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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. Because an agressive Russia can do many things that fall below the threshold of war. Cutting cables, killing people with novichok and polonium, proxy wars in Syria and Africa. They could also make an incursion to connect Kaliningrad to mainland Russia. There is a good documentary on Netflix called "Turning Point" about the Cold War and how it shaped the world and the Russia we are facing today. In there, that say, the only language Russia understands is violence or the threat of violence. Europe need to prepare for war to avoid war.
  2. Ukrainian lives, both civilian and military πŸͺ–, matter a great deal, but the responsibility of every live lost in this war fall square on Russian shoulders. The west was happy with a status quo.
  3. The Ukrainian war has been a major success, in the sense that it is the last war Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί will ever fight with its large Soviet era military πŸͺ– equipment stockpile. Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί has effectively been disarmed and it will take them decades to rebuild an army to defend their 20,000 km of land borders.
  4. How do you brew your coffee β˜•οΈ? I started using this little contraption with excellent results.
  5. Spineless, traitor and coward. ssstwitter.com_1740950101214.mp4
  6. ssstwitter.com_1741161400783.mp4
  7. Anyone have experience with ACs that have UV sterilization light installed?
  8. You spelled his name wrong, it is tRUmp πŸ™„.
  9. ssstwitter.com_1741062259052.mp4
  10. We could meet for coffee β˜•οΈ to discuss how King 🀴 Trunk's legacy is going down the toilet 🚻. I will bring some easy to understand cartoons. ssstwitter.com_1741112494006.mp4
  11. Señor Rubio can bring King Trunk 🀴 up to speed. ssstwitter.com_1740929360714.mp4
  12. ssstwitter.com_1741062259052.mp4
  13. Keep in mind Trump is almost 6 month older than Joe Biden, relative to when they took office. Joe came running onto the stage when he did his acceptance speech, but soon after he came tumbling out of airplanes and could barely shuffle across the rose 🌹 garden. The fat forker King Trunk 🀴 will soon have health issues. How many fat 80 years old do you know? None, right?
  14. ssstwitter.com_1741037623340.mp4
  15. Poland has a similar past, being ripped apart, stepped on and raped by its neighbors for centuries. Today Poland πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± is the fastest growing economy in Europe πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί. Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ could easily repeat that success story and that is what Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί fear the most.
  16. Biden will soon be (in) a grave man. Biden didn't do much, but he did the right thing in regards to Ukraine. He, together with the free world, gave Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ a fair chance.
  17. Russians will probably be allowed to vote πŸ—³ in the 2028 election and Putin can run as senator in California πŸ˜‰.
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