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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. thai girls are crazy for looks.usually half childs r very good looking.they love to show off.

    usually thai men r not that good looking.regarding money factor,i have seen that good thai girls never care for it.coz they r well educated.and they can find money by themselves.

    Actually thats a good point you've erm .........pointed out.

    I think Thai women are very vain indeed. Lots of them have these pictures of themselves done by a proffesional, where they get all done up. So if they have a handsome boyfriend, that too is a compliment to themselves.

    When you tell them they are pretty they say "No I not pretty lady".

    You should see the reaction when you say "Ok you're right, I agree with you, you not pretty lady then".

    Piece of of advice.........DUCK & COVER!!! :D

    Yes med box you better duck and cover if you say that little ditty again that you told thai women she not pretty :D if you not cover a vital part it might be duck food!!! :o

  2. Its just got to be about the white skin and the fact that amongst Thais they can pass themselves off as being Thai

    My wife told everyone in her village I was from the US So I guess when people came to see what i looked like They were expecting a Farang, I had one person say ohhhh he not farang he thai man :D

    One girl said to me you sure you love you wife?? :o I hope she was joking :D

  3. Man, you sure do like your shirts IamMaiC :D, actually I like them myself. Where did you get them? :D

    Does anyone know if the Thai military servicemen get smart suits like the US? ###### that looks sharp (as demonstrated by IamMaiC).

    Do you mind if I interrogate you RooBoy? Age/location?

    Actually all in the US believe it or not I love dragons have them all over my room on my car and other places I have a dragon tattoo. The Fav shirt that many thai people like is the black one with the white dragon on the front. I been to some get togethers of friends wearing that shirt. I remeber when i saw it No way was it getting away from me. :D

    Mostly I seen Thai soldiers in the combat uniforms not sure what they look like all dressed up, I'm glad you like it and that's an old pic I should get my uniform out of mothballs and let you see what it looks like now. You should see the United States Marines Dress Uniform What I like about it It is modeled after the US Flag Same Colors Red White and Blue :o I'm sure Thai soldiers look good also. Maybe check the internet for pics??

    I appreciate all the responses but the thing is i don't think i'm that attaractive maybe following what thai girls say about themselves "Not a Pretty Lady" Yeah right, I'm not going to say what thai women do to me :D I mean my wife says the same "I'm not pretty" Rubbish Thai women are beautiful When she saw my pic for the first time she say you "handsome mak mak" Why you want ugly lady!!

    I'll post her pic on the website I attached that Erawan looked at. I heard about the part that thai girls want cute babies, My friend is vietnamese and his dad is farang and he is handsome and he has three sisters and all of them are beautiful they look like movie stars.

  4. today she rings me in sihanouk ville and asks why I accuse her to her friends of stealing my phone and says she is coming down from pp(phone with her) but mentions nothing of where the ###### shes been for 5 days or any major apology..

    have her come down to sihanoukville to meet you at somewhere besides your hotel room. when she hands over the phone then tell her goodbye and mean it.

    hear hear huski but he won't do it she's a trophy GF a real stunner ya she stunned him alright :o

  5. Scamp You took the chance to be her BF and she did the same with you don't mind people's post's so much maybe some of them are jealous :o I think you are brave to pick an ex BG to be your love Not sure if i would have done the same, but I don't know how many men my wife has slept with and I don't care because it's Me and Her now.

    You keep your head up and just care for her as best you can :D

  6. George Bush is a short, alcoholic, pot smoking, cocaine sniffing, desterter with access to a bomb - is anyone or anywhere safe?

    Lets hope the yanks, stop him in November, before someone else does.

    To let you know I'm voting for him!!!! Republicans in my opinion do the right thing, Ronald Reagan built our military to a point where it was the largest in the world and the democrats tore it all apart.

    and who was pot smoking and lied under oath A man by the name of Bill Clinton, So if bush lied Believe me he should go to jail but why isn't Mr. clinton behind bars??

  7. Me thinks, with the US government attacking the WTC as a diversionary measure, to the un-declared war on "terrorism that will not end in our lifetimes," (Cheney) the invasion of  Afghanistan, the undeclared war on Iraq, and the "dissuasion" policy being carried out against one nation after the other, has led me to believe we are in the midst of a world war.

    The US government attacked our own land!!!! Give me a break So Pearl harbor was attacked by americans flying japenese planes??? Sir I been to Iraq I walked it's streets patrolling with my fellow soldiers. (US Army National Guard)

    The Iraqi's welcomed the US They still do The ones causing the problems are vying for control of the country. That is all They see the US as an obstacle that is why we are still there If we leave You will have another Saddam Hussein Or Saddam Hussein will return to power and then we will be in a WOS!!!! I just love the fact that many people have forgotten how and what he did during the 90's and sir actually the US had all rights to invade Iraq He has started countless times shooting at our planes while patrolling the no fly zones in northern and southern iraq This is Fact!!!

