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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Is there no maximum load on these buses.

    Does it matter whether such a limit exists? When (and how) would it ever be enforced? Even so, 105 people does sound like an awful lot of passengers for a single bus.

    you know what thai people do on buses and cars and even motorbikes get everyone on them!!! i think you seen this by now. also it's sad.

  2. Chevy Corvette 1980

    good, original condition, automatic, V8 engine (350 cubic inches /5.7 liter) real leather interior, all electric, alloy wheels, double exhaust pipes (deep V8 sound), original glass T- roof (detachable) Bose Sound, powerful and excellent Show car! color black,

    Price: 799,000 Baht

    If you want to pay this price for a 25 year old car you're a wacko  :o

    people in the states pay outrageous prices for cars espacially older ones so i don't seem surprise at that price

    $20,000 for a cherry 1980 Corvette sounds good to me! :D

    Maybe you Brits were thinking it (American Corvette) was like one your crappy Corvettes (ships) made during WW2... It isn't :D

    New Corvettes are over 50,000 dollars now closer to 60 considering how fast you can go and the pleasure of driving one it's cheaper than a lamborghini or a ferrari

  3. Ning is supermodel tall - and I mean supermodel tall, but she doesn't have a deep voice or broard shoulders, an adams apple or thick mandible, plucking tweezers, or straight elbow and she's not a huge fan of blow jobs so at least she's not a kattie! :D

    She's taller than me and I'm avarage height.

    My Canadian flatmate last year had a GF called Aum who was a mere 3ft 5" tall. :o

    How tall was he??? :D

  4. Mmmmhhhhmmmmmm?

    I am pro British and American,But it seems really strange how the many people have started to shout Terroism since 9/11,When the Yanks never did anything to stop funding of Terroism in their own country before then.It sometimes only hits home when it is on your own doorstep.

    But it seems strange that terroism is now mostly down to Muslim fanatics,

    In Indonesia today they are killing their own innocent people,Plus children comes into their equation,

    They now they are becoming more and more alienated in this world :o

    they are alienating themselves and their religion and now the muslims that try to lead a good life are bearing the burden also even they did not stand up and say please stop these terrorist acts!!! Now even they are bearing the world's alienation :D

  5. big difference in thai and farang men in the loving department??

    The million dollar question ! :o


    I think that has already been discussed in some other thread, resulting in the answer that the difference is much more indidividual than ethnic, as with girls of course. That is my personal exp. anyway, but it'd be interesting to hear more views on the subject.

    when do i get my million dollars?? :D ohh by the way i'm a man if you were wondering i just wanted to know how farang girls felt about thai men on that issue.

    I'm mixed blood Thai and Farang I live in the states don't see many thai man and farang girl relationships over here i see the farang man and the thai girl relationship more.

    I was almost involved with a american girl but she had a BF actually someone i grew up with he was vietnamese and american she told me once she liked that type of man she said exotic features, she worked at a go-go bar in the states i use to go to. she was the bartender.

    well i never thought of myself as too partically good looking but according to her she said i had that exotic look also this was my first experience seeing a american girl with an asian man

  6. I PRAY TO BE WRONG and that you're true in saying that Thai is safer than USA.

    I live in the US I pray nothing happens again as in terrorist attack three years ago was devastating enough I don't want to see it happen anywhere This scourge to the world has been going on for years. (terrorism)

    The world is finally doing something about it and I agree How long do you let someone take jabs at you? You need to fight back. What i witnessed in russia was very sad and very enlightening to their president Now I could be wrong He said that Russia now will take up a war on terror

    The thing is you do not bow to these people Plus you do not let them do it again, The US learned that lesson I knew since the first attack on the World Trade Center in downtown NYC that they would try again. I never as well as many other people I never thought they would use airplanes.

  7. Last night I was in Nana Plaza around nine pm (at least that's the last I remember). Did the regular bit of checking out some of the bars and went into one of the places on the second floor with the curtains hanging down on the right hand side and then everything else I can't remember. I woke up this morning around 8 am on the side of the road somewhere between Nana and Democracy Monument. No wallet,phone or watch. Hailed a cab, got home and called about my cards to report them stolen. Then the wife notices what look like cigerette burns all over my back. I must have been drugged because I don't have any bruises or lumps or any other problems or pain that I can notice. I didn't have a hangover so I couldn't have been that drunk and I don't think I could drink enough to keep the burning pain away that I must of had when the burns happened.

    I feel very lucky to be alive to write about this and this has certainly wakened me up to how you always have to be careful no matter where you are. I will not be going by myself to any place that I don't know someone. I've been going to Nana for over two years and have never heard of such in this place and guess I just took it for granted that I was safe. Scared the <deleted> out of me! Be aware and you can never be too careful. If going somewhere that you don't know make sure you're with friends.

    i wonder if the burn marks on his back were made to see if the drug had taken effect or not?? :o

  8. I fear somethinh like that in LOS in 2-3 years time, should the government undeestimate the problem in the south of Thai.

    2 to 3 years time!!! the problem is in LOS already when i was last in thailand august 2003 they (thai police and military) stopped the muslims in the south from blowing up police stations or did you not hear of this?? I believe 3 police were killed not sure about it though but i do remember hearing that.

