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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. It is a night of fun filled debauchery and excess :o occurring a day before or after the official full moon (usually) at Koh Phangan mostly Haad Rin.  Because the full moon is a Buddha Day (no alcohol from bars) as I unserstand it.

    As noted before I have never been there and done that.

    :D Coffee!!! :D

    Oh ok :D I never did it either i think my partying days are over i guess when you think about going to bed as soon as you can yes i think it's over :D

  2. How old is the cat?

    Not Sure - how do i tell? It will not speak Thai :D

    Has it been neutered?


    Vaccinations up to date?


    Does it get on with children?

    Most definitely on that one.


    No experience but would think more likely to be timid as has no agressive in it. Can do a test if required.


    you mean it don't speak!!!!! aww man :o

  3. Is this the same Scamp who has 8 pages on the General Forum regarding his love affair with an ex-Bar Girl? Sorry I am confused Scamp :o


    :D:D ?????

    what does that mean?

    it means stop i think yeah scamp it's ok to be friends with a bargirl, but you can have a relationship with an ex-bargirl :D what is so big about bargirls i know most of them do it to survive whatever the reasons but what is difference between them and a regular thai girl?? easier to get into bed but even if that's the reason it's their job!!!

  4. Sound like he has a self esteem problem to me, there are millions of available thai women in thailand!!!! I found one along with hundreds of other men what is so hard about it?? I mean of course you have culturel diffrences but what if you go to another country to meet someone?? The same will happen you get over them

    Nobody is pushing you into those go-go bars I think you doing all the walking into them yourself.

  5. It seemed to me that he was so PROUD OF HER!!! Although he has been telling me that he wants to get rid of the 'dirty bug's life', now I wonder if he could really do so???


    Leave him....you will be disappointed and have more than one "down timer".

    Guy's with feelings is the worst. Aint it???

    If a guy stay in los, and know for sure he will stay for a long, long time....i dont see the point of getting into reletionship with bg's?

    Its a mess.

    And would the same guy seek up hookers to intend a relationship in his homecountry?

    They're here to screw around and have fun, but why they want to make it more difficult, i dont know.

    You seldom see a thai guy seek up bg's to get into relationship....why are so you lower than most of them?

    vikings's right

  6. Marriage to Thai lady does it last.

    Any statistics on how long Falong Thai marriage lasts.

    What is the significance of a Buddha wedding to Thaïs?

    Should they be a poll on this?

    Your honest comments appreciated.

    No the majority end in complete disaster , due to poor communications ,her insatiable unreasonable demands for cash and the fact they are poorly matched .

    BGs and non BGs they are all just as bad

    take her out of the country back home and things get much worse as her options are increased .

    You are wrong darlek many of my mom's friends married farangs and they are still together. I live in florida and we have a large thai community around us even two wats and a big majority of the thai women are married to farang husbands it depends on the two parties involved. Some of these people been married 10, 20 years already.

    You need to stay out of the bars and also need a break from thailand you have a bad opinion of it.

  7. you cant fathom out what they are up to , it could be many things , other guys,

    more likely her brain is befuddled and out of synch ..maybe your willy is to big or too small , you figure it....

    looks like you may have picked up a nutter.

    just move on and find another nutter !! :o

    I don't need to find a nutter YOU NUTTER I am married Maybe something you cannot even fathom to accomplish

  8. How can you suppress it after it has been going on for so many years??   :o

    Send all the losers who seek out the services of these hores to The Bangkok Hilton?

    You'd be locking up a large percentage of thai nationals as well...

    its not only farang that indulge in "service girls".

    I dont think bangkok hilton is big enough, unless they just strip off the hilton bit and make bangkok a prison - lol

    and why are they whores?? what about a girl that sleeps with many men that dosen't work in a bar what is she? how come it's ok for a guy to sleep with many women and he's a stud and if a woman does it she's a whore!!! don't women like sex?? my opinion i think they like it more than men

  9. Can I ask why bargirls?? I understand some men have had a decent relationship with them and some even marriage, but i mean is it easier to just go to a bar and buy drinks for a girl and take her out to whatever what about regular thai girls that don't work in bars??

    I am trying to understand I mean some threads i read it seems like men come from all over to bed or hang out with bargirls I understand the attraction but is it easier to hook up or easier with a regular thai girl??