  8. no one has mensioned our own terrorists right here in thailand. are the muslims in the south going to get more radical, as the US continues to piss off the muslim world?

    Answer me this question One I have Pondered to myself Supposedly The Palestinian Jewish conflict is the backbone to the reason why these muslim extremists are fighting But why are they not attacking isreal?? Why are they in so many different countries?

    1. Phillipines

    2. Indonesia

    3. Russia

    4. Thailand

    And the list goes on an on!!! And the muslim world was pissed off before the US started this war on terror.

  9. My wife is Thai, and she farts, but her farts rarely smell........apparently it medically recognised that males fart on average 14 times per day, and females an average of seven. The smell has to do with the presence of methane, I think it is, and some people's farts genuinely do not stink.

    Mine are usually foul.

    make sure your not standing in front of open flame please :o wamberal

  10. How long does a Thai-farang marriage last? Are there any statistics?

    In the UK around 50% of marriages fail, but nearly half of couple living together choose not to marry. Of the half that don't get married only 5% are together after 10 years.

    If a man wants to live with a Thai lady in the UK, he is forced to get married to her in order to get a settlement visa. Men often meet a Thai lady on holiday, and after a few short trips to Thailand they decide to live together in the UK. Many of these couples have only lived together for a few short months before they make a committment to marry. If this was a farang-farang marriage, the decision to marry may be put off for a few years, and possibly indefinitely.

    So comparing marriage success if Thai-farang marriages with farang-farang marriages may be a little misleading. If you make the assertion that both types of relationships had similar characteristics, you would expect the Thai-farang marriage failure rate to be higher because this group contains a lot more 'immature relationships'.

    Also, many Thai-farang relationships seem to be between couples with large disparity of age, education and wealth. In other words, Thai-farang couples are often between couples with less compatibility than you would expect in the west.

    Anacdotal Evidence does seem to suggest that Thai-farang marrages have a higher failure rate than farang-farang marriages - maybe 2/3 of marriages fail. However, if you take into consideration the length of the relationship before marriage and basic compatibility issues you may well find that Thai-farang marriages are more stable than their equivalent western counterpart for the following reasons:

    1. Thai women are loyal and respect their husbands more than western women
    2. Family is very strong in Thai culture
    3. Thai women appreciate the support given by their husbands whereas western women take it for granted

    In summary - raw statistics may give a misleading impression. If you find the right Thai lady, your chances of a successful marriage are very good.

    The Thing is How can you have a marriage last after only knowing each other a few months?? Even a Farang marriage. I'm sure some have, The thing with thai women that i have seen in my mom is family comes first always to her.

    last time i was in Thailand I wanted to cook for my wife and she say no you guest I cook for you. I didn't want to hurt her feelings So I sat down she was great to me also her family. And her friends also They showed me around udon thani like i never seen it before.

    Yes if you meet the right lady it helps very much also if you meet the right Thai man If any ladies are here on this thread Like I said before Man and Woman make the marriage work. No One else. :o

  11. Marriage to Thai lady does it last.

    Any statistics on how long Falong Thai marriage lasts.

    What is the significance of a Buddha wedding to Thaïs?

    Should they be a poll on this?

    Your honest comments appreciated.

    No the majority end in complete disaster , due to poor communications ,her insatiable unreasonable demands for cash and the fact they are poorly matched .

    BGs and non BGs they are all just as bad

    take her out of the country back home and things get much worse as her options are increased .

    You are wrong darlek many of my mom's friends married farangs and they are still together. I live in florida and we have a large thai community around us even two wats and a big majority of the thai women are married to farang husbands it depends on the two parties involved. Some of these people been married 10, 20 years already.

    You need to stay out of the bars and also need a break from thailand you have a bad opinion of it.

    Here Here IamMaiC,

    Darlek, how can you be in a position come out with a comment like this?

    (unless you've been stung before of course):o

    He got stung alright they broke the stinger off while it was still stuck in him :D What I have experience the Farang and Thai marriage I am also saying the ones being the man that is thai also What I have seen is that the parties involved are very happy even years into the marriage My dad is Farang My Mom Thai I think I am a better person because i was exposed to two different cultures both have the good side and the bad sides to them. My parent's have their rough times every marriage will now and then but in the long run they are still together.

    Now I am married to a Thai woman and she makes me so happy :D We just get along very well and what surprises me so far is no arguing about little things and that also makes me a calmer person for it. I had Farang GF's before and it was just pure ###### after a while some days with them it was like i wanted to rip my head off so I decided to try something else for a change. I am happier now much happier Also I am not saying that every Farang Thai relationship lasts or it is the best thing for the Man or the Woman.

