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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. One million baht will never last until you are old enough to collect social security benefits. You will eat up a significant chunk of it just doing visa runs just to keep your immigration status up to date. You are definitely going to have to find some kind of job.

    Can he open a little store or internet cafe??

  2. when the hotel told you to give them 1000 bht to bring another "Lady of the Night" to the hotel did you gladly pay them?? if so then your an idiot

    Actually, I was dumb-struck with surprise and had to ask them to repeat their statement!! I then turned to my GF and said 'did you hear what they just said? I can't believe they said that!'

    I assume the Novatel will claim that ALL farang who stay with them bring BGs back to stay. Maybe they have no 'normal' guests.... :o

    Give me a break that never happend to you!!! I would have not paid them and went to my room

  3. He might also want to keep in mind that:
    Foreigners who fall into any of the following categories are prohibited to enter the Kingdom.


    (4) Being mentally unstable or having any of the diseases as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

    Wow Will the authorities know about it?? I mean How will they know?

  4. The only zombie masses are the people who believe the ranters on Fox News who keep trying to tell us that Bush is doing a good job in spite of all evidence to the contrary.


    Kat, they are not the only ones; there are plenty others.

    The movie is BS, enjoy people :o

  5. They show many programs in the states about supposedly haunted places Do they do the same in Thailand?? I live in florida and got involved with a friend he looks at supposedly haunted sites and I went with him one day Actually it was near where I live, We had gone to a nearby state park and found an old house near railroad tracks Usually my friend goes at night but we went during the day, he didn't want me to afraid he said :o Supposedly the house has a spirit there the legend is that a man lived there and had killed himself People in the area have seen a man standing on the tracks at night. But they drive on Thanks for all replies just wondering how people in LOS feel about this.

  6. Not complaining MaiC, don't get stressed, just an observation. The misses is gorgeous already without having to wear the mirror out.

    Ned, I can just picture her.

    Here's another one. A bunch of us were in a bar a couple of years ago and it took the b/g ages to grab the bottle off the shelf behind the bar. We didn't realise what she was doing at first, her arm was outstretched but nowhere near the bottle. Realised she was staring at the mirror just inches from it, transfixed the whole time and had forgotten about the bottle. Quite comical, looked like she'd hung herself using her own arm.  :o

    Not complaining?? I have seen other posts byt other farangs talking about their GF wife Some posts are about how their GF talks on the phone how she chews her food and how she goes to the bathroom whatever the case just go with the flow man I live in the states and farang girls do the same thing Women are Women.

    Thai women some have low self esteem. Some women have high self esteem Some are very vain Thai women are beautiful. I don't know where this thread is going I'm not streesed seems many farang on here are so worried of what other people are doing around you.

  7. I'm getting bored with my job and thinking of opening a bar at a popular beach resort in Thailand somewhere.

    My idea is to have red neon lights at the front, complemented by Christmas Tree lights, all outdoors, full of slappers with a constant supply of shit tunes.


    if you need help in interviewing the BGs, let me know.

    Just pay me in Viagra :o

    Wow duke your cheap!!!! :D just don't let the girls wear you out :D

  8. interesting thread but sorry i'm still distracted by the earlier posting by lovely cutie.  LC, if you are still there, can you please discribe to me what your face tastes like.  are spontaneous face lickings a common occurence to you?  thanks.


    I have no idea about the taste. But I'm using Stila cosmetics. You can try that one. Shouldn't taste too different. :o

    Actually, I had my face licked twice - against my will. The other occasion also happened at the same bar. Different idiot. He played that stupid trick so that I had to get closer to him, and then he tried to kiss me which I turned away. I turned back saying "<deleted> are yo...", not fast enough... and he licked my face... Yuck!

    Lucky he didn't try to lick something else :D

  9. Many Thais I know and have asked will not change this way (every Thai girl with a farang is a whore) of thinking because they despise farangs so much.

    So all Thai's despise Farangs?? So your grouping all thais just like the people that thought the threadstarter's GF was a BG they think because he is farang she is a bargirl not right at all.

    Iammaic is right. What DJ Pat says is within his poor circle of friends. Most Thais could care less about Thais dating Farangs, and usually can't keep their hands off the baby, 'lookkrung.' Get out more, see the world instead of just looking down at it.

