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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Hasn't got over 'Jet Lag'.
  2. If you win, would you declare it on your Fed IRS form? You know, pay tax.
  3. I've seen this happen twice before. Lots of excitement. I'm thinking that the rain somehow caused this one, hot water heated instead of air cooling the tangle of wires.
  4. I need predictions as to which game of the 64 will be LEAST watched.
  5. I want to see pictures of the bowl of fish eggs AFTER the eating has been done.
  6. It should be pretty straight forward. Google it if you can't figure it out. Edited 9 hours ago by shdmn YOUTUBE has videos on how to. It is pretty simple to do. I have not often gotten the 6 Mbps that I'd expected from AIS ; using smartphone mobile hotspot. Often the speed slows so that Netflix/Youtube start to buffer or halt/stop, usually between 6PM & 9PM. Using a VPN makes it even slower, yet most often fast enough to show Netflix/Youtube.
  7. I'd empty the pack and send the packaging to Philippines and ask the company. Maybe you'd get a free jacket/shirt/putter from them. Shouldn't cost all that much to post.
  8. FIFA wants about $45million from Thailand. Makes me wonder how much other contries paid. Heck, USA is five times the population so how much did USA pay? Australia has far fewer people, how much did Australia get charged? Any of the nations fielding teams should be paying on a sliding scale depending on how far their country goes in the tournament. Any nation not winning even one game should get a partial refund.
  9. Wonder what their definition is. Land mass, people, amount of trade ...?
  10. Next year they'll wish they had all that rice. Gonna be very difficult to grow without proper fertilizer.
  11. Does anyone remember the pistol whipping at the villa? To think a cop organized that is scary. That's the stuff that would keep TAT numbers down, perhaps maybe could.
  12. Foodmart in Jomtien; I've looked the last couple months and never saw it there. Pattaya Tai near the Wat Chai is the only place I've seen it for sell.
  13. How did FIFA come up with the cost for Thailand ?
  14. What is important about this event ?
  15. That list of hotels; are they all Five Star, highfalutin, or pricey ? I Googled the first three; YES, expensive, more than I can afford.
  16. I believe so. "pneumonia vaccine for seniors" google should get you some helpful info. I'm over 65 and got the shot. Last several Covid news items I've read say the people didn't die of Covid but from the pneumonia induced by the Covid. So who knows for sure? I sort of think Medicare paid for the shot.
  17. Pneumonia shot for older folks is worthwhile.
  18. Yet another great idea from the ministry of silly Talks
  19. Where's TAT? These dog mauling's have got to be detrimental to tourism. That DNA is gonna spread among the soi dogs. Just wait till the recession is over and the tourist start returning to the streets of Thailand.
  20. Doesn't surprise me at all that now you don't go straight to prison people go straight to the hospital.
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