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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. Dear pokerspiv , may i suggest you read my post again - carefully.I said the insurance wont pay out if ( KEY WORD --- IF )he shouldnt have been riding in the first place ,IE he was drunk or had no motorbike licence and/or motorbike insurance. Please read again. I did not say he / anyone shouldnt ride motorbikes.I love bikes. Everyone can ride a motorbike , but they should (by letter of the law and common decency)do it in a law abiding and safe manner. Hurting himself worse than need be if (IF)he couldnt be bothered to be sober / wear a helmet seems poor judgement and such a waste of other peoples time and money.It could have involved other people in this accident -including mine or your family ! With reference to PoorSucker (moderator) i have a policy - not expensive - that gives "re-patreation" to your home country , again , wont cover me if i was drunk etc. Far too many of this type of "please give me money" cases seem to be coming up.I will say again - accidents do happen , to anyone , so lets be careful , and double check you have very good insurance , and abide by the small print , RE legal situations.

    IF- A little word with a big meaning. For example''IF'' your Aunt had boll**ks.she'd be your Uncle.Let's all hope he pulls through,one thing that upsets me deeply is to see any fellow biker involved in an accident.

  2. I've been totally blown away by the packet sauces made by Pataks in my local tesco/lotus.I've been able to buy chicken tikka massala,madras,korma,butter chicken and bombay potatoes.These sauces make 4 curries and about are 69 baht a packet.Just add,Chicken,beef or goat,potato's onion and fresh or tinned tomatoes, garlic and ginger if you like and depending how hot you like it chilli powder.

    They've also started doing natural yoghurt not just the sweet one, but also the unsweetened type to which I add onion and cucumber to make a cracking raitha.

    I've also just found out that Tops supermarket are doing these sauces about 10 baht cheaper than lotus 59baht and they also sell lime pickle or mango pickle at 119 a jar.

    These curries are the nearest to a UK indian takeaway i've ever had but without a ton of oil.I can totally recommend them.Writing this review has made me hungry i'm off to make one now,they only take about 10 minutes to cook but I like to simmer them very low for about a further 30 minutes.

    Jing Jing aroy muk muk.

  3. Years ago a friend of mine asked me Imo what bike should he buy?.The cbr 150 or the kawasaki boss 175.This was more than 11 years ago.At that time I had just bought an almost new kawasaki boss with 1800kms on from a bike shop in Pattaya.I was the 2nd owner, the 1st being a Pattaya cop.I absolutely loved this bike. 11years and 50k kms later i still have this bike and still love it to bits.The wife often asks me''who do i love the most her or my boss"I always reply"stop asking me silly questions,you know it's my boss''Apart from consumables it's hardly cost me a penny.Absolutely reliable.

    My friend chose the cbr 150 and after 2 months sold it complaining about all manner of problems and saying it made his wrists ache at low speed.

    Now i've always been a Honda man.They usually churn out a fine motorcycle and ultra reliable,but very bland.With regards to character, my boss has more character in the little bauble at the end of her clutch lever than any honda motorcycle i've ever owned and that includes a cbr 1000.

  4. We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

    If my parents ordering a schnaps (some high alcohol drink) they pay less than foreigner and the waiter takes the other bottle which is not watered down.

    rip off here rip off there.....same same

    Yes and wasn't it also an Austrian who through his sick discrimination caused the death of six million innocent people,there again history teaches us that some people will never learn.

    yes rip off here,rip off there and RIP to the poor six million and that's from a christian.

  5. We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

    If my parents ordering a schnaps (some high alcohol drink) they pay less than foreigner and the waiter takes the other bottle which is not watered down.

    rip off here rip off there.....same same

    Yes and wasn't it also an Austrian who through his sick discrimination caused the death of six million innocent people,there again history teaches us that some people will never learn.

  6. We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

    If my parents ordering a schnaps (some high alcohol drink) they pay less than foreigner and the waiter takes the other bottle which is not watered down.

    rip off here rip off there.....same same

    Yes and wasn't it also an Austrian who through his sick discrimination caused the death of six million innocent people,there again history teaches us that some people will never learn.

  7. For a young guy i think you have a wish to be spending money on hair dye to cover up all those grey hairs that'll soon be sprouting through unnecessary worry.

