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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. What is your 'go to' gin while in Thailand. I do the Uncle Tom if it's available but usually buy the 500 baht (or so) Gilbey's for a liter.
  2. V-Dental Clinic on South a bit further East than Friendship Market and on the other side of the street. Dr. Nu but I'm sure there may be another dentist there and they have another clinic somewhere in town. Some searching on the site will get you much more info; seems I recall the subject matter from before.
  3. Eight years reading Thai Visa and I just now got that.
  4. Is 'older' a euphemism for 'fatter" ? Cause many did get 'more beautiful' (euphemism). ????
  5. Why is smuggling pork now a lucrative enterprise? That is the real story hear.
  6. If it is true that masks keep you from spreading covid but not from catching covid, then the logic seems to be if you have covid wear a mask when out and about so you don't spread it.
  7. One more incident like this and I can see all Indian Tourist will be taxed at the airport for Gold Necklace Insurance. I'm guessing they could be asked to hand over those gold necklaces for 'safe keeping' and have them returned at the end of their trip. Certainly pictures and 'proof' that it is gold is warranted before going thru immigration. Don't these thefts make the Indian News ? Time to create a pop song about Indian Gold Necklaces, I think.
  8. Why do I feel as if I've heard this line before? DayJahView all over again.
  9. try OPERA browser, it has an automatic VPN that may work for you. Free to try/testout.
  10. Falang goods must be taxed; preferably at a high rate. Marijuana is legal but falang tax must be paid. This 'found' marijuana will most likely be donated to the poor.
  11. Just a matter of time before someone blames Thai inflation on the USA. Heck, I assumed Thai inflation was caused by Brexit. My bad.
  12. prison for those that don't pay fines to the government. Really want to ruin lives by sending common ordinary citizens to prison? Thai prison? Gonna turnout different than expected.
  13. I do wonder why these Indians pack their luggage for a visit to another 3rd world country and decide it's a good idea to bring along some jewelry. I'd personally leave my $3000 dollar necklace at home.
  14. Baby steps, get Grab to fall in line and the others will tumble in.
  15. Is it possible to look at your possible wifi connections to see what bars you get for the other carriers towers ? Maybe if inexpensive enough just pay a few hundred baht for an AIS data sim for a month and see how you like it, then a DTAC or TOT. Let us know which you change to.
  16. Unfortunately is not the Buddha way my friend. These dogs are reincarnated friends and relatives.
  17. Both is the goal I'd think. At least until the Chinese start marching in.
  18. Can these 'unsold' tickets be the numbers that eventually get drawn; so that no winning ticket is sold ?
  19. Why didn't the UK trade Assange for the American spy woman that smashed into a motorcyclist head on while driving on the wrong side of the road ?
  20. Lazada seems to give a choice of locations, I always try Bangkok first. Once in a while the vendor is lying about the whereabouts of the item.
  21. Price controls will affect supply.
  22. I hope reduced demand means reduced prices.
  23. Won't happen then either, more than likely. Dogs maul people young and old all over Thailand but the dogs are protected by religion, they may be some ones relative.
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