    I am half thai and half farang I am married also I told my wife jokingly Farang bad she said no you half farang you good man. I am getting tired of this thinking that a thai girl is a bargirl because she's with a farang. Give me a break Thai people could care less. and Bud when the hotel told you to give them 1000 bht to bring another "Lady of the Night" to the hotel did you gladly pay them?? if so then your an idiot. :o

  10. Thank you all for your informed opinions. I appreciate the insights, truly.

    In response to those that have issues with my girlfriends overstay, I would say this:

    Our good President may disagree with you, as he is in favor of legal acknowledgement of millions of alien Mexican nationals in our country. ( Who entered illegally, by the way)

    Secondly, if the US was serious about keeping Thais out of the USA that had overstayed their legal visas, the BCIS would place an exit stamp in their passports when they leave, like every other country in the world. (Which the BCIS consistantly does not)

    I am sorry for your respective situations, and wish you the best. However, I offer no apologies, and I am very glad that my girlfriend stayed as long as she has! May she have continued success in life in both her legal and illegal ventures! :o



    Sir my friend works for the border patrol on the border of arizona and mexico You believe everything the media says?? My friend says they send mexicans back every day Yes Millions have come in illegally along with other country's immigrants.

    About the stamping of Thai nationals Do you work for the BCIS?? if you do then you should know but if not then you talking our your A$$

  11. 1. The US government attacked our own land!!!!   Give me a break 

    2. So Pearl harbor was attacked by americans flying japenese planes???

    1. Yep, hold that thought. It will come in very handy as you digest the world's most important current events.

    2. No, never said anything about Pearl Harbor. It's you who immediately went to some weird extreme erroneous analogy to try to discredit what was plainly stated as a fact. A government with the US government attacked the WTC and the Pentagon as justification to then attack Iraq and Iran next, not to mention Afghanistan.

    And I believe we are in the midst of WWIII, started by the US to control the world's oil supply, among other things, antoher of which is to destroy Israel's enemies.

    "Believe what you see, not what you think."

    I believed what i saw and i believe your an idiot the US government is going to attack it's own soil and then shell out millions to the families of the victims A friend of mine I showed him your thread he was there the day of the attack and he also thinks your an idiot.

    Number One the US had all the authority to attack Iraq Iraq during the 90's attacked our Jet fighters patrolling the No fly zones North and South. I know you never said anything about pearl harbor I beat you to the punch I read that the president at that time knew of the attack before it even happend So What The japanese still attacked.

    So you think this is about oil!!!! So what stops the US military to take the Iraqi oil and just leave then?? Also there are bigger deposits of oil in Russia and South america why dosen't the US invade those countrys Isreal dosen't need the U S's help when it became a country Sir I'm not sure if it was 5 or 3 arab country's attacked it and isreal beat all there a$$e$

  12. Many Thais I know and have asked will not change this way (every Thai girl with a farang is a whore) of thinking because they despise farangs so much.

    So all Thai's despise Farangs?? So your grouping all thais just like the people that thought the threadstarter's GF was a BG they think because he is farang she is a bargirl not right at all.

  13. Which movie ??

    Are you talking about the Michael Moore movie which

    character assasinates President Bush ??


    yeah which movie you have farenheit 9/11 and another movie called 9/11 the latter was filmed the day it happend mostly in the lobby of tower 1 very good movie.

  14. As with every nationality there are good and bad people. Canadians are on the whole very nice, you have to use your instinct.

    I would say that Canada is very beautiful (the West specially) and the winters are bitching cold.


    I live in the States and Yes Canadian people are very nice but you have good and bad in all countrys sounds like you get along and your family's have approved and both of you love each other why not be together. use your judgement. and YES canadian winters are very cold brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :o

  15. This means, since she overstayed by four years, she will be unable to return to the U.S. for a period of 10 years and after that, most likely not able to get a visa again anyways. What you can do is get married in the U.S. as this will over-write her status and make her legal, or think about moving to Thailand, because if U.S. Immigration finds out, she will be deported and banned from entering the U.S. for 10 years.

    Getting married does not automatically make her legal. She will have to still go through the whole application process anyway. And frankly, overstaying her visa 4 years will probably not be a benefit in the eyes of US immigration.

    And hey, tell your GF thanks, because of people like her my husband had a very difficult time getting a visa when we first got married.

    This is true it does not make her legal but they won't deport her he would have to go through the app process to make her legal. sorry to hear sbk but many people like you and me in the same boat but in the end it was worth it and you are now with your husband :o

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