    You're young and if i were you i would take notice of ''DABLOODYMESS" posting above.Never stop living your life because ''what if'' otherwise you'll be scared to strain whilst taking a dump over fear of a heart attack.I wish you all the best.

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  8. NEPAL

    I can't say enough good about this place.

    It ticks all your boxes, although there is a visa requirement for you both, you get a simple form to fill in on the plane, and as soon as you land in Kathmandu airport (which is mostly deserted) the visa is issued at passport control... Me and wifey were there 3 weeks ago for a week, and we got off the plane and were in a taxi within 10 minutes, visa and all (25USD).

    The return flights were 15,000 THB with Thai Airways, direct flight took only 3 hours. We flew past Mt Everest poking above the clouds see my pic below.



    They have Thai food if the wife gets homesick, Nepalese food is terrific and tasty, The western food is of a much higher standard than Thailand, Indian food is abound with probably the best chicken tikka masala you will find anywhere. The rice is of a much higher quality than the stodge you get in LOS, The food in restaurants costs around 30% of what it does in any Thai resort (including western food.) Restaurants are 100 times cleaner, staff much more professional and efficient, and most importantly to me, toilets are way more cleaner and hygienic than Thailand, with all restaurants I visited being of minimum 3 to 4 star hotel grade.

    The People.

    The people there are very very friendly, and I would say friendlier and more helpful than Thais. There is almost zero crime against tourists in Nepal, and that includes scams... The penalties are apparently disproportionately harsh for crime against a tourist and you can walk around Kathmandu at night freely with no fear of someone stabbing you in the neck for your wallet. It is one of the safest cities to visit.

    The Culture.

    Amazing culture, and full of vibrant festivals going on all over the place all of the time... Lots of temples, huge mix of Hindu and Buddhist... Some parts of Kathmandu will be like walking around India and other parts is like walking around in China. There are more festivals in Nepal per year than there are days in the year... I think around 380 annual festivals, so you will surely bump into one. Be sure to take an organized city tour of Kathmandu, only about $30 each and lasts about 5 hours in private car. You will see Hindus burning their dead on the river bank (ganges style) and the place is full of cows roaming the streets freely and of course the colourful Sadhu holy men can be seen everywhere chugging away of their pot filled chillum pipes. Bhuddist temples with hundredss of monkeys jumping around.... Lots to see really, too many to list.

    A Sadhu (Stoned off his face)


    The Himayayas

    Kathmandu is in the foothills of the Himalayas, and you can see one or two snow capped peaks even from Kathmandu, although in around November - December it is actually a warm 25C average which is a change from sweltering LOS but not cold. In fact just right for me.

    Take a 2 hour drive in a bus or private taxi into the mountains up to Nagarkot. Watch the sun rise over the range that includes Everest, with the clouds below your feet. Set at 6,500 feet you are above the clouds, and I just sat for hours on my balcony staring at the snow capped vistas and it is an experience that can not be even matched by sitting on a beach in SEA or anywhere else. It is just simply breathtaking and even the drive is amazing.

    Views from my balcony.


    Try to spend 2 days and nights in nagarkot, you will not regret it, again everything cheap and top quality.

    Another must do is Lake Thewa at Pakhora which is a 6 hour mountain drive or you can fly for around $90 each way, but I recommend the drive through the mountains... It is breathtaking in parts, you just don't get it in a plane.

    This is a big tourist destination but nothing on Patts or Phuket, this is pure cultural like the whiole country, it is like being in a time warp, and you will never see a hotel over 6 stories high and all traditional buildings, not these generic holiday glass facade things... it is very colonial still.

    The lake can be stunning and changes at different times of the day.

    This is not my photo, but gives you an idea...


    An interesting thing to visit in Pokhara is the National Gurkha Museum... The most fearless (and feared) fighting unit in the world.

    Or just laze by the lake drinking a beer and tucking in to a nice curry... Whatever floats your boat. Its cheap, do what you want. You can even take a days hike in the mountains and visit real Himalayan Buddhist temples... You wife would love that.

    Again, the views are spectacular, here is some pics from my balcony in Pokhara.




    These were taken in September, so that is the end of the monsoon season so the air was not as clear as it is from late October to January, where the shy is crystal clear. Also, you will hardly see any automobiles in Nagarkot and Pokhara which adds to the pollution free clarity.

