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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. RIP.That sukhumvit rd especially the section between Pattaya nua down to Theprasit.I can only describe as the road to hell.I lived in Pattaya many years and i used to dread the thought of going down this road on my Motorcycle.I'm only too glad I moved to Phitsanulok.It's dangerous anywhere on the roads of Thailand,it's just we have nowhere near the volume of traffic as there is in Funland.

  2. Sorry already posted this in the general enquiries forum but been advised to post here.

    My house insurance was up for renewal.I went to renew it and was greeted with ''we no longer include flood cover as this has cost us too much in the past 2 years''.As it was my 2 properties were insured for 4.5 million,but restricted to 100,000 for flood damage and 100,000 for an earthquake.I said ''ok fair enough i'll take my business elsewhere''to which the reply was ''every company is the same now no ones insuring for flooding''.First is this true and second is this legal?

    This got me thinking.Ok i own both properties outright, but what if i didn't, and i'd borrowed say 2.5 million from the bank, and my house was demolished by an earthquake. I would get 100,000, but i'd still owe the bank 2.4million.They could sell the land it once stood on thats worth about 250,000,but i'd still owe the bank 2,150,000.Now hypothetically, me and my family's got no where to live,and with no other assets.How would the bank recover it's 2.15 million?

    I've asked many people these questions but can't seem to get an answer.I'd be grateful for any thoughts.

  3. My house insurance was up for renewal.I went to renew it and was greeted with ''we no longer include flood cover as this has cost us too much in the past 2 years''.As it was my 2 properties were insured for 4.5 million,but restricted to 100,000 for flood damage and 100,000 for an earthquake.I said ''ok fair enough i'll take my business elsewhere''to which the reply was ''every company is the same now no ones insuring for flooding''.First is this true and second is this legal?

    This got me thinking.Ok i own both properties outright, but what if i didn't, and i'd borrowed say 2.5 million from the bank, and my house was demolished by an earthquake. I would get 100,000, but i'd still owe the bank 2.4million.They could sell the land it once stood on thats worth about 250,000,but i'd still owe the bank 2,150,000.Now hypothetically, me and my family's got no where to live,and with no other assets.How would the bank recover it's 2.15 million?

    I've asked many people these questions but can't seem to get an answer.I'd be grateful for any thoughts.

  4. RIP to all the unfortunate people who have lost their lives,and my genuine sympathies to the families who are left behind to suffer the grief caused.

    Whenever will any Thai government address this issue of daily carnage on the roads of Thailand and start to put some kind of value on human life.Sickening.

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  5. If the whole of farang wealth and business pulled the plug and went home,Thailand would truly be up the Chao Phraya without a paddle.First let's take all the vehicles on the road, mostly Japanese car and motorcycle makers.Then all the USA fast food businesses throughout the country,this is without mentioning the trillions of baht tied up in farang property,plus all the trillions farangs have tied up in Thai banks and stocks and shares.Do i need to go any further?

  6. Only 2.65 % of Thai population pay taxes. Thats why middle class Thais have a lot of money. In europe they take all our money in taxes and fees, so we end with a low middle class.

    But we get state pensions at 65 for the rest of our lives.We also get our rent or mortgage paid if we are unable to work through unemployment or through sickness.Even if we are able to work but don't earn too much we get working tax credits to supplement our income.We get family allowance for each child until they're 18 if they choose to go to college.

    Now Answer yourself one question, does all or any of the the above benefits apply to Thai citizens ?

    I'm not saying the people who work for the Thai government are tight, but if they had an arseful of piles or bottom grapes,they would want to charge their citizens to extract them.

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