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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Good chance she has some files if she is wanting to double her capacity. Or wants the room for storage of something.
  2. I took one of those ATK test to get into bars in Pattaya. Gouging in more ways than one. Sooner or later we'll probably find out you have brain cancer from cotton swabs touching the back of your sinuses.
  3. I personally hate to see the obese by choice rewarded in this way. Plenty of other children to vaccinate. YMMV
  4. The Thai's screw up the water and for sure that'll be the end of tourism. Except the very rich that can bring their own water.
  5. Thai logic could be if the Zebra Crossing is removed then it wasn't needed. If it wasn't needed then the Corporal shouldn't be punished for it being there, a victim himself of bad traffic planning.
  6. Perhaps a day late and a dollar short; but, it may help get the corporal off the hook.
  7. After reading these posts I almost have to start wondering how the Eye Doctor didn't see the Ducati motorcycle coming; it must of been at great speed. She had years of experience crossing streets in Thailand. Tourist have little chance compared to a Thai when it comes to crossing a street here.
  8. Yes I am. I have earned it in my lifetime. Only, my opinion is it isn't so much 'mean spirited' as realistic with a bit of uncaring thrown in. Wish I had a dollar for every time someone in Thailand has told me to 'take care yourself'. Thai's mean that, take care of yourself because the government doesn't. USA not the same.
  9. If they'd just turned down the music it wouldn't have happened. I remember the US Army using loud music to get Noriega out of his palace. Was supposed to be torture; drive Noriega and his guards crazy. Works on some it'd seem.
  10. Silver lining is so many of them were on the medicare/madicaid roles. An enormous amount of money has been saved not to mention so many doctors appointments freed up. Besides, those American numbers were cooked from the git go.
  11. I bet there were brown envelopes (or foreign aid moneys) from the USA to help those Thai in charge at the time to make marihuana illegal. There was a lot of influence by the DEA. Those that benefitted from the American largesse are no longer in power. Plus the USA is not so vehemently anti-marihuana these days.
  12. I'd say that in the past there were no laws against marihuana use. Same as no laws in the USA until early 20th century.
  13. Who is this guys father ? There must be some one with a lot of clout looking out for him.
  14. Doubtful it is his last resort, I'm afraid. To think of all the people the Dr. could have helped in her lifetime and he is all about helping himself. Years of education down the drain by a guy who couldn't or wouldn't even learn to ride a bike properly.
  15. 2020 thru much of 2021 Covid-19 caught me out of Thailand. Had to let my Visa-O extension lapse. So there one. I'm thinking lots of folks got caught in home countries and couldn't get back.
  16. GEEZ, seven pages of lawyer goobledeepoop. That form is over the top. ANA must have a priniting press to have enough of those forms, don't let the Thai Immigration see one.
  17. My understanding is 5G is for gamers, they need the speed. Most folks wouldn't touch the capabilities of 5G in their daily use. The OP getting a 5G sim isn't necessary but can be done by Swiss1960 informative post.
  18. Rabies will kill off tourism almost as quickly. On the other hand seems to be far fewer soi dogs than two years ago when I last was in Pattaya.
  19. Americans have little trust in what US Civil aviation says about phones; Twenty years and they still tell you to turn off your phone landing and taking off. Fix it already; they've had the time to. OH BTW, those Boeings that crashed because the US Civil aviation didn't do its job, they lost trust there too.
  20. Good to hear now that it is being published that mice and other rodents carry the covid virus.
  21. Hunters with muzzel loaders hunting tiger for fun ? If they got that kinda nerves I'd be okay with a slap on the hand and promise not to do it again. Be different if they were using modern high power rifles with scopes. I believe the poor saps. Check their homes, bet they are dirt poor saps at that.
  22. Thought there were Laws for Thai's and then Laws for Farang. Farang aren't allowed CBD under Thai law; illegal for Farang.
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