    December is probably the best time to go to Nepal, the skies are clear and the imagery of the backdrops is magnificent.

    Myself and wifey are going back there in mid to end November for 2 weeks, I can't wait... I would live there in a heartbeat because the expat regulations are so simple and foreigners can own land, buy houses, start businesses.. It is welcomed there. But the wife will never move from LOS away from her family, even if it is only 3 hours flight. If we ever broke up, I would be there the following day and I mean that.

    If anyone reading this has never been to Nepal, make sure you go there at least once in your lifetime.

    Hotels are very cheap and very clean. Obviously depends on the star rating, but in Kathmandu we stayed in 'The Gaju Suite Hotel' which was 3.5 agoda stars and we had a very high end apartment for about 1500 baht a night with awesome restaurant and nightclub on the top floor... I personally recommend it. It is in Thamel District which is the only place to stay, don't stay outside Thamel, Everything you need is in Thamel. It is the culturalhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5Xl7fpqPA4 heart.

    Off my head I can't remember the other hotel names in Nagarkot or Pokhara.. but again they were 3 to 4 star and around 1500 baht a night also. All clean and professional with high quality rooms, fittings and amenities.

    If you decide to give Nepal a try and want to go hiking in the mountains, PM me and I can put you in touch with an English guy I met in Pokhara who run treks and is cheap and won't rip you off, he is also a great guy.

    Although you can see snow on the mountains, it is still warm in the locations I mentioned. In Pakhora it was close to 30C and I was looking at the snow (strange feeling at first).

    But when you get right up into the mountains it can drop especially at night, so if you go up high, take a jacket. You can get very cheap and A grade quality North Face jackets which I suspect are Chinese fakes, but who knows?

    Everywhere in Nepal you can see large eagles soaring around you, mesmerizing to watch.

    I really do hope that you consider Nepal, you will thank me if you do go.

    Added a few videos of the 3 locations for you.







    To the Thai government.There's a mass exodus beginning from Los by all Thai visa forum members to Nepal,that'll teach you to treat farangs more decently.

  9. NEPAL

    I can't say enough good about this place.

    It ticks all your boxes, although there is a visa requirement for you both, you get a simple form to fill in on the plane, and as soon as you land in Kathmandu airport (which is mostly deserted) the visa is issued at passport control... Me and wifey were there 3 weeks ago for a week, and we got off the plane and were in a taxi within 10 minutes, visa and all (25USD).

    The return flights were 15,000 THB with Thai Airways, direct flight took only 3 hours. We flew past Mt Everest poking above the clouds see my pic below.



    They have Thai food if the wife gets homesick, Nepalese food is terrific and tasty, The western food is of a much higher standard than Thailand, Indian food is abound with probably the best chicken tikka masala you will find anywhere. The rice is of a much higher quality than the stodge you get in LOS, The food in restaurants costs around 30% of what it does in any Thai resort (including western food.) Restaurants are 100 times cleaner, staff much more professional and efficient, and most importantly to me, toilets are way more cleaner and hygienic than Thailand, with all restaurants I visited being of minimum 3 to 4 star hotel grade.

    The People.

    The people there are very very friendly, and I would say friendlier and more helpful than Thais. There is almost zero crime against tourists in Nepal, and that includes scams... The penalties are apparently disproportionately harsh for crime against a tourist and you can walk around Kathmandu at night freely with no fear of someone stabbing you in the neck for your wallet. It is one of the safest cities to visit.

    The Culture.

    Amazing culture, and full of vibrant festivals going on all over the place all of the time... Lots of temples, huge mix of Hindu and Buddhist... Some parts of Kathmandu will be like walking around India and other parts is like walking around in China. There are more festivals in Nepal per year than there are days in the year... I think around 380 annual festivals, so you will surely bump into one. Be sure to take an organized city tour of Kathmandu, only about $30 each and lasts about 5 hours in private car. You will see Hindus burning their dead on the river bank (ganges style) and the place is full of cows roaming the streets freely and of course the colourful Sadhu holy men can be seen everywhere chugging away of their pot filled chillum pipes. Bhuddist temples with hundredss of monkeys jumping around.... Lots to see really, too many to list.

