or form by closing entertainment venues early then you are dreaming...

    ... if anything, it has the potential to make it worse... people only believe in these dreams of better places (so they are told when they are poached - human trafficking) because they can not make money here...

    ... what do you think is going to happen if toursim falls, investors start reducing their investments... less job opportunities and more people out of jobs...

    this then becomes a poachers dream (human traffickers) who prey on desperate people in desperate times... like i suggested, think about the bigger picture...

    Maybe the goverment is tired of being know as a sex destination You know I live in the states and i tell people i first meet usually male friend's about thailand and they say ohhh i know all about thailand thinking of the prostitution!!! Maybe it's time they cleaned up the image and maybe they can get more tourists this way.

  2. The fact that Thailand closed and isolated itself from the rest of the world for centuries might have something to do about it. This prevented easy access to shared information, technology, modern philosphies, etc.

    Not to break your bubble there, Bud, but Thailand has never "isolated itself" from the rest of the world. If that were the case, perhaps you'd see a similar mind-set as Japan who really did isolate themselves. Correct me if I'm wrong but it's Japanese car factories in Thailand, not the other way around.

    Thailand has welcomed other cultures and taken from them what it likes and rejects the rest. Don't forget that Thailand is the only country in SE Asia never to be colonized by a foreign power and who's reigning monarch also holds a US Passport! :D

    and who's Reigning Monarch was born in the United States!!! :o

  3. >>Oh puke. Who cares, go solve a real problem.

    This is a real problem for investors and bar employees alike... think of the bigger picture.

    surprised he only has 26 emails... every one complains but thats it... thought there were more people in pattaya with more backbone...

    who cares maybe this will stop human trafficking once and for all go solve real problems and my heart goes out to the people affected but their are more important things to deal with than bars closing at 1am

  4. SEC’Y POWELL: Well, I don’t know that that’s accurate. I don’t know the details of what happened. But my understanding is that there was no sneaking out of the country; that the flights were well-known, and it was coordinated within the government. But I don’t have the details about what the FBI’s role in it might or might not have been.


    He's another one that should be shot :o You believe him??? and not an air traffic controller?? My friend heard rumors about this but he swears no flight's left that day and no flights were in the air only air force one and military jet's doing patrols of the country unless bin laden family was on air force one

    and what do you care do you live in the US?? we were attacked I lost friends on 9/11 whatever the president has to do he has my support regardless of whoever was in the white house and if kerry gets elected you can be sure were going to be hit again, and if he goes to the international community to beg for help he deserves to be shot!!!!!

    and another thing why is this thread allowed it's not thailand related :D

  5. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

    In the United States, there were 32,436 firearm-related deaths in 1997. 17,566 were firearm-related suicides, 13,522 were firearm-related homicides, and 1,348 were undetermined/unintentional firearm related deaths. In comparison, 33,651 Americans were killed in the Korean War and 58,148 Americans were killed in the Vietnam War.

    What's this got to do with his bullshite movie??? Hey anyone out there don't like bush you have that right. but i'd rather have him in the white house than that loser kerry who bad mouthed all vietnam veterans and gave comfort to the enemy and don't tell me this isn't true!!!!

  6. the film is garbage 10% true?? how about 0%

    Denial, denial, denial... Although the movie may not be 100% correct on some facts, it sure is far from 0%. Whatever treats your present denying government as incompetent these days is always dismissed as "garbage".

    Cmon you see the part with the iraqi's before the war all smiles, everyone. give me a break.

    Oh! So you think the Iraqis are all smiles now? Innocent civilians are still getting killed now that Saddam has gone and anger frows more and more day by day amongst the population.

    and that marine that was with moore he should be shot that's no real marine!!!! :o

    There's a good chance of that happening since he lives in the U.S. where firearms are just as available as Twinkies or Big Macs.

    THe iraqi's are dying because they don't want their country back. the US handed it to them on a silver platter I should know I was there. I would go fight and the iraqi's would run away, The movie is bullshite. Whatever micheal moore wants to film that's fine by me but at least make it somewhat factual. The part with the bin laden family leaving on 9/11 My friend is an airtraffic controller he told me no flights were up in the air on 9/11 NONE!!!! he went to see the movie with me and he said that's an outright lie because he was working that day and no planes were in the air.

  7. Great film.  Bought the DVD version 3 weeks ago.

    If 10% is true, the sooner GWB is out of power the world will be a better place!!

    the film is garbage 10% true?? how about 0% Cmon you see the part with the iraqi's before the war all smiles, everyone. give me a break.

    and that marine that was with moore he should be shot that's no real marine!!!! :o

  8. I think the point is if these people had really been suppressed. Or are they just having unrealistic demands like wanting to have their own country. thus making troubles. Anyone here knowledgeable enough to enlighen me what the truth is? It seems to me that wherever there are muslims there is trouble.(I don't want to think that way! but....)

    What about the good muslim's In all the world not a one has said don't do this don't do terrorist acts. Or I may be wrong and they have said it but none of these acts have stopped.

    In the states the muslim's call it racial profiling, but who in the end are responsible for all the trouble in the world?? :o

  9. Not trying to be positive, nor negative. Trying to be observational and objective. Sadly, it frequently can be negative, it can also be positive. Truly hope it is the latter far more often than not.

    Being a father and seeing how people treat their children, I often think of little ones and what the world holds for them. It is at once full of promise and terror. I am a sadly big softie when it comes to kids. About everything else, I wear bulletproof armour.

    My dad is a softie also, I married 2 years ago and he's talking about grandchildren :o I would like to have children, In my opinion it is not a family without them. My wife wants 2 a boy and a girl I grew up an only child so I know how it feels I would like my child to have a sibling.

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