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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. So, you claim the victim was taunting the dogs. I can hardly believe what people write. The dogs attacked and killed a guy coming home with candles to eat dinner by.
  2. I just happened to see some servicers wearing their company shirts while I was at immigration. Found them on Facebook, messaged asking price with money in bank already, and used them. Gives you price and if they speak/write English much and if they are attentive. Given that, I found that the quotes are all within 1000 baht of each other, and they plus immigration was busy. Could be the last two weeks were 4 day weeks for them.
  3. Some guy prevented a real disaster by pushing the burning vehicle away from the pumps. Good on him, burned his arm though.
  4. I believe the Russians; so far the entire conflict has been unpredicted. This time last year the Russia was just on 'training maneuvers'. How predictable was that whole invasion?
  5. My stab is North Korea.
  6. I guess a picture isn't worth what it once was. That picture may have been Cold War dodgers.
  7. Shouldn't be a problem unless those people make the same mistake over and over. Quite quickly people learn what not to do a second time. Most tourists that would come for the marijuana probably aren't those going to hospital for marijuana over indulgence.
  8. I'm betting that they'll be put to work cleaning the center until their prosecution and later relocated. A competing cleaning company is my guess for the grass.
  9. Turkey is the Country you want to be in charge of, certainly these days anyway. Germany is weak socialist expecting a free ride and their geo doesn't matter into the century.
  10. I believe Putin will not live long enough to read what went wrong. In the meanwhile he is a megalomaniac.
  11. I now wonder what miserable low wage job that Thai's are unwilling to do? Modern day salvery. Yes, spelling is for Thai Laws of the Internet.
  12. Good question. Five million baht of electric is about 1200 bit coins at todays prices. That many machines, one point five bit coins per machine would be break evenish. I wonder where that electricy would be today if it hadn't been used by thieves? Probably on someone's wrist, maybe, perhaps.
  13. OK, I'll stop in for one beer next time I'm on that Soi. Be sure to let us know if the bar goes titsup so I won't stop anymore.
  14. My book says that time is only important when you also consider the time you have your last one. The first 3 weeks I was 12 hours off with my biological body clock, a beer tasted pretty good at 8AM and not good at all around 8PM.
  15. during the time period that almost EveryOne received a Covid extension by showing up at immigration?
  16. What I don't understand is why go to the police at that time of the morning over a FaceBook threat? Sun comes up a bit after 6AM.
  17. Peer pressure. One of the things I liked about a Buddhist country is lack of people expecting me to join in the Xmas bruhaha.
  18. There are numbers and then there are Thai numbers.
  19. Do Colonels 'buy' the rank or do some 'higher ups' form a board and use their combined best judgement to promote to the rank of Colonel? I wonder if that board can 'take away/do a do over', that sort of thing?
  20. And yet he has the klout to have ten people severely dealt with. Got to wonder what he does for the army as his daily job?
  21. A synic would assume the opposition is winning when your own does such things to their own. What the heck where they training those conscripts for ?
  22. I can only think of Songzip song and the catches associated in Thailand.
  23. wish they could have waited until 1st of January; my diet starts then wouldn't you know.
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