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ExpatOilWorker last won the day on December 26 2020

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  1. King 👑 Trunk doesn't have a peace plan. In fact, everything the does or touch goes tits up. ssstwitter.com_1741637849159.mp4
  2. German and the Soviet Union were also friends during WWII, until they were not. Russia 🇷🇺 need to defend it border ever day of the week, day and night. The Chinese smuggle across the border, even walk in and set up farming in remote areas. Also Russia has borders with some wild Muslim countries that are know for everything by love and peace. What is the North Korean Kursk killing go sour and Kim is in a bad mood? The safest borders are Russia's NATO borders.
  3. @Crossy Will the timer type surge protector alone work for protection or should both be installed in series? The timer type is not MOV as far as I can see, right? Is the below Schneider a better option?
  4. Nobody believed in the day 1 claim and certainly nobody complained, everyone was too busy laughing.
  5. A Mud Grinder in its natural habitat.
  6. Did tRUmp tell a truth? I totally missed that, when did that happen?
  7. Is the Pitbull AVR any good? The 12 kVA unit is 15,600 baht. This is just for 2 small (9,000 BTU) ACs, fridge, TV and 100 W of LED lights. + short periods of an 1,800 W vacuum cleaner.
  8. They are not forgotten at all. Ukriane remember and honor their fallen heroes. A strong national identity will emerge out of the ashes of this war, similar to Findland after the winter war. ssstwitter.com_1741312691450.mp4
  9. ssstwitter.com_1741306783542.mp4
  10. ssstwitter.com_1741306783542.mp4
  11. Just like Ukraine 🇺🇦, I was just trying to do the right thing, but I was quickly outgunned by Russia 🇷🇺. It is all in my book.
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