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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. i'm disgusted by the relationship between the US and Thailand. the US is a bully and doesn't care who is left in the wake of its maddening path, whether it is its own people or those of another country.

    i wonder how come millions come to live on the bully's land though :o please don't mix the government with the US people monkeygirl.

    heck, i'm a us citizen :D exercising my right to disagree with the government!

    Ohhh excuse me then :D yes you have that right but don't be too hard on the goverment they do try sometimes :D

  2. Axel- if I recall Kerry used one of his swift boats and had Christmas in Thailand. (however the military says he never was in Thailand)

    How is that for thailand related?? (might be Cambodia, but close enuf right?) :o:D

    is that aloud to use goverment property to travel for R@R? :D

  3. Butterfly is correct. I have never been fully successful in recovering a Multi-Session CD write error. IMHO, the Roxio repair tool is basically useless.

    After many such write-error occurances (coasters), finally learned to put data in a folder on the HDD, before burning same to the MSCD. Then, if a write fault occurs, you still have your original data, to do a re-burn.

    When the MSCD is full, permanently closed and tested, I then write the HDD folder again to a new CD-R as a "single session" (read single track) session. After testing the new disc, contents of folder can be deleted, in preparation for your next session.

    MSCD's and ReWritables (-RW's) are very unreliable. Far better to have a duplicate of your original MSCD, than to spend hours/days trying to put "Humpty-Dumpty back together again".

    Remember.....backup, backup, BACKUP!

    Hope you are able to recover all your data.

    should buy an external hard drive then you don't have to burn CD's and have a large collection of them and then you can keep your internal hard drive clean as a whistle. :o

  4. No facts just fluff...but I intuitively believe 80-90 % of farangs who marry Thai girls in fact marry bg's, freelancers whatever you want to call them. And yes, I am one of them. I'm not in denial and had no preference based on profession. I married the 131st one I found who I knew I could trust. So what ? She's tighter than the farmer's virgin daughter and doesn't need any schoolin'. Again, so what ? :D:o:D:D

    Storekeeper are you sure about this percentage?? :D

  5. i'm disgusted by the relationship between the US and Thailand. the US is a bully and doesn't care who is left in the wake of its maddening path, whether it is its own people or those of another country.

    i wonder how come millions come to live on the bully's land though :o please don't mix the government with the US people monkeygirl.

  6. Hi,

    Sometimes I'd like to give, so what should I do and where should I go?

    I've been thinking for example to buy toys and bring them to thai kids in hospital, but where to go?

    Any other idea for donation?


    Go where your heart will lead you

    and where others fail to tread.

    There are a few expats in this forum who donate money to charity i am sure they will help guide you in the right direction.

    Our children are our future.

    That's beautiful bizz it is the truth though the children are our future we are there guiding lights until they mature to good human beings :o

  7. I am half thai half farang, but i look like i am only farang to about 9 out of 10 people. grew up in farang countries, so only dated farangs and am actually kind of repulse by others. interesting how the half/half males go for the thai women. all the half/half females i have met go for farang boyfriends.

    do you mostly get spoken to in thai or english? are you more nationalistic to one country or the other?

    I get the same thing I look thai to some people and i look farang to some people My mom still is not sure what i look more like :o Even though I am half/half dated mostly farang girls I wonder why blondes most of the time. Two years ago i married a Thai woman. Go figure huh.

    I get spoken to in both languages Thai and English Speak Thai to my mom's side of the family and speak english to dad's side of the family I grew up in the states but born in thailand but there was always something missing in my life So i went to visit where i was born and somehow i feel like a better person. But I do have to say my heart is in the US. but glad to see both sides of my background. :D

  8. I was born and raised in Texas USA. What I have seen is this Man buy a baseball team sucker the middle class people into paying for a new stadium for his team then raised the prices of a ticket so the middle class could not afford to take their family. He used his family to avoid serving his country, out right stole an election from the American people. ( Fact problems with votes in Florida where his Brother is Governor ) Told us he would promise to find Mr. Osama bin Laden that was almost 3 years ago.(Will never happen on his watch the rich in America want like) Lied to us about Iraq. Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my ass) . Big oil for his rich friends ( real fact) is why we are there. One of the largest Unemployment Rates in this Century. I could go on and on. Thanks for all the reply’s even the Bush lovers. Say good-bye to him in 2004.

    You think this movie is Quote: “ character assassinates President Bush: He does this himself.

    So Finding Mr Bin laden will solve the terrorist threat? I think not even if we did find him and killed him What then The war is over? Sir Please don't say he lied President Clinton lied to the american people and under oath also what happend to him last I knew you could go to jail for that!!! but he's still out scott free and wrote a book about it.

    So oil is why we are in iraq?? You have go to be joking!!! People said that last time in 1991 cmon give me a break. I was in iraq with the national guard and the iraqi people want us there, One man i knew asked me if i was coming back!!! I said more soldiers will be here to take my place. what you see on the news all the attacks they are happening in a small area of the country.

    The attacks are by men that want to rule the country sir nothing more now that saddam hussien is out of the picture They want to take his place. and you believe what the american media is saying??

  9. I think it's in my blood.

    No really Ever since i was young i wanted to date an asian girl most of the ones i knew or met already had BF's Most of the Farang women i met thought i was handsome but then it never lasted anyway with them. Then I met my wife, I don't know this is definately the one I wanted all my life Maybe it's a good thing I never dated an asian woman because now i know what i missed :o

  10. I recently returned to Thailand after 3 months back home taking care of some business. Arranged that the gf meet me at a bkk hotel that I've used regularly for 9 years. Some of the staff have been there for an eternity and know me well. It was going to be her first time there.

    Faxed reservation from the uk, informing the hotel that the gf would be coming up to meet me and, in the event that my flight was delayed, she be allowed to use the coffee shop until I arrived. The hotel knew her name and she obviously had her ID.

    I was on time and in due course she arrived. No problem at check-in, but when we went to the coffee shop for a few beers, the trouble started.

    She simply had her elbow resting on my shoulder and the manageress insisted she did not touch me.

    When we asked for the bill, it came with a copy of a typed note basically saying that the hotel found our behaviour unacceptable and so we were being asked to leave. If we didn't, the police would be called.

    Fortunately, I resolved matters with reception - "the manageress is really old now and going a bit dotty".

    Needless to say, I will not be using the hotel again, nor will I be recommending it. And I have recommended it a lot in the past.

    That is shit!

    Please let us know the name, and I will never set foot in there! :o

    That is BS give me a break!!!!

  11. I am Half Thai and Half Farang, I am Married to a Thai Woman I tried with Farang Women before but Never went out with a Thai believe it or not. I don't live in Thailand though. Live in the States. I have dated Farang Women Mostly until two years ago When I met My Wife.

    My Wife has told me about Thai men and even though I am half thai she will never date a 100% Thai man again, she was married before me when she was younger and she had nothing but headaches He use to drink and smoke heavily I drink but not much i don't smoke either

    Are you Thai?? and you look Farang? :o

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