  9. what is difference between them and a regular thai girl??



    There are large number of thai girls who have to work in factories, farms, selling fruit on the street , cashier at 7/11 they are ,too do it for survive. Why they are willing to do the work that only pay 7000thb per month instead of turn to the bar and work less hrs to earn much more money? they have thier PRIDE.

    You are talking out of your arse.

    show me a 7/11 type job that a thai girl can do to earn 7000 bht a month.

    utter bullsiht, try 2000 - 3000 bht a month.

    The average service girl salary in Pattaya is around 4000bht per month.

    Some of them have to work in bars to earn more money to support the needs of their families, and it cannot be done on that kind of salary.

    My wife worked in a office in udon thani and she made 4000 baht a month bar girls don't have pride?? give me a break you try doing their job i'm sure some are good hearted girls and do have pride

  10. After almost three years in Thailand I have never fallen in love or loved a girl as more than a friend, until now that is.

    . :o  :D

    the fact that she is prone to sulks is worrying , and mood swings too.

    mind you dont get burned ...is my advice

    here we go again the all wise darlek complaining about braces and how people talk on the phone giving GS advice :D

  11. 4 of the gogos in soi Pattayaland 2 have changed their names in the last couple of days: Bubbles has become Crystal Girls; Planet Rock is now Jupiter; Rodeo Girls has changed to Wild West Girls; and Lipstick is now called Athena.

    I thought all of these gogos were owned by the same person (an american guy who also owns the New Orleans Restaurant and All Girls - which hasn't changed its name yet), but I'm not sure why they've all changed their names.

    I did hear a rumour that the owner was a bit strapped for cash and has leased out some of his gogos, so maybe this is the reason, but otherwise I'm not sure.

    Anyone else got info?

    maybe someone has a little too much time on his hands :o

  12. Chevy Corvette 1980

    good, original condition, automatic, V8 engine (350 cubic inches /5.7 liter) real leather interior, all electric, alloy wheels, double exhaust pipes (deep V8 sound), original glass T- roof (detachable) Bose Sound, powerful and excellent Show car! color black,

    Price: 799,000 Baht

    If you want to pay this price for a 25 year old car you're a wacko :o

    people in the states pay outrageous prices for cars espacially older ones so i don't seem surprise at that price

  13. I have a question that I can not find an answer to. Why is it that Thai people do not posses an iota of what we farang my call common sense.

    My point is this.

    recently I got married and had my family stay in a hotel. One of my sons got drunk and thought he had lost a very expensive ring during the night or in a club he went to.

    the following day he reported the loss to reception, but no ring turned up. He moved rooms the day after the wedding so he was still within the confines of the hotel. All the service staff where aware that he had moved rooms (and that he had lost his expensive ring).

    The day we left my wife (who of course speaks Thai) caught the Head Housekeeper outside our room and bought up the subject of the ring. She said she would phone the Chambermaid who cleaned my son's room. After the call she came and told us that the ring was indeed in the possession of the Chambermaid.

    now call me stupid, but if you are going to lets say"Find" something and not report that you have "Found" it, it does not make ANY SENSE to say "Yes I have it here" What followed for this unfortunate girl was an inevitable dismissal from he employment. It would have been to her benefit in more ways than one to say "NO" have no seen it, I mean where is the LOGIC in saying "Yes I have stolen it-I did not do what I should have done and handed it in -I STOLE it.

    Where is the logic in this-has anyonehad any similar eperiences?

    so your saying she should have lied to you and said she didn't have the ring when in reality she did have it :o i live in the states and work security i have worked at some hotels they need return customers if an employee stole something from a room and if she does fess up about it Do you think the hotel will continue to employ him/her?

    So if you were caught red handed you would have lied to keep your job??

  14. last time i was in thailand i saw an ad for a chevy camaro but it wasn't the muscle version i wouldn't drive it as an everday car just something for the weekends to relax. but i was wondering would it have to be changed?? the steering wheel is opposite of thai vehicles on american vehicles

  15. i'm pretty much into chevy and pontiac and wondering if they have these brand's muscle cars?? like the chevy camaro or the corvette or the one i like the most pontiac firebird even if "used" able to get in thailand?? and if i was able to get one is it street legal?? or do i have to change it since they do drive opposite then they do in the states thanks for all replies

  16. it can work if the two people in the marriage make it work where ever you are from the world it's the same thing. I know bargirls cannot do that job forever and they if smart enough need to think of the future so they meet a farang great for them even if the man is thai if it works then so be it

  17. Hi Girls, I'm new to the forum but just wanted to add a little. I'm married to an "island guy" and very happy with it too.The only hassle actually is having to earn money on the mainland. But yes, our relationship is not about money either. We genuinly have a good thing together.

    One thing I'm really sick of though is the mentality of lots of farang tourists who want to 'try' sex with a Thai guy and blatantly flirt with everyone throwing their boobs around etc. I know some Thai guys aren't perfect but this just makes them think farang women are so easy. You should hear some of the stories I hear from the Thai men on the island!!!

    On another note, I'd love to communicate with any women out there in the same boat!!  :D

    Their is a difference between thai and farang men in the sex department?? :D and what island on you living on??? :o

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