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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. If your're using chrome just alter your settings to www.google.co.uk or .com otherwise click tools then internet options where you can change it there.I think being in Thailand google automatically detects this and puts you into .co.th as standard.

  2. I never see a farang in my moobahn,so i've only got Thai friends and they've always been very welcoming towards me,in fact it's almost a criminal offence should i pass their house on my bike without stopping for a beer.It surely also helps that i'm married to a lovely Thai lady,and i'm familiar with the good,the bad and the ugly of the moobahn,but even the bad and the ugly are always most respectful towards me.On the whole I've no complaints,but you're quite correct in stating,that it's mainly the uneducated as is the case in most other countries that harbour such nationalistic opinions.Like it or not most of the world is now multi-cultural,but for me this is a good thing.God gave the earth to everyone.

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  3. I just love the botty gun so much,I had to have one installed in the Uk,even tho i'm not there much.The only trouble there is you have to pull your pants up pretty quick to warm the rim up otherwise ringpiece icicles will start to form.

    Anyway congratulations Kiwi on such a well worded posting,you've certainly earned a like from me.Now if you don't mind i'd like to get back to eating my cowpat gai.

  4. Taxi driving only attracts the lowest in society. Same all over the world and even in a more regulated industry compared to Thailand.

    Thugs, immigrants, drug dealers and addicts.

    You won't get a university educated professor discussing quantum physics as you cruise in safety through Surin.

    Hans,please don't tar every taxi driver with the same brush.There's good and bad in all walks and professions of life.I do understand where you're coming from to a point,but in 1980 it was an ex london black cab driver who won the mastermind final,a most intelligent man.I work as a taxi driver in the uk,although semi-retired and living here in Thailand most of the time now.Some of the guys I've worked with over the years had batchelors degrees in a host of different subjects,but chose to be taxi drivers coz of the freedom it allows.i.e work when you want,finish when you want,take a holiday for as long as you want.What other profession allows as much freedom?coupled with the fact it's all cash in hand and allows you so many expenses to write off against your business,but i do agree there's always Taxi drivers who want to rip people off,giving the decent ones a bad name.Shame on them.

  5. Why opt for a dating agency,when there are so many women in Thailand(not just bar girls,tho i'm not criticizing them) that would give their right arm to be with a farang?

    At least you're aware you've been naive,to say the least.You're not the first and you certainly won't be the last to get scammed,if that's any consolatation.Very much doubt the police will be interested,tho i could be wrong,I suppose it all depends on how many complaints they receive about this scamtress.Take your own advice and use it as a big learning curve.I wish you all the very best for the future.The learning curve may very well have been cheap in the long run.

  6. Yes, but Thailand is quite developed in comparison to Indonesia or Philippines. My question isn't why (a majority of) acts don't come here, it's why they don't come here anymore. Japan was never a Western colony (save for a few concessions) nor Westernized (in mentality), yet has performers touring there all the time. Possibly a lack of market here? Rihanna recently visited Phuket to see ping pong shows, but not to hold a concert!

    I think if it was a toss up between,watching Rhianna or a ping pong show,i'd choose the ping pong show,that is of course unless it was Rhianna doing the ping pong show.

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  7. I know some girls who make 200,000 + a month from sponsors and daily customers. Only problem is most spend it on crap and family and dont own anything of value.

    If one girl banks 100k and lives off 100k she will have 6 mil thb in 5yrs. More than enough to build a nice house in issan, a truck and start a business.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I totally agree with your post Frank.If only they possessed a bit of business acument,the possibilty's could be endless,a few do and have done very well for themselves,but in most cases it's easy come easy go little high little low.

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  8. Wonder what the fine would be if it was a farang stabbing a 70 year old Thai man in the hand.Hypocrisy of the highest order,but this is what you have to expect,when a Thai gets charged 40baht and a farang 400 baht to enter a tourist attraction.Don't know why there's not a huge sign in english stating.''If you love to be discrimanated against,congratulations you've come to the right place''

  9. Thirty five years ago when I was still a teenager I was driving my mums Morris Minor home from a Hawkwind concert in Guildford. We were on some country road east of Winchester at about midnight when my mate Tom, on the back seat, wanted to skin up. As I could make a rollup better than him he steered the car with his legs over my shoulders from the back whilst I rolled the joint still in the drivers seat..........it seemed ok at the time:-)

    Ahhhh,the green green grass of home.

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