    A Sadhu (Stoned off his face)


    The Himayayas

    Kathmandu is in the foothills of the Himalayas, and you can see one or two snow capped peaks even from Kathmandu, although in around November - December it is actually a warm 25C average which is a change from sweltering LOS but not cold. In fact just right for me.

    Take a 2 hour drive in a bus or private taxi into the mountains up to Nagarkot. Watch the sun rise over the range that includes Everest, with the clouds below your feet. Set at 6,500 feet you are above the clouds, and I just sat for hours on my balcony staring at the snow capped vistas and it is an experience that can not be even matched by sitting on a beach in SEA or anywhere else. It is just simply breathtaking and even the drive is amazing.

    Views from my balcony.


    Try to spend 2 days and nights in nagarkot, you will not regret it, again everything cheap and top quality.

    Another must do is Lake Thewa at Pakhora which is a 6 hour mountain drive or you can fly for around $90 each way, but I recommend the drive through the mountains... It is breathtaking in parts, you just don't get it in a plane.

    This is a big tourist destination but nothing on Patts or Phuket, this is pure cultural like the whiole country, it is like being in a time warp, and you will never see a hotel over 6 stories high and all traditional buildings, not these generic holiday glass facade things... it is very colonial still.

    The lake can be stunning and changes at different times of the day.

    This is not my photo, but gives you an idea...


    An interesting thing to visit in Pokhara is the National Gurkha Museum... The most fearless (and feared) fighting unit in the world.

    Or just laze by the lake drinking a beer and tucking in to a nice curry... Whatever floats your boat. Its cheap, do what you want. You can even take a days hike in the mountains and visit real Himalayan Buddhist temples... You wife would love that.

    Again, the views are spectacular, here is some pics from my balcony in Pokhara.




    These were taken in September, so that is the end of the monsoon season so the air was not as clear as it is from late October to January, where the shy is crystal clear. Also, you will hardly see any automobiles in Nagarkot and Pokhara which adds to the pollution free clarity.

    December is probably the best time to go to Nepal, the skies are clear and the imagery of the backdrops is magnificent.

    Myself and wifey are going back there in mid to end November for 2 weeks, I can't wait... I would live there in a heartbeat because the expat regulations are so simple and foreigners can own land, buy houses, start businesses.. It is welcomed there. But the wife will never move from LOS away from her family, even if it is only 3 hours flight. If we ever broke up, I would be there the following day and I mean that.

    If anyone reading this has never been to Nepal, make sure you go there at least once in your lifetime.

    Hotels are very cheap and very clean. Obviously depends on the star rating, but in Kathmandu we stayed in 'The Gaju Suite Hotel' which was 3.5 agoda stars and we had a very high end apartment for about 1500 baht a night with awesome restaurant and nightclub on the top floor... I personally recommend it. It is in Thamel District which is the only place to stay, don't stay outside Thamel, Everything you need is in Thamel. It is the culturalhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5Xl7fpqPA4 heart.

    Off my head I can't remember the other hotel names in Nagarkot or Pokhara.. but again they were 3 to 4 star and around 1500 baht a night also. All clean and professional with high quality rooms, fittings and amenities.

    If you decide to give Nepal a try and want to go hiking in the mountains, PM me and I can put you in touch with an English guy I met in Pokhara who run treks and is cheap and won't rip you off, he is also a great guy.

    Although you can see snow on the mountains, it is still warm in the locations I mentioned. In Pakhora it was close to 30C and I was looking at the snow (strange feeling at first).

    But when you get right up into the mountains it can drop especially at night, so if you go up high, take a jacket. You can get very cheap and A grade quality North Face jackets which I suspect are Chinese fakes, but who knows?

    Everywhere in Nepal you can see large eagles soaring around you, mesmerizing to watch.

    I really do hope that you consider Nepal, you will thank me if you do go.

    Added a few videos of the 3 locations for you.







    To the Thai government.There's a mass exodus beginning from Los by all Thai visa forum members to Nepal,that'll teach you to treat farangs more decently.

  10. It's no longer the death sentence it was.People in Thailand only still die of it because they're too embarrassed to seek help.If they only sought help, there are free drugs available to Thais only, that will assist in them leading a normal life with a normal lifespan.

    Once again there is far too much money to be made from treating it,rather than curing it.

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