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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Who in the village dislike grandma so much they'd bother to call the land owner ?
  2. posterior capsular opacification (PCO), probably nothing to worry about and cheap to fix. google or youtube it to make yourself feel better. Not out of the ordinary.
  3. Yep; BA.2.75 sub-variant. Before the morning instant coffee I read ' BS.2.75 sub-variant' . Love that Black Roast Instant stuff.
  4. At 35 baht a head, some insurance companies are rubbing their hands together; I'm sure. That other 265 baht per head is ...? Oh, sure, it is with the 800 baht exit fee people.
  5. I put the money in a Thai bank the year the US Embassy stopped doing the 'Affidavit of Income' letters. That is 800,000 baht at 32 per dollar; probably would be breaking about even if I'd just paid a smoother because of the 36 baht to the dollar now.
  6. I think the "legal vacuum" is good. We get to see where "adjustments" should be made instead of just winging it on hope and a prayer or brown envelope.
  7. Not sure but I'm led to believe there are pockets all over the country.
  8. When I go to immigration with 1900 baht in hand for a 30 day extension on my entry visa (permission to stay), should I fork over another 300 for that fee again ? Hopefully only 35 baht extra, just for the 30 days of insurance.
  9. 35 baht for the insurance then? Hellbells, let me have another 35 bahts worth.
  10. I thought nominees didn't have to tell the truth in senate confirmation hearings. Supreme court judge nominees didn't and there's no blowback from that.
  11. I get from what the doc said I should go get a 'pneumonia shot' rather than a booster.
  12. Does this guy know how many 'frozen shoulders' his shots have caused ? Those Thai's that have been given a frozen shoulder along with one of those shots may have been better off taking their chances with Covid.
  13. I expect Blinken/Biden offering USA strategic oil reserves to show what side of the fence Thailand should lean.
  14. Looks to me Musk could pay a one billion breakup fee; then turn around and offer to buy the TWTR for ten billion less. He'd be nine billion better off.
  15. Hope that ALL was checked and rechecked. Would hate to find out the shower drains were clogged or the waste water pipes weren't installed correctly. Renovations can be tricky.
  16. I'd like to know a little more about the creation of that 'Rule/Regulation' !
  17. We've only his word for that. I doubt he had any money or vauables and that is why his shirt, shorts, & flip flops were taken (if not just forgotten where he placed them while black out drunk).
  18. Are you saying you only catch one flu per year? My flu vaccine prevents four flu strains ? I'd think you could catch four different flu type; one each. The info I read said it was for the 4 most likely flu strains but you could catch unlikely flu strain with bad luck.
  19. After the Ukraine difficulty is settled, everyone will line up to buy Russian/Ukrainian oil & gas. Nothing wrong with Thailand being ahead of the times. Besides, Thailand doesn't have a dog in that fight; stay out of it there is nothing to be gained by Thailand.
  20. The letters in MASK can be rearranged to spell SKAM.
  21. Thailand should do what's best for Thailand. Why would any Thai feel obligated to the Ukraine ? Russia has been courting Thailand for many years.
  22. The cool aid from America; The west is always right, don't cha know?
  23. The World Health Organization has classified processed meats including ham, bacon, salami and frankfurts as a Group 1 carcinogen...
  24. The ones prepared with documents are forced to wait for those that aren't; TIT.
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