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Everything posted by bannork

  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Thai_Movement Worth a read
  2. Invite the mass murderer over. A few vodkas, then down to Patpong for a private ping pong show laced with novichok. The amount of tears that will be shred around the world could be collected on a petri dish.
  3. He could be arrested and detained at the police hospital. Given a CT scan, swiftly followed by an MRI in a vain attempt to locate a heart.
  4. Actually a lot of the workers borrow money from loan sharks to get the jobs abroad.
  5. Games on perhaps two levels: 1. Going through the motions to placate critics 2. Reminding the patient he hasn't been given a clean bill of health yet, and needs to obey 'doctor's' orders
  6. Bangkok 19, for your own sake, withdraw gracefully. Carabao are not luk thing, country music, they belong in the plaeng pheua cheewit genre, songs for life. Just ask any Thai.
  7. Sadly it's hard to believe any of the hostages will remain alive once the full scale invasion begins
  8. Sunaree had the voice of an angel. At a concert at Wat In in 1992, a few months after Phum Puang's death, someone in the crowd called out for ' World of Pheung' Phum Puang's hit. Sunaree sang it unaccompanied, her beautiful voice carrying across the temple's roof tops. Years later she took up with a Dutch lad if I remember right. She should have chosen me, a penniless English teacher.... it's not too late. 555. Sorry, back to the topic, Carabao. I saw them back around the time of the first Gulf War at a free peace concert in Lumpini park. They were greatly enhanced by a long haired American singer with a powerful voice. Aed's vocals were always weak
  9. He and his party will be remembered for joining with the junta parties so one man could come home. Thaksin will be remembered as the hypocrite he is. Just read these first three quotes and then remember what he and his party did: join with the junta parties. Pass the sick bag, Alice. https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/thaksin-shinawatra-quotes
  10. Carabao means buffalo in Filipino language, I believe. Aed studied there, perhaps they all met there?
  11. Love this song Banned from the radio back in 1992, if I remember right, because the lyrics demand the PM must come from an election ( hello General Suchinda), they subtly changed the Thai wording of PM , Nai Yok นาย ยก to Nai Kor นายกอ by removing the second ย Everyone knew the fictitious word, Nai Kor, meant the PM
  12. How can someone comment with the laughter symbol to this story?
  13. In Thailand rich people sue without ever appearing in court. All done through their lawyer. Thaksin did it all the time, both when he was in power and when he was on the run. It's been said already both in the Thai media and BP that the photo in the OP is from Thaksin's daughter's social media account two years ago. Plus the headline is incorrect- a former Democrat MP
  14. My brother's mother-law's brother died whilst building Death Railway at Kanchanaburi during WW2. She asked me to photo his plaque and send it to her. It breaks your heart walking around war cemeteries. So many were so young. Here's an amazing story from WW2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billie_D._Harris
  15. Gloomy is not the right word. Barbaric is
  16. Jeez, what an idiot. Not sure you can wave away that sort of comment apart from admitting she is young and stupid.
  17. Defying Thaksin to throw him out of the party, Chalerm told Thaksin to think about the 8 cases he cleared for him.
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