    I also understand some men get a hard time from women in their own country's I am in the US and I have had it happen to me when i wasn't dating an asian girl.

    Maybe i'll never find out the real truth why men go after bargirls espacially when their are beautiful thai girls that don't work in bars

  10. I heard that the inks they use in Asia are high in metals and can mess with western EKG machines and medical practices. This could be a tale and I don't even remember where I heard it from so don't quote me on that. This is the reason so many tattoo shops in Japan use inks only from America.

    I would like to know because I am planning another tattoo with many colors. Can anyone comment on the tattoo colors in Bangkok? Most I see are monotone. Can I get a monk to approve a design first? I want to do one of the characters on the wall at Wat Pra Keo but I need to make sure I get the story right.

    My cousin has a few tats on her arm and she came through the airports from thailand with no problems Not sure about the Monk question you asked :o

  11. I bought a "Rolex" in Patong Beach. They had three versions of the same watch - I got the most realistic version with the rolex sweeping hand movement. Cost about 1,200b.

    Funny - I didn't feel ripped off.  I think the real one costs about 240,000b    :D

    I got one also in udon thani gift from my father in law when i got home a friend of my dad's said you bought a rolex in thailand?? :o he said let me see then he turned it over it had somehow either got water on the back or it was from my sweat some of the gold was rubbing off :D It looks so good also i thought it was real at first but i never saw a real rolex before

  12. I am. Both in the states and in the LOS.

    However, people who are not and want to be tend to gravitate to the cheap and easier way.

    Who does it hurt... :o

    Is it a popular job to have in LOS for some farangs?? I mean easy to get work visa for and have little problems to work?? Find a Job I mean

  13. I can't answer to your questions as I like/love someone for who he is. Not his nationality. Not his race. Not his money in the bank.

    If I one day met an Aussie who was young, cute, financially secure, and everything, but he's got this sick attitude that Thai women are gold diggers/scammers/after money only. Not only I wouldn't fall for him, I would as well say P1ss Off to his face. See where I'm coming from? :o

    There is a physical attraction at first true? and then you find out about how the person thinks feels and breathes later on right that is what i was getting at I am not saying I am god's gift to women Far from that but it was like she had a dream of hers come true that when she finally found out that i was Half/Half Then it was like a big change My wife's friend is the same way she wanted to know if i had a brother or not do u see what i'm getting at?? was this cause by western influence and thai movie stars or what??

  14. People carry a stretcher with a victim from a seized school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004. Commandos stormed a school Friday in southern Russia where hundreds of hostages had been held for three days, sending hostage-takers and their captives fleeing in a scene of chaos amid explosions and gunfire. More than 100 children were wounded in the assault, some running from the building naked and covered in blood. Victim's condition is not known. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)

    Interesting, the T-Shirt on the right…

    BTW, this is what we're dealing with, for those who have forgotten. :D

    yeah that is interesting the man with the US flag T-shirt maybe the US is not that hated after all !!!! :D

    Were jumping to conclusions me thinks. I for one cannot read the slogan under the flag. It could be derogatory. Doubtful, but maybe.

    You must have seen all the bin laden (i will not use caps for a piece of shit) t-shirts on sale in Thailand, after 9-11.

    I remember walking down beach road in Pattaya and seeing a t-shirt of bin laden with the twin towers burning in the background, like he was a god or something.

    I felt like snatching all his t-shirts and giving him a clip. :o

    I felt like Thailand was everybody's and nobody's friend if that makes sense.

    I was being a little sarcastic I know it's not right

    Last time i was in thailand i saw bin laden shirsts but none with the twin towers on it I went in 2003

    Maybe he is a God to some people

    I understand about the everybody's and nobody's friend line

    Well Thailand did send troops to iraq and a friend of mine said he is in the marines he was in the phillipines during the first stages on the war on terror, He said that there were Thai troops in the phillipines but maybe he thought they mght be there for holiday who knows

  15. It's so they can walk around with their half/half and not feel like a prostitute.


    They have all the soft merits of a western man and Thai lady can get what she wants.

    AND....this is a just maybe, but maybe the half/half has more sausage as well. :o

    I can see what you mean about the prostitute thing.

    Yes my wife was surprised that I don't either drink or smoke and I am also a one woman man

    You'll have to ask my wife about the last one :D I don't know about real thai men to give you an accurate report :D

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