    I live in the states and what i have seen makes me proud that Thai people and Farang people can get along even if they don't see things eye to eye.

  12. PPS:  Life of Brian was made by Brits, and The Passion of Christ was made by an Australian.  Why don't we lambaste Britain and Australia while we're at it?

    (Still want to know what saintly place Kwiz comes from...)

    Quoted from "The Guardian":

    "Thai authorities have expressed outrage over a poster for Hollywood Buddha, an award-winning independent picture by a French filmmaker. Thais believe the head, particularly that of a Buddha, is almost sacred and should not be touched. The poster shows Philippe Caland, the film's writer, producer, director and star, sitting on the statue's head. "

    Sounds like Kwiz's missives are misdirected at Americans.

    The filmmaker, writer, producer, director and star are all the same person--a French man. :D

    I am getting tired of Americans being the Bad Guy like the thread starter said shame on all americans now we have a new thread saying it is a french man so who is it americans or french?? are you going to say shame on all french people or shame on the director!!! :o

  13. Chevy Corvette 1980

    good, original condition, automatic, V8 engine (350 cubic inches /5.7 liter)

    Price: 799,000 Baht

    You would need a mortgage to pay the gas bill these days.

    Who wants these gas guzzlers?

    I guess you never been to the states astral gas guzzling monsters everywhere big trucks SUV's dosen't surprise me one day i see tanks driving around. :o

    My asking this question about a muscle car i just wated to know if any were in Thailand. and it would just be a car i use on a day off relaxing just go for a nice long ride.

  14. If only because the US marriage visa issuing process seems to be so slow that some people (without overstay hassles) are waiting over a year for visas to be issued.

    2 years for me applied for an immigration visa and a non-immigration visa my mistake i applied for the immigration visa first i should have applied for the non immigration visa only. (fiance-spouse visa) Long time to wait.

  15. My cousin came from thailand she had a ten year visa also when she came initially she did not go back but she ended up marrying a man she met I think it would be a good idea to marry in the states.

    I married a Thai girl but i married her in thailand, now 2 yrs later she is approved to get a visa. Talk to her again and tell her if she goes to thailand she might not be able to come back

    but of course it's up to her but if she likes the US like you say it will be the easiest thing to do and she will be able to live in the States if you do get married.

  16. Superfly, when does she make this noise?  Or shouldn't I ask?  :o

    The noise I was referring to was just everyday talking, or sqwarking noise. She doesn't know how to talk quietly. Sitting there watching TV and a dog comes on the screen: "ah! a dog!!" in really loud Thai. Our cats get a yelling all day too, perhaps they are deaf by now.

    When I'm on the phone I have to explain to the person on the other end that she isn't angry when they hear her in the background.

    Thais always talk loud espacially when many of them are together. and then you can't get a word in during the conversation :D

  17. they are movies   someone's vision  they were able to get it on the screen  it's up to you to go see it or not!!!    How about the movie bulletproof monk??   i think that came out sometime last year  2003   does this offend you also  if you did hear of the movie

    Dude...how thick is your skull? I am arguing FOR the right for movies like this to exist, not AGAINST them! They don't offend me in the least, and if they did, I just wouldn't go see them!

    sounded to me movies like that were offensive to you and also sir no need to be defensive and insult someone

  18. PPS:  Life of Brian was made by Brits, and The Passion of Christ was made by an Australian.  Why don't we lambaste Britain and Australia while we're at it?

    (Still want to know what saintly place Kwiz comes from...)

    they are movies someone's vision they were able to get it on the screen it's up to you to go see it or not!!! How about the movie bulletproof monk?? i think that came out sometime last year 2003 does this offend you also if you did hear of the movie

  19. I'm not talking about attacking Muslims, just about disrepecting them and their beliefs. It is open season in the US on anti-Arab, anti-Islamic jokes and sentiments. There have been many times watching something as innocuous as Jay Leno or Saturday Night Live where I have thought, you know, if I were a Muslim I would be really offended by what was just said. And it long pre-dates 9/11.

    ahh i have nothing against anyone but who does all these attacks sir!!! Muslims.

    sure it predates 9/11 because this terrorist problems are long lasting. So how about the jokes against all other nationality's?? should they stop them also? if muslims were being targeted and attacked in the US that's wrong but jokes cmon everyone should be able to laugh at themselves. Chris Rock makes fun of black people and he's still walking around!!!! :o

  20. God forbid if you're a Muslim in the US these days.

    Why?? I have heard on the news attacks against muslims but that was after 9/11 happend. I have had heard nothing recently and if someone is so full of hate that they need to attack muslims then that person needs to